Agenda and minutes

Gateshead Health and Wellbeing Board - Friday, 7th June, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Bridges Room - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Grace Anderson – Democratic Services Officer, Tel: 0191 433 4635, Email: 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 26 April 2024 were agreed as an accurate record with no matters arising, subject to the following amendments:

·         Noting partner agreement to the Gateshead Compact.

·         Amendments to the attendance due to a system error.


Declarations of Interest

Members of the Board to declare an interest in any particular agenda item.


No declarations of interest were made.


Updates from Board Members


The Board received the following update from members:

·         Adult Social Care is awaiting notification of a site visit from CQC and are anticipating this to take place in September.


      i.        The update given was noted.

     ii.        The Board requested an item to come to the next meeting with an update from Citizens Advice.


Implementation of Health and Wellbeing Strategy (Report and Presentation) - Louise Sweeney pdf icon PDF 384 KB


The Board received a report providing a progress summary on The Health and Wellbeing Strategy Approach and Plan for Implementation, which was approved by the Board in April 2023.

The report covers three parts covering the implementation of the report:

  • Part 1 – Focus on six cross cutting implementation themes to help deliver the strategy
  • Part 2 – Strategic drivers to support delivery of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy’s policy objectives, building a picture of the work being done by partner organisations
  • Part 3 – An additional four action areas which were identified as priority areas for further work

The report includes a detailed update on each of these parts. The Board commended the depth of the report and welcomed future updates with further detail.

The report also proposed that the Health and Wellbeing Strategy should be updated to include the two new Marmot principals introduced in 2022, as the Strategy is based on the original six Marmot principles. The two new principles are:

  • Tackle racism, discrimination and their outcomes.
  • Pursue environmental sustainability and health equity together

The Board agreed that the new principles proposed were important and should be included in the strategy.  It also confirmed that it is important that the goals of the Strategy remain achievable and manageable. Partners highlighted that work on these principles is ongoing and that their formal addition is welcome.

It was also felt that the equality, diversity and inclusion principles could go further, and that a proposal to strengthen this will be brought to the Council’s CMT in the future.

Note: Page 9, the report presented to the Board mentioned that:

‘Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust (GHNHST) have introduced the Winifred Laver Centre, a 60-bed intermediate care facility for patients recovering from an illness or injury. The Centre is for patients requiring a period of recovery, rehabilitation or reablement which does not need to be provided in hospital but can’t be provided in their home due to their support needs’.

This has since been corrected and should read:

‘Through a partnership between Gateshead Council, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB), and Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust (GHNHST), the Sister Winifred Laver Promoting Independence Centre has opened to provide a 60-bed intermediate care facility for people recovering from an illness or injury. The Centre is for people requiring a period of recovery, rehabilitation or reablement and to prevent admission to hospitals or care homes’.


  1. The Board noted the work being undertaken across partner organisations which is supporting the embedding of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy into everyday work.
  2. The Board agreed to the approach to Health in All Policies (HiAP) and endorsed the HiAP principals outlined in the paper.
  3. The Board endorsed the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Approach and Plan for Implementation to be updated to include the new Marmot objectives.
  4. The Board reaffirmed its commitment to the JSNA and invited partner organisations to also reaffirm their commitment to the JSNA.
  5. The Board agreed for  ...  view the full minutes text for item HW103


Trauma Informed Care - one year on (Presentation) - Lisa Wood and Dr Aisling Martin pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The Board received a report and presentation updating the Board on integrated trauma informed care in Gateshead Children’s Social Care, providing an update from the implementation of Trusting Hands in 2023.

The report provided a detailed view of:

·         Trusting Hands Gateshead’s clinical offer

·         Updates on referrals and activity

·         Community care, residential care, and youth justice pathways

·         Speech and language therapy service

·         Organisational support and system interfaces

The delivery model includes providing a graduated response to meet the needs of the high risk, high harm, and high vulnerability population. The focus of this service is on children in our care, care experienced children and young people, and youth justice service orders or other contextual safeguarding.

This project has two years of funding from the ICB, until March 2025. The NHSE H&J Framework for Integrated Care (Community) Vanguard pilot has been adopted.

Since the launch of the service in May 2023, Trusting Hands have been able to support 156 children and young people, and 259 multi-agency professionals.

The following developments for 2024/25 were highlighted:

·         Roll out the Foundations for attachment Program training to Connected Teams

·         Support co-delivery of the program with experts by experience

·         Develop formulation-based approach within the stable homes process

·         Increase our offer to young people leaving care/staying put/close

·         Supporting reunification back home or children placed outside Gateshead

·         Develop TIC champions network across the workforce

The Board noted that domestic violence was identified as the highest cause of trauma, and that work is ongoing in this area. It was also noted that there is a formal academic evaluation running alongside this service and it is hoped that this will support a strong model for trauma informed care to carry forward.


      i.        The Board noted the report.

     ii.        The Board requested a further update in six months’ time when the academic evaluation exercise is completed.


Cost of Alcohol Harm and Reducing Harm from Alcohol and Drugs: Public Health substance misuse interventions with Pharmacies (Report and Presentation) - Julie Sharp pdf icon PDF 314 KB


The Board received a report presenting the findings from the ‘alcohol cost profile’ for the North East, which has been commissioned by Balance and developed by The Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS).  The report also updated the board on some of the work underway to raise awareness of and reduce alcohol related harm.

There has been a significant increase in the cost of alcohol harm. The cost per head in Gateshead totals £541 per person. Updated ONS data for 2022 relays that the North East had the highest rates of alcohol specific deaths, with 21.8 deaths per 100,000 being caused by alcohol harm.

Actions underway include the following:

·         The Balance ‘Alcohol is Toxic’ Campaign, which raises awareness that the risk of a range of medical conditions increases with any level of alcohol use, was launched mid-November for a four-week run up to the Christmas period. The second phase ran from the end of December to early February and the 3rd phase will launch from June 10th to coincide with Euro 24.

·         Identification and Brief Advice (IBA) for alcohol in GP and Pharmacy settings. In addition to commissioning IBA in GP settings, from April 2024, we now are providing this simple intervention from Pharmacies.

·         Simplifying the referral process from GP practices to Specialist Services

·         Embedding Recovery Coordinators within the QE hospital to engage with those in need of specialist support prior to discharge.

·         Prevention of alcohol-related harm is included in the delivery plan within the Northumbria Combatting Drugs Partnership.

Details of partnership working between public health and the Local Pharmaceutical Committee were also presented to the Board. It was reported that there will be an introduction of alcohol identification and brief advice (IBA) into pharmacies; this has historically only been done in GP Surgeries. IBA will be able to be delivered by anyone in the pharmacy team. It was found that 1 in 8 people change their behaviour when they’ve had conversations about drug and alcohol consumption.

It was noted that Adult Social Care will be bringing work to the Council’s CMT on supporting residents who are not ready to enter into recovery, focusing on how to work with the wider system to support these individuals.

The Board discussed community use of alcohol among young people, and that the UK has the highest rates of underage alcohol consumption out of the countries compared in the report. The Board also discussed the reliance on alcohol in social situations, and the next steps on the Pharmacy First approach that would support work on this.


      i.        The Board noted the report.

     ii.        The Board agreed that Susan Taylor should attend a future Board meeting to present on the advocacy and public perceptions work that Balance is undertaking.

    iii.        A future meeting will the themed on alcohol harm to address this in further detail.

   iv.        The Director of Public Health will present a session on the community use of alcohol among young people.


Gateshead Cares System Board Update (Presentation) - Mark Dornan


The Board received a presentation on issues considered by the Gateshead Cares System Board.

The topics covered included:

·         Priority 1 of the Gateshead Place Plan:  Longer and Healthier Lives – Giving Children and Young People the Best Start in Life

·         Director of Public Health’s Annual Report 2023/24 as a platform for future action

·         Gateshead All-age Autism strategy

·         Axiom health and care data access platform

·         Deep End Network Progress

·         Community Health Services Contract


       i.       The Board noted the presentation.


Better Care Fund 2023/24 end of year submission - John Costello pdf icon PDF 336 KB


The Board received an update on the end of year submission for the Better Care Fund which was submitted to the National BCF Team on 23 May. Progress was agreed to be positive across programme areas.


      i.        The Board received this update and endorsed the 2023/24 end of year BCF submission


Pharmacy notifications from NENC ICB pdf icon PDF 59 KB

·       Oakfield Pharmacy Ravensworth Road (change of hours)

·        Prince Consort Road Pharmacy, The Health Centre (change of hours)

·        Distance Selling Pharmacy, Princes Ways South (closure of pharmacy)

·        Distance Selling Pharmacy application (Eleventh Avenue North, Team Valley)

Additional documents:


The Board received the following pharmaceutical notifications from the NENC ICB:

·         Changes in opening hours at Oakfield Pharmacy, Ravensworth Road and Prince Consort Road Pharmacy.

·         Removal of Spinks The Chemists Limited from the pharmaceutical list for the area of Gateshead Health and Wellbeing Board.

·         Application for inclusion in a pharmaceutical list at Perth Court, Eleventh Avenue North, Team Valley.

The Board discussed ongoing concerns regarding the operation of distance selling pharmacies and its impact on local communities. Concerns included pressure on primary care due to distance selling pharmacies providing incorrect information and that an inability to have direct conversations about prescriptions creates a barrier to care, as well as potential impacts upon small pharmacies more generally.

It was noted that there is a national day of action on 20 June 2024 regarding a national pharmacy contract.


      i.        The pharmacy notifications were noted by the Board.

     ii.        A response to the notification regarding an application to establish a Distance Selling Pharmacy on Eleventh Avenue North, Team Valley will be submitted to NHS England highlighting concerns about distance selling pharmacies.