Title: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care
Party: Labour
Ward: Saltwell
Other councillors representing this Ward:
Home address:
351 Rectory Road
Tyne and Wear
Phone: 0191 433 2534
Mobile: 07747617665
Email: cllr.jadams@gateshead.gov.uk
Bus. phone: 0191 433 2534
Download Councillor John Adams contact details as VCard
I have lived in Gateshead for about 12 years, and I love the sense of community here in Saltwell. I am honoured to be your representative on the Council, and if you have any queries on any issue in Saltwell ward or across the Borough please do not hesitate to contact me. I will try to help you in any way I can.
I was elected onto the Council in the 2014 elections, and I currently also work as a special needs teacher in North Tyneside. I teach children on the autistic spectrum who also have moderate and severe learning difficulties. I am a member of the NASUWT.
I have been a member of the Labour Party since I was a teenager, and in the past I have worked for a Labour MP in the House of Commons and have been a Special Advisor to a Labour Cabinet minister. I also used to work for a left-of-centre think tank (IPPR) where I wrote and spoke about regional economic issues and unemployment. I first moved to the North East when I was asked to open the North East office of IPPR.