Agenda item

Anti-social Behaviour Review

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive/Strategic Director of Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities.


The Committee received a report seeking views on the progress of the Anti-social behaviour (ASB) review.

It was reported that a major review of ASB services in Gateshead is underway, commissioned by the Community Safety Board (CSB). The Committee were advised that the impact of ASB is consistently evidenced in public consultation exercises, with action to tackle ASB being one of the top priorities for Gatesheadresidents. It was noted that tackling ASB is a complex issue with expertise, responsibilities and powers shared between different agencies that take different approaches, use different definitions, thresholds, and with a variety of resources andpriorities.

An overview with details of the review goals was provided as follows:


·       Goal 1 - To better understand together how we tackle ASB in Gateshead.

·       Goal 2 - To agree a shared purpose between services involved in tackling ASB, supporting victims and in helping perpetrators to change their behaviour.

·       Goal 3 - To set up and test new ways of working that achieve that purpose and make best use of resources.

·       Goal 4 - From the learning, make informed decisions about permanently changing the way work is designed and managed.


It was highlighted that when each type of ASB demand has been tested, it will then be necessary to work out how to make the redesigned method ‘everyday business’ to allow for continued learning and further improvement. It was also noted that it is important to “hardwire in” the measures that will ensure the work continues to achieve its purpose.


It was also reported that the review has focused to date on the ASB that results in the greatest number of reports and demand on services. This has centred around behaviour by adults that cause harassment, alarm or distress such as noise, threatening behaviour, neighbour disputes and poor waste management. The Committee were advised that further work is required to investigate the extent, underlying causes, services and solutions to youth related and wider types of environmental anti-social behaviour.


The Committee expressed their support for aims of the review and noted that continued strong working relationships with partners such as Northumbria Police are important. A comment was also made that ASB causes havoc in communities and can have serious detrimental impacts to the health and wellbeing of victims.


A question was asked regarding support for staff who deal with ASB; it was also asked what framework was to be put in place so staff are aware of certain triggers for action against ASB. Officers advised that teams will work to a 20 day resolution on ASB reports, it was also noted that there are plans for the Council to have a single point of contact for ASB reporting to streamline the existing process.


The Committee discussed environmental ASB, particularly in relation to fly tipping. The Committee expressed frustration at the prevalence of fly tipping across Gateshead and noted that the current ‘reactive’ method of enforcement was not efficient. Officers advised that as part of the review, more preventative measures to reduce fly tipping were being explored; it was acknowledged that as part of the review new ways of working and measures would be developed on a case-by-case basis.


The Committee asked whether there is ward level data in relation to ASB that can be shared; it was agreed that this information would be circulated outside of the meeting.



(i)              The Committee noted the contents of the report.

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