Agenda item

OSC Review of the Council and Partner's Approach to Roads and Highways - Final Report

Report of the the Director of Development, Transport and Public Protection


The Committee received the final report on the outcome form the Review of the Role of Council and its Partners with regards to Roads and Highways.


The Aims of the Review was focussed on gathering evidence in four main areas:


·         Funding and repairs

·         Traffic congestion

·         Enforcement; and

·         Road Safety


Vision 2030 set out the 6 big ideas for Gateshead, transport related closely to the themes of “City of Gateshead”, “Sustainable Gateshead” and “Active and Healthy Gateshead”.  The Tyne and Wear Local Transport Plan which sets out the transport policy framework for Gateshead, identifies three main challenges for the transport network.


·         Supporting economic development and regeneration

·         Addressing climate change

·         Supporting safe and sustainable communities


Evidence sessions were undertaken in each of the four main areas identified as the aims of the review.  The following issues were identified:


Funding and Repairs – Available funding is not sufficient to maintain the highway, future actions include


·         A further annual OSC session to be arranged to review the position of annual spending on highway maintenance

·         Further work will be undertaken to improve the effectiveness of the Highway Asset Management Plan and attract higher levels of funding from government

·         Members briefing to be circulated providing details of how members can keep up to date about roadworks in the borough

·         Investigate improved ways of keeping ward members updated as to progress on transport and highway issues in the ward


Traffic Congestion – as with many urban areas traffic congestion is a significant problem, with various economic , social and environmental consequences.  Future actions include:


·         Encouraging the use of sustainable forms of transport in Gateshead

·         Ensure background studies are done to inform future bids for Government Funding


Enforcement – effective parking management and enforcement contributes to a number of wider objectives, including congestion, safety, air quality, accessibility and fairness.  Future actions include:


·         Progressing plans to introduce bus lane enforcement.  This will help target specific problem areas identified by residents and the Police.

·         Target areas suffering the worst parking problems and investigate schemes that will address the issues and enable enforcement to take place

·         Investigate the options available to the police and Council to enforce pavement parking

·         Investigate the options available to the Council and Police to take action against unsafe parking near schools.


Road Safety – Information on trends in road safety and the benefits of better safety was noted in relation to


·         Lives saved and injuries prevented

·         People living full and healthy lives

·         Preventing emotional and physical trauma

·         Saving public money

·         Supporting wider policies

·         Tackling health inequalities

·         Improving quality of life


A presentation was received from the Police in relation to their road safety activity.  This highlighted the difficulties and concerns around enforcing speed limits particularly at night.  Whilst the good work done by the police was recognised it was also identified that more could be done, further actions include:


·         Investigate opportunities to liaise with the police over deployment of resources for speed enforcement

·         Investigate opportunities to work with the police on road safety education

·         Consider the extension of community speedwatch to other areas in Gateshead.


The Committee is asked to agree final recommendations as outlined below and to agree to the Chair presenting this report to Cabinet as representing the Committee’s findings and recommendations from the review process.


·         That the funding position for highway maintenance continues to be monitored, with further sessions for members arranged as appropriate

·         That options for closing the shortfall in highway maintenance funding continue to be investigated

·         That arrangements for keeping local members informed of highway repair and maintenance activity in their ward are reviewed

·         That current policies aimed at reducing traffic growth and encouraging sustainable modes of transport are maintained

·         That the benefits of joint working between the Council and the Police in the areas of road safety and speed enforcement are recognised and opportunities are taken to improve the effectiveness and build on existing relationships.

·         That an update of progress against the actions identified is reported back to Committee on an annual basis.


It was suggested that the Chair of this Committee should also write to the Police and Crime Commissioner and highlight the concerns of Portfolio Holders and this Committee.


RESVOLVED -           That subject to the additional comment regarding the letter to the police and crime commissioner the recommendations be noted and presented to Cabinet at its next meeting.







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