Agenda and minutes

Gateshead Health and Wellbeing Board - Friday, 6th September, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Bridges Room - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Grace Anderson – Democratic Services Officer, Tel: 0191 433 4635, Email: 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 129 KB

The minutes of the meeting held on the 19th July 2024 are attached for approval, together with the Action List


Additional documents:


The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as an accurate record with no matters arising.


Declarations of Interest

Members of the Board to declare an interest in any particular agenda item.


Updates from Board Members


The Board was notified of the standing down of the Children’s Strategic Partnership, in aid of setting up a strategic framework for what children’s services deliver and creating this from a set of shared priorities across partners. The framework development will build in broad consultation with young people with particular effort to engage groups that are less vocal, including primary aged children.

A further update will be brought to the Board on this strategic framework and will engage with the ICB on single point of access work.


       i.          The Board noted this update.


LGA Peer Challenge of Adult Social Care - Steph Downey and Helen Ramsden pdf icon PDF 427 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a presentation and report giving an overview of the results of the Local Government Association’s Peer Review Challenge.

The improvement plan’s key priority areas were outlined as follows:

  • Implementation of Community Led Support
  • Self-Directed Support
  • Strengths Based Practice
  • Extra Care Housing Developments
  • Supported Living Transitions
  • Tech Enabled Care
  • The Voice of People and Communities
  • MORE

Further reports will be brought to the Board on this in the future. It was noted that those involved in the peer review process thought that the process was worthwhile and strong.


i.                 The Board noted the presentation and report.


Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA): its role, function, future development and process for health needs assessments - Louise Sweeney and Ed O'Malley


A presentation and website demonstration were given of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), focusing on its goals and implantation.

This included an overview of the JSNA and what data it is able to give us so far.

The proposed next steps were as follows:

1.     Establish a group to develop the JSNA in line with the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Health in All Policies approach

2.     Ensure Health and Wellbeing Board partner involvement to strengthen the JSNA and promote its use, developing mechanisms for ongoing collaboration

3.     Look at processes for developing the JSNA feedback loop so that ongoing research, learning and evaluation is fed back into the JSNA

The Board expressed strong support of the JSNA and the engagement of partners with it.


       i.          The Board noted the presentation and demonstration.


Consultation on Selective and Additional HMO Licensing - Christine Oates pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The Board received a presentation on the Selective and Additional HMO Licensing consultation.

The council proposes to implement rented property licensing in 16 neighbourhoods to address poor housing conditions and other issues that make the impacts of poverty worse, such as overcrowding, fuel poverty, anti-social behaviour, and crime.

The licensing types that the Council is proposing to implement are;

·        Selective Licensing for rented homes occupied by single people, two sharers and families, and;

·        Additional HMO Licensing for small Houses in Multiple Occupation; where three or four people that are not related share a rented home

The consultation period had focus groups and in person consultation sessions, as well as an online consultation.


i.                 The Board shared its support for the aims of the consultation.

ii.                The Chair agreed to write a letter of support for the consultation on behalf of the Board.


Older Persons Mental Health Pathway - Anj Kumar


The Board received a presentation on the Older Persons Strategy, including dementia. North East and North Cumbria (NENC) NHS continue to work with Gateshead Council and Newcastle City Council on the strategy to include:

·        Care at home

·        Creative arts

·        Funding housing needs

·        Community access to services

·        Prevention and early intervention

A review of the older persons mental health offer was conducted in 2023/24

The delivery team are currently doing a deep dive into commissioned older peoples mental health services. This will explore the current offer, the current financial envelope, how easy the system is to navigate and conclude with key actions that will be implemented during 2025/26.

The following CMHTransformation ambitions, both delivered or planned, were discussed:

·        IPS

·        Crisis Café/Safe Haven

·        The Space – Wellbeing Support Hub

·        MDTs

·        Employment, Vocation and Wellbeing

·        Perinatal and Maternal Mental Health

·        Mental Health Mapping

·        Rehab and Complex Emotional Needs pathways

An offer was made to work with the Fire and Rescue Service to support elderly people to feel safer from fire, as recent fire fatality reports show a pattern of age and frailty becoming a higher cause of fires.

It was noted that Public Health have met with the Queen Elizabeth Hospital’s Consultancy Palliative Care, who are working towards conducting a project on compassionate communities. The hospital’s palliative care has been recognised as high quality.


i.                 The presentation was received and noted.


Gateshead Cares System Board Update - Mark Dornan pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The Board received a presentation on the ongoing work of the Gateshead Cares System Board. The Board were updated on the following items:

  • Gateshead Place Plan update: Priority 4 – Mental Health, Learning Disabilities, and Autism
  • Enabler project: Workforce, Workforce Partnership Group
  • People@theheart
  • Great North Care Record


i.                 The Board received the presentation.


Better Care Fund - Quarter 1 Return for 2024-25 - Lynn Wilson pdf icon PDF 257 KB


An update was received detailing the progress of the Better Care Fund in Quarter 1. Funding for 2024/25 has been approved.


i.                 The Board noted the update received.


Pharmacy Notifications pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Additional documents:


Notifications were received from the NENC ICB regarding changes of ownership to two local pharmacies.


       i.          The Board noted the notifications provided.