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The minutes of the meeting of the Joint Committee held on 21 November 2022 are attached for approval. |
NEXT STEPS FOR ICS Dan Jackson, Director of Governance and Partnerships, NE & NC ICS, will provide the Joint OSC with an update on this matter. |
Attached is a briefing paper providing the Joint OSC with an update on non-surgical oncology workforce challenges in the NE.
Representatives from NHS England, who are responsible for commissioning oncology services, Newcastle Hospitals, as the provider of these services, and the Northern Cancer Alliance, alongside the newly formed Provider Collaborative, which represents all FTs in the region, will also provide the Joint OSC with a presentation on this matter to support the Joint OSC’s consideration of the issues.
The Joint OSC will also be provided with a further presentation on Gynae oncology services across the NENC.
UPDATE ON INTEGRATED CARE STRATEGY PDF 968 KB Peter Rooney, Director of Strategy and Planning NE&NC ICB, will provide the Joint ICS OSC with a presentation on this matter. A copy of the NENC Integrated Care Strategy is also attached. |
WORK PROGRAMME 2022-23 The Joint OSC has agreed that the below issues should be included in the 2022-23 work programme.
Issue to Slot In Children’s Mental Health Provision – Update on Current Performance and Future Provision
DATES AND TIMES OF FUTURE MEETINGS It was agreed that future meetings of the Joint OSC are held at Gateshead Civic Centre on the following dates and times:-
· 20 March 2023 at 2.30pm |