The full Council, consisting of 66 elected members, meets every six weeks, plus an annual meeting and a budget meeting.
Its role is to:
- Agree the policy framework, strategies and plans;
- Agree the
- Decide on the political management framework;
- Appoint the Leader for a term of four years.
The Cabinet is headed by the Leader of the Council. It consists of nine additional councillors who are appointed by the Leader. The Cabinet provides political leadership and direction across the whole range of council services and considers all policy issues.
The Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees are an integral part of the Council’s framework. They support the work of the Cabinet and Council, to whom they make recommendations. They contribute to the policy-making process by reviewing policies, scrutinising service reviews, examining issues in the Cabinet’s forward plan and reviewing information on the performance of services.
By law, certain decisions cannot be made by the Cabinet. These are mainly decisions relating to grating permissions or licences; hearing appeals and other certain personnel matters.
The Council has set up a number of committees to deal with these matters: