Agenda item

Inspection of Services for Children in Need of Help and Protection, Children Looked After and Care Leavers

Report of Interim Strategic Director, Care Wellbeing and Learning


A report was presented informing Committee of the findings from Ofsted’s inspection of the services for children in need of help and protection, children looked after and care leavers and their review of the effectiveness of the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board.


It was reported that the overall judgement of Children’s services in Gateshead was good.  Seven inspections were carried out within the region, with only Gateshead and Hartlepool receiving a good rating.  Nationally 85 inspections were carried out, only 20 were graded good and two outstanding.


Gateshead was found to have eight Annex O’s, these are where inspectors observe best or innovative practice, it was noted that this was the highest numbers of Annex O’s.  Each area of the inspection was highlighted; children in need help and protection was found to be good, the multi agency arrangements were good and the thresholds well embedded.  Early help was found to be good and there was recognition of good relationships between social workers and families.  It was also noted that Gateshead has a proactive approach, seen through the number of unborn plans.  It was found that LAC permanence was good and the voices of LAC were heard and well supported, placement stability was found to be good.


Risk areas, child sexual exploitation and substance misuse, was found to be appropriately supported.  Ofsted also noted that there was good planning in terms of rehabilitation to return home and the prevention of family breakdown.  Adoption performance was rated good and it was noted that there is minimal disruption.


In terms of care leavers it was found that improvement was required, however there were good practice examples highlighted.


Leadership, management and governance was found to be good and there was a strong ethos of collective responsibility across the Council.  It was also found that the OSC gave ‘robust challenge’.


A number of recommendations were highlighted by Ofsted, including; improving quality of plans, however this was flagged up by management prior to completion of the inspection.  It was also recommended that all children subject to child protection processes should have access to independent advocacy.  It was noted that this is well promoted but a lot of young people prefer to go through the Children’s Rights Officer rather than seek independent advocacy, this was an area highlighted under an Annex O.


It was reported the review of the LSCB found that it required improvement.  Ofsted recommended that the LSCB needed to engage more effectively with the community and that there should be better links between the LSCB and the Health and Wellbeing Board.


A regional overview of inspections was provided. 


It was queried what it would take to tip the balance to outstanding.  It was confirmed that those reports from outstanding local authorities are currently being looked at to see what Gateshead needs to aspire to.




That the Committee noted the contents of the report.



That the Committee agreed to scrutinise and monitor the subsequent improvement plan relating to the Ofsted findings.




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