Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Grace Anderson - Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
The minutes of the meeting held on the 8 March 2024 are attached for approval, together with the Action List. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 8 March 2024 were approved as an accurate record, with attached matters arising noted. |
Declarations of Interest Members of the Board to declare an interest in any particular agenda item. Minutes: No declarations were made. |
Updates from Board Members Minutes: The Board received the following updates from Board members: · Update on the SEND improvement plan – a positive CQC meeting was held with attendance from partners. A detailed update on this will be given to the Gateshead Health and Wellbeing Board in June. It was highlighted that there is a more focused children’s strategic partnership board across the Borough, and there will soon be a workshop session held to review the last 12 months of activity and reprioritise. · A report was published on Children in Care in the North East. This is being viewed as a lobbying tool. The report highlighted a correlation between rates of children in care and councils with financial difficulties. · A first place Gateshead Place oversight meeting was held with a particular focus on the Gateshead Place plan. Gateshead was acknowledged as making strong progress in emergency department standards and ambulance handover times. There is work taking place on a whole system offer to address the mental health needs of children and young people, with a focus on communications across services to create an integrated offer. |
Voluntary Sector Compact - Revised (Presentation) - Lisa Goodwin / Alison Dunn PDF 146 KB Additional documents: Minutes: A presentation was given to the Board on the Gateshead Compact. It reviewed the purpose of the Compact, an outline of the content, and its purpose. An annual update report on the Compact will be seen by Gateshead Health and Wellbeing Board. The Board commended the work done on the Voluntary Sector Compact and noted that a report on the Compact will be sent to Cabinet for agreement. RESOLVED i. The Board noted the presentation. ii. Partners present at the meeting agreed to the Gateshead Compact. |
Additional documents: Minutes: A presentation was given to the Board on People@TheHeart. The presentation outlined the four priorities, which are: · Priority 1 – People@TheHeart · Priority 2 – Signal Driven Approach · Priority 3 – Learning and Improving · Priority 4 – An Empowered Workforce The Board were also updated on service user feedback on the system, case studies, and proposed future working to be agreed by the Gateshead Cares System Board. The key points conveyed in the presentation were as follows: · People@TheHeart allowed connection of key services to provide wrap around for people with MCN, which was the main aim of the programme. · A specific programme that supports services to connect and interdependent strategies to be linked benefits across the system · Information sharing agreements have allowed services to work together and removed barriers to access to services for people when they need it · There is a focus on the connection of services for the ling term gain of people. Learning from this can shape future models to follow this way of working The Board discussed the aim and benefits of locality working in relation to People@TheHeart. RESOLVED i. The Board noted the report. |
Minutes: The Board discussed and fed back on a development session held on 29 February 2024. Discussions in the session were outlined in the accompanying paper, with further discussion from the Board highlighting: · The need for a systematic approach to prevention that is sustainable and at the right scale · Concerns about reacting to rather than preventing issues and adding to existing work on prevention being done in the Borough. It was noted that this feeds into grant decisions for voluntary sector partners who are significant supporters of this work, and that the sustainability of voluntary contributions to this goal should be considered. · National focus on homelessness and temporary accommodation and working with the Housing Team on this. · Supporting children who are both attending and not attending school, and how family hubs could be involved in this. · Regional strategy on alcohol, which is being discussed at the ICP Partnership. · Rejoining children and young people’s services and mental health services and working in partnership with families to support them before children come into care. · Workforce support, highlighting that a large proportion of the Adult Social Care workforce live and work in Gateshead. RESOLVED i. The Board discussed and noted the report. |
Gateshead Cares System Board Update (Presentation) - Mark Dornan Minutes: The Board received a Gateshead Cares Update. The following topics were highlighted: · Gateshead Place Plan, Priority 4: Longer and Healthier Lives – Mental Health, Learning Disability, Autism, Aging Well · People@TheHeart · Professional Forum meeting on 13 March 2024 · Arrangements for a System Board Session on Workforce RESOLVED i. The Board noted the report. |
Health Protection Assurance Annual Report 2022/23 - Paul Gray PDF 237 KB Minutes: The Board received a report giving an overview of the health protection system and outcomes for Gateshead. It presented an overview of the health protection system and outcomes for Gateshead as part of the Director of Public Health’s responsibility to provide assurance to the Health and Wellbeing Board that the current arrangements for health protection are robust and equipped to meet the needs of the population. There was discussion of the national issue of MMR vaccination rates, in which Gateshead was noted as particularly good in comparison but looking to improve. It was also noted that the reduced traffic on the Tyne Bridge during its partial closure for repairs could allow for an environmental study to show how reduced traffic impacts air quality. RESOLVED i. The Board considered and noted the existing arrangements outlined in the report.
Pharmacy notifications from NENC ICB: Change of Ownership PDF 139 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received notifications of changes to the following pharmacies: · From 4 March 2024, the pharmacy at Ravensworth Road (Dunston, Gateshead, NE11 9FJ) will be operated by JSBH LIMITED · NENC ICB has granted an application for change of ownership for Whitworth Pharmacy (Wrekenton Health Centre, Springwell Road, Wrekenton, Tyne & Wear, NE9 7AD) by Gateshead Pharma Ltd RESOLVED i. The Board noted the notifications of changes. |
Gateshead Place Plan - Progress Update on Priorities PDF 315 KB Minutes: The Board received an overview of progress on the priorities outlined in the Gateshead Place Plan. This included targets, progress and deadlines on each priority by quarter. It was noted that an annual update on the Gateshead Place Plan will be brought to the Board in July. RESOLVED i. The Board noted the report. |
Any Other Business Minutes: The Board noted their thanks to Councillor McNestry, who attended his final meeting in the role of Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care, for his efforts in his portfolio and in the meeting. |