Venue: Bridges Room - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services, Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor L Green. |
Cabinet is asked to approve as a correct record the minutes of the last meeting held on 20 February 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting held on 20 February 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of Interest Cabinet members to declare an interest in any particular agenda item. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Caregivers Services Recommission PDF 167 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Integrated Adults and Social Care Services
Minutes: Consideration has been given to the approval to procure a new all-age Caregiver service in Gateshead, jointly commissioned by Gateshead Council and the Integrated Care Board (ICB), with the Council leading procurement.
(i) That the service model and associated costings to support the implementation of new Caregivers services in Gateshead be endorsed.
(ii) That progression to the next project procurement stage be approved.
(iii) That Cabinet note the contracts will be awarded by the Service Director, Corporate Commissioning and Improvement, following the tender process in accordance with the Contract Procedure Rules and the approval given by Cabinet in December 2023.
The decisions above have been made for the following reasons:
(a) To enable the delivery of a new Caregivers service from 1 September 2024, when existing contracts will expire.
(b) To meet local need and align services to strategic priorities across the local health and social care system.
(c) To enable an integrated commissioning approach across Health and Social Care, which prevents duplication of funding and resources, and maximises existing infrastructure. |
Corporate Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy PDF 94 KB Report of the Chief Executive Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration has been given for the endorsement and recommendation to Council for the approval of a new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.
(i) That the Council be recommended to approve the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.
The above decision has been made for the following reason:
(a) To demonstrate the Council’s commitment to tackling inequality in Gateshead, whilst ensuring compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty. |
Workforce Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Strategy PDF 100 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration has been given for the endorsement and recommendation to Council for the approval of a new Workforce Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) Policy and Strategy.
(i) That the Council be recommended to approve the Workforce Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) Policy and Strategy.
The above decision has been made for the following reason:
(a) To demonstrate the Council’s commitment to ensuring equality at the Council, delivery of the Workforce Strategy, Thrive, the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Corporate Plan whilst ensuring compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty and the Equality Act 2010. |
Senior Officer Pay Framework PDF 161 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance Minutes: Consideration has been given for the recommendation to Council for the approval of a revised Senior Officer pay framework which will enable a better, more sustainable and positive approach to recruitment and retention to roles at this Senior level.
(i) That the Council be recommended to agree: a. The amended Senior Officer Pay Framework to address the recruitment difficulties experienced. b. The date for implementation of the changes be from 1 April 2024. c. The Senior Officers affected by the proposed changes be engaged with immediate effect. d. The Pay Policy be amended to reflect the changes to the Senior Officer Framework. e. That all interested stakeholders including Trade Unions, Senior Officers, Payroll, HR, Finance etc. be updated on the changes to the pay framework.
The above decision has been made for the following reason:
(a) To enable a better, more sustainable and positive approach to recruitment and retention to roles at this Senior level. |
Localism Act 2011 – Pay Accountability: Pay Policy Statement - 2024/25 PDF 100 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration has been given for the recommendation to Council for the agreement of a revised Pay Policy Statement 2024/25.
(i) That the Council be recommended to approve the Pay Policy Statement 2024-25.
The above decision has been made for the following reason:
(a) To comply with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. |
Health and Safety Strategy PDF 94 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration has been given for the recommendation to Council for the approval of the Health & Safety Strategy.
(i) That the Council be recommended to approve the Health & Safety Strategy.
The above decision has been made for the following reason:
(a) To support the Council to achieve its aim for improving standards and culture of health and safety across the workforce. |
Treasury Policy Statement and Treasury Strategy 2024/25 to 2028/29 PDF 328 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital Minutes: Consideration has been given for the recommendation to Council for the approval of the Treasury Policy Statement and Treasury Strategy for 2024/25 to 2028/29.
(i) That the Council be recommended to approve the Treasury Policy Statement and Treasury Strategy for 2024/25 to 2028/29.
The above decision has been made for the following reason:
(a) To ensure that the Council fully complies with the requirements of good financial practice in Treasury Management. |
Information Security Framework and Policy PDF 270 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital Minutes: Consideration has been given for the recommendation to Council for the approval of a new Information Security Framework and Associated IT Security Policy and the approach to implementing the new framework approach and associated policies.
(i) That the Council be recommended to approve a new Information Security Framework and Associated IT Security Policy and the approach to implementing the new framework approach and associated policies to safeguard the Council’s Information Assets and Technologies.
The above decision has been made for the following reason:
(a) To preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the Council’s information assets enabling services to deliver the Thrive Agenda and the Council Plan, and protecting those whose information we hold. |
Gateshead Adults Caregivers Strategy 2024-2029 and Delivery Plan PDF 107 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Integrated Adults and Social Care Services
Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration has been given for the approval of the Gateshead Adult Caregivers’ strategy.
(i) That Cabinet approves the Integrated Adults Caregiver’s Strategy and Delivery Plan.
The above decision has been made for the following reasons:
(a) To ensure Gateshead place has an up-to-date and relevant strategic approach to improving support for Adult Caregivers. (b) To ensure the implementation of the aims and objectives set out in the strategy by relevant stakeholders. |
Miscellaneous Income – Transfer of Uncollectable Amounts PDF 99 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital Minutes: Consideration has been given for the approval of the Gateshead Adult Caregivers’ strategy.
(i) That Cabinet approves the Integrated Adults Caregiver’s Strategy and Delivery Plan.
The above decision has been made for the following reasons:
(a) To ensure Gateshead place has an up-to-date and relevant strategic approach to improving support for Adult Caregivers.
(b) To ensure the implementation of the aims and objectives set out in the strategy by relevant stakeholders.
Report of the Strategic Directors, Resources & Digital and Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities Minutes: Consideration has been given for the approval to transfer out of the Council’s Accounts outstanding balances in excess of £500 from miscellaneous income accounts, Housing Benefits overpayments and Council tax Court Costs, where all possible recovery action has been taken and the balances are now considered to be uncollectable.
(i) That Cabinet agrees to the transfer of balances on 96 Sundry Debtor accounts, amounting to £335,837.67, 49 Housing Benefits overpayment invoices totalling £135,100.62 and 8 Council Tax accounts court costs totalling £4,421.96.
(ii) That Cabinet notes the action taken under delegated powers to transfer out of the Council’s accounts the identified amounts that are deemed uncollectable.
The above decision has been made for the following reasons:
(a) To ensure the effective management of the Council’s resources.
(b) To ensure that the Council Accounts accurately reflect the correct financial position. |
UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) - Gateshead Community Chest Fund PDF 170 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities Minutes: Consideration has been given to support the recommendations of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPP) and to approve the transfer to the Community Foundation to distribute the funding.
(i) That Cabinet supports the recommendations of the UKSPF Community Fund Panel.
(ii) That Cabinet approves the transfer of £348,555.71 to The Community Foundation to distribute the funding, subject to the successful organisations agreeing to the terms and conditions contained in an offer letter.
The above decision has been made for the following reasons:
(a) The UKSPF Panel and Culture, Sport and Leisure Portfolio agree that the recommendations meet the funding criteria and will benefit the residents of Gateshead.
(b) The release of the money will allow projects to start and spend the Levelling Up Money allocated to this funding project. |
Grant of a lease – Former Thomas Hepburn School site, Swards Road, Felling PDF 89 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities
Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration has been given to approve the grant of a 125 year lease in relation to the property at the former Thomas Hepburn School site to XP School Trust Ltd.
(i) That Cabinet approves the grant of a 125 year lease of the former Thomas Hepburn School site to XP School Trust Ltd.
The above decision has been made for the following reasons:
(a) To manage the asset in line with the Councils Corporate Asset Strategy and Management Plan.
(b) To make savings for the Council. |
Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth Minutes: Consideration has been given to the notice of Gateshead Council’s response to South Tyneside Council’s Draft Local Plan Consultation (Regulation 19), and Fellgate Sustainable Growth Area Supplementary Planning Document Scoping Report.
(i) That Cabinet approves the consultation responses to be submitted to South Tyneside Council.
The above decision has been made for the following reasons:
(a) To provide comments on cross-boundary issues.
(b) To engage with neighbouring authorities. |
Nomination of a Local Authority School Governor PDF 91 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Children’s Social Care and Lifelong Learning Minutes:
(i) That Cabinet approves the nomination for reappointment of a Local Authority Governor.
(ii) That Cabinet notes the term of office as determined by the schools’ Instrument of Government.
The above decision has been made for the following reasons:
(a) To ensure the School Governing Body has full membership. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public The Cabinet may wish to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) on the grounds indicated:
Item Paragraph of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972
21 3 Minutes: RESOLVED:
(i) That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the remaining business in accordance with paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. |
Gateshead Quays - Amendments to Legal Agreements and Acceptance of North East Mayoral Combined Authority (NEMCA) Capital Regeneration Funds Report of the Chief Executive, Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth and Strategic Director, Resources and Digital Minutes: Consideration has been given to approve amendments to all existing legal documents between the Council and Ask Patrizia for the Gateshead Quays development - The Sage: an Arena and International Conference Centre (ICC), Linear Park and Hotels reflecting the phased approach to the development.
Consideration was also given to accept £3.5m funds from the North East Mayoral Combined Authority (NEMCA) Capital Regeneration Fund for investment in Gateshead Quays (£3m) and Railway Quarter (£0.5m).
(i) That Cabinet delegate to the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance and Strategic Director, Resources and Digital authority to amend the legal documents as necessary, in line with approved changes to the phasing of the scheme.
(ii) That Cabinet note the Funding Conditions and approve the acceptance of £3.5m NEMCA Capital Regeneration Fund subject to confirmation of the final Terms and Conditions of the grant.
(iii) That Cabinet delegate the acceptance of the NEMCA Capital Regeneration Fund grant and associated funding conditions to the Strategic Director, Economy Innovation and Growth in consultation with the Leader and the Strategic Directors, Resources and Digital, and Corporate Services and Governance.
The above decision has been made for the following reasons:
(a) To bring forward the regeneration of Gateshead Quays, which supports the Council’s aspiration of making Gateshead a place where everyone thrives.
(b) To reaffirm the commitment to invest in the local economy to provide sustainable opportunities for employment, innovation and growth across the borough.
(c) To maintain momentum on the scheme, signal confidence in the local economy which is important as part of the delivery of the Economic Development Strategy. |