Agenda item

Preventing Homelessness for Young People

Report of Lisa Wood, Practice Leader, Childrens Social Care and Lifelong Learning


A joint protocol between Housing Services and Children’s Social Care was shared with OSC, outlining the action to be taken where a young person aged 16/17 approaches either Housing Services or Children Social Care and are homeless or threatened with homelessness.

The protocol was attached as an appendix to the report given on progress to date. The Protocol will be reviewed annually and when changes in legislation determine by both Children’s Social Care and Housing Services.

The protocol sets out that:

·         Children’s Social Care and Housing Services have agreed to adopt a one front door approach which aims to ensure that there is a consistent approach to all 16- and 17-year-olds who seek help from the Council who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. All these children will be referred to the Integrated Referral Team (IRT), Assessment and Intervention, Children’s Social Care.

·         If the young person is homeless or at risk of homelessness, a Children and Family assessment will be offered to the young person to find out whether the young person may have any other additional needs that would warrant Children’s Social Care intervention and assistance under the Child in Need framework other than housing.

·         The allocated Social Worker will co work with the YPHPW jointly assessing what support is required. The key aim is to avoid homelessness and allow young people to remain in the family home where possible, as this will be in the long-term best interests of most young people.

·         A mosaic contact record (Children’s Social Care system) will be created for every young person that is assessed and deemed homeless or threatened with homelessness, which details the concerns regarding the young person.

·         The YPHPW will also create, log and maintain details of each case on NEC (Housing Services system) in line with HCLIC specification.

·         and within the parameters of the homelessness framework.

·         If the young person does not wish to become a child in our care, and/or refuses a Children and Families Assessment, and accommodation is required, the YPHPW will determine which Duty is owed to the young person.

The OSC received a review of the response to 16/17 homelessness in Childrens Services. The Review highlighted a need for consistent practice when young people require a social worker as part of the prevention of homelessness and to assess the holistic needs of 16/17 year olds who need to be considered as children in need.

The Contextual Safeguarding Management Team will provide management oversight of both the support to prevent 16/17 homelessness and the statutory social care response when a young person is on the edge of homelessness or prevents as homeless.

An agreed data set has been agreed by senior managers within Housing and Childrens Social Care. This will be included in future performance reports.

The service has had 195 conversations about individual children which has led to 95 consultations.

The OSC asked about accommodations at Eslington House. An update was given that there hasn’t been a capacity issue with this accommodation and that there are alternative accommodations for young people to be housed in. There haven’t been any cases of needing to find accommodation outside of the Borough.


i.              The OSC noted the report.

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