Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 15th December, 2020 10.00 am

Venue: This is a virtual meeting. Please click here to access the meeting.

Contact: Mike Aynsley Email: 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 358 KB

Cabinet is asked to approve as a correct record the minutes of the last meeting held on 17 November 2020.


The minutes of the last meeting held on 17 November 2020 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Chopwell Green Homes Grant pdf icon PDF 374 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given to the action taken by the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth, in submitting an application for £5.89m grant from the Local Authority Delivery Round 1B element of the Green Homes Grant to deliver energy efficiency improvements to homes in Chopwell, in an effort to reduce fuel poverty, cut carbon emissions and support housing market renewal and to providing delegated authority to submit a further bid for £1.2m grant from round 2 of this grant scheme.






That the action taken by the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth under Part 3, Schedule 5, Part 2 4 (e) of the Constitution, in submitting the £5.89m grant application on 4 December 2020 to the Local Authority Delivery Round 1B element of the Green Homes Grant to meet application deadlines and to deliver energy efficiency improvements to homes in Chopwell be noted.






That the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth be authorised to agree the submission of a further circa £1.2m grant application to Round 2 of the Local Authority Delivery element of the Green Homes Grant, following consultation with the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital.






That the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth be authorised to agree and approve the terms of the grant awards, if successful, following consultation with the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance and the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital.






That the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth be authorised to agree and approve the scope and terms of design / preconstruction contract at £140k with Willmott Dixon Construction Ltd, following consultation with the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance and the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To support the Thrive agenda.






To support the Council’s Climate Emergency and targets of net zero emissions by 2030.



Infrastructure Funding Statement pdf icon PDF 810 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given to:

a)     the financial contributions the Council has secured through Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Contributions and Section 106 agreements from new developments for off-site infrastructure works and affordable housing;

b)     the proposal for the spending of CIL on strategic infrastructure; and

c)     the Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) so that it can be published on the Council’s website by the end of 2020.






That the financial contributions the Council has secured through CIL Contributions and Section 106 agreements from new developments for off-site infrastructure works and affordable housing be noted.






That the strategic infrastructure priority for spending CIL on junction improvements along the A695 corridor to support new housing in the area, as set out in the report be approved.






That the Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) as set out in in Appendix 2 to the report be approved and published on the Council’s website by the end of 2020.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To enable the Council to comply with the CIL Regulations.






To enable the provision of strategic infrastructure – namely junction improvements along the A695 corridor – to support the demands of new housing developments in Crawcrook, Ryton and Prudhoe.



Local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 301 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital


Consideration has been given to recommending the Council to approve the Local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2021/22.




The alternative options to that being proposed, but which were discounted, included the adoption of a scheme which offers less support by increasing the minimum contribution or more support to residents by increasing at a greater rate the Council’s commitment of resources.






That the Council be recommended to:






Approve the proposed Local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2021/22 as set out in the report.






Delegate powers to the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital to provide regulations to give effect to the scheme.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To meet the statutory requirements of the Local Government Finance Act 2012 in relation to the establishment of a framework for Localised Council Tax Support.






To mitigate the impact of Welfare Reform changes on Council Tax support claimants.






To mitigate the impact of funding reductions on Council finances.






To support the Council’s “Thrive” agenda.



Budget – Approach to Recovery 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 485 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital


Consideration has been given to the Council’s budget approach in 2021/22 that will support the delivery of the Council’s thrive objectives alongside the increasing financial challenges of the world pandemic.




The alternative option to that being recommended, but which was discounted, included reducing service areas to reflect reduced funding availability.






That the approach to 2021/2022 budget as set out in the report and the timeline for future reporting to support the delivery of thrive objectives and achieve financial sustainability be approved.




The above decision has been made for the following reasons:






To contribute to the good financial management practice of the Council.






To assist the financial sustainability of the Council over the medium to long term.



Highway Asset Management Plan Update pdf icon PDF 385 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given to the annual update of the Highway Asset Management Plan 2018-30, which provides the latest performance information and details of progress with key targets in the plan.   






That the updated Highway Asset Management Plan targets 2018-30 as set in appendix 4 to the report be approved.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To maximise investment in the local transport network. 






To provide the basis for improved management and maintenance of Gateshead’s highway network and to ensure the effective use of resources.






To maximise external funding streams awarded to authorities who carry out effective highway management.



Corporate Complaints and Compliments Procedure – Annual Report 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 276 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to an analysis of the complaints and compliments recorded by the Council during the year 2019/20. 






That the Corporate Complaints and Compliments Procedure Annual Report for 2019/20 be approved.






That the Annual Report be referred to the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration.




The above decisions have been made to have an effective and timely complaints and compliments procedure.



Exclusion of the Press and Public

The Cabinet may wish to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) on the grounds indicated:


Item                                                     Paragraph of Schedule 12A to the Local                                                                   Government Act 1972


10                                                        3

11                                                        3

12                                                        3

13                                                        3

14                                                        1




That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the remaining business in accordance with the indicated paragraphs of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



Transfer of land at Whitley Court, Wrekenton to the Gateshead Regeneration Partnership

Report of the Strategic Directors, Economy, Innovation & Growth and Housing, Environment & Healthy Communities


Consideration has been given to the freehold transfer of land at Whitley Court in Wrekenton to the Gateshead Regeneration Partnership; and, subsequently, for the Council (in its housing authority role), to purchase 28 family homes, 12 supported apartments and 4 supported bungalows built on that land, by Gateshead Regeneration Partnership, for the amount set out in the report, using funds from the Housing Revenue Account.  The units would predominantly be for affordable rent to be retained by the Council, with 8 houses available for affordable sale.






That the content of the Business Plan cost as set out appendix 3 to the report be noted.






That the submission of an Affordable Homes Programme funding bid to Homes England as set out in the report be approved.






That the transfer of the freehold interest of the Whitley Court site to Gateshead Regeneration Partnership for nil consideration be approved.






That the acquisition of the 44 properties from Gateshead Regeneration Partnership for the amount set out in the report be approved.






That the Strategic Director, Housing, Environment & Healthy Communities following consultation with Strategic Director Economy, Innovation and Growth, Strategic Director Resources & Digital and Strategic Director Corporate Services & Governance be authorised to agree a market value, and enter into an Agreement for Sale with Gateshead Regeneration Partnership that formalises staged deposit payments, milestones and ensures that the Council is purchasing the properties in accordance with the specification designed by Gateshead Regeneration Partnership.






That the Strategic Director, Housing, Environment & Healthy Communities, following consultation with the Strategic Director Corporate Services & Governance be authorised to accept the Homes England funding offer and enter into the Homes England Grant Funding Agreement.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To support the delivery of 44 homes, with a start on site in January 2021.






To help secure affordable homes funding from Homes England for the proposed housing.






To enable income to accrue to the Council; and training, employment and socio-economic benefits for the residents and businesses of Gateshead.






To utilise the Council’s land and property portfolio to support the Council’s policy priorities in accordance with the provisions of the Council’s Corporate Asset Strategy and Management Plan 2015 – 2020.



Gateshead Quays Link Road - Acceptance of Grant Offer

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given accepting a Getting Building Fund grant to support the delivery the Gateshead Quays Link Road.






That the North East Local Enterprise Partnership’s (NELEP) offer of a £5 million Getting Building Fund grant to the Council to support the delivery of this project be accepted.






That the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation & Growth, following consultation with the Strategic Directors, Corporate Services & Governance and Resources & Digital be authorised to agree the final terms of the Funding Agreement.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To support the delivery of the Thrive pledge to invest in our economy to provide sustainable opportunities for employment, innovation and growth across the borough.






To enable the delivery of the Conference and Exhibition Centre, Arena and Hotels at Gateshead Quays, associated Multi Storey Car Park and the future development of Baltic Quarter for offices and homes.



Property Transaction - Lease Renewal of Unit 23, Interchange Centre

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given to the grant of a new 10-year lease of Unit 23, Interchange Centre, Gateshead to Wilko Retail Ltd.






That the grant of a new 10-year lease of Unit 23, Interchange Centre, Gateshead to Wilko Retail Ltd, as set out in the report be approved.






That the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth be authorised to agree the detailed terms of this property transaction.




The above decisions have been taken to manage resources in accordance with the provisions of the Corporate Asset Strategy and Management Plan.



Property Transaction - Surrender and Grant of a New Lease of Site 6 Saltmeadows Road, Gateshead

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth




Consideration has been given to the surrender of the current lease of Site 6 Saltmeadows Road, Gateshead from Tyne & Wear Fire & Rescue Service and the grant of a new lease for a term of 125 years to Sukhvinder Singh Dhillon, Sukhvir Singh Dhillon, Balbir Kaur Dhillon and Sirbjit Kaur Dhillon as Trustees of the Dhillon Family Pension Scheme.






That the surrender of the current lease of Site 6 Saltmeadows Road, Gateshead from Tyne & Wear Fire & Rescue Service and the grant of a new lease for a term of 125 years to Sukhvinder Singh Dhillon, Sukhvir Singh Dhillon, Balbir Kaur Dhillon and Sirbjit Kaur Dhillon as Trustees of the Dhillon Family Pension Scheme, as set out in the report be approved.






That the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth be authorised to agree the detailed terms of this property transaction.




The above decisions have been made to manage resources in accordance with the provisions of the Corporate Asset Strategy and Management Plan.




(Councillor G Haley declared a personal and non prejudicial interest in the above matter because he is a member of the Tyne and Wear Fire and Civil Defence Authority.)



Review of the Office of the Chief Executive

Report of the Chief Executive and Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance


Consideration has been given to a proposed change to the current management structure of the Council to enable the recommendations arising from a review of the Office of the Chief Executive to be implemented.






That the Council be recommended to approve the establishment of a new Service Director post within the Office of the Chief Executive.






That the content of the report regarding the review of the Office of the Chief Executive, as set out in appendix 2 to the report be noted.






That commencement of formal consultation with employees and the Trade Unions on the proposals contained within this report be approved.




The above decisions have been made to ensure that the Office of the Chief Executive is fully focussed on delivering and supporting the outcomes of the Council’s Thrive agenda.