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Contact: Melvyn Mallam-Churchill, Tel: 0191 433 2149, Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Claire Wheatley, Councillor Jennifer Reay, Councillor Martin Gannon, Councillor Michael McNestry, James Duncan, John Costello, Lisa Goodwin, Lynn Wilson, Peter Udall, Steve Kirk and Steve Thomas. |
The minutes of the meeting held on the 17th June 2022 are attached for approval, together with the Action List
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: (i) The minutes of the last meeting held on 29 April 2022 were agreed as a correct record. (ii) The Board noted the updates outlined in the Action List. |
Declarations of Interest Members of the Board to declare an interest in any particular agenda item. Minutes: RESOLVED: (i) There were no declarations of interest. |
Updates from Board Members Minutes: Louise Sweeney provided the Board with a verbal update on progress being made with the Health & Wellbeing Strategy refresh; it was highlighted that a mapping exercise is being undertaken to understand the key determinants of health and wellbeing. Board members were reminded that they had been invited to participate in the implementation group for the refresh. It was also noted that the HDRC bid outcome is awaited but expected by the end of July 2022.
Cllr Haley provided the Board with an update on Family Hubs; it was noted that two workshops had taken place to outline concepts for Family Hubs in Gateshead. The Board also noted that a workshop had taken place at Barley Mow Village Hall to discuss youth work across Gateshead.
Alice Wiseman provided the Board with an overview of a recent visit from the Chief Medical Officer; it was highlighted that as part of their visit they had visited both Larkspur House and Pattinson House to see the community work being done. It was also reported that the Chief Medical Officer had visited the Older People’s Assembly and that feedback from the visit had been positive.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the updates. |
Gateshead Cares System Board Update - Mark Dornan/All Minutes: The Board received a presentation providing an update on Gateshead Cares.
From the presentation, the Board were provided with an update from the System Leadership Development Programme and discharge to assess arrangements. The Board also noted updates relating to the Alliance Agreement and Centre for Health & Social Equity.
It was highlighted that the Gateshead Cares Professional Forum had its first meeting on 7th July with reps from a variety of professional disciplines across primary care, social care and secondary care in attendance. The Board were advised that the Forum had discussed the Gateshead Cares Programmes and Plans and Ways of Working. The Board were asked to contact Dr Dornan or John Costello if they know of any partners/colleagues who would like to be involved.
The Board discussed participation with the Forum; it was acknowledged that decision making at a local level needed to be a consideration. The Board also suggested that engagement with higher education providers is important; notably Northumbria Uni who have halls of residence based in Gateshead.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the update. |
Multiple & Complex Needs (People@theheart) - Alice Wiseman/Steph Downey (Presentation) Minutes: The Board received a presentation on the People@theHeart Programme.
An overview of the programme was provided; it was highlighted that its aims are to understand how the Gateshead system is dealing with people experiencing multiple and complex needs. It was also reported that the programme intends to expose where system complexity is working against the achievement of outcomes and to highlight where innovation has enabled better outcomes.
It was noted that the current approach in supporting those with multiple and complex needs results in segmentation of issues/themes based on services. It was also stated that many people who experience one issue also struggle with other related issues e.g., links with mental health and substance misuse.
It was highlighted that priority one is that the Gateshead system commits to doing what is necessary to transform itself into a system that is structured around people. It was acknowledged that there would be challenges in making changes; particularly with various services having difference priorities.
The Board noted that there would be a launch event for the programme; this would lead on to the establishment of a Programme Board, the agreement of a work plan and reporting arrangements.
The Board noted that the proposals presented were welcomed; it was also suggested that Probation services be engaged as part of the programme in addition to the Police. The Board also agreed that Tyne & Wear Fire and Rescue would be involved in the programme; particularly given the risk of deliberate or accidental fire caused by those with multiple and complex needs.
The Board also questioned whether children and young people living with adults with multiple and complex needs would be considered; it was confirmed that they would be. A further comment was made noting the importance of early intervention and the need to not medicalise people.
The Board discussed cases of individuals and families who refuse support and intervention from services; officers advised that whilst this can happen, the workforce need to feel empowered to engage with a person at a level they are comfortable with. The Board also agreed that the programme needed appropriate governance so that workstreams and processes can be scrutinised.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the update.
Housing Allocations Policy and Tenancy Strategy - Vicky Sibson PDF 341 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received a presentation and report providing an update on Gateshead’s tenancy strategy, tenancy management policy and allocations policy.
The Board were advised that a review of policies had taken place in 2021 following reviews with consultancy firm Campbell Tickell. The Board received an overview of the updated policies and strategy consultation; it was noted that the consultation would conclude on 28th July 2022.
It was reported that when drafting the proposed new policies, housing services have aimed to deliver on Gateshead’s Thrive vision and the following aims set out in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy:
· Giving every child the best start in life · Enable all children, young people and adults to maximise their capabilities · and have control over their lives. · Ensure a healthy standard of living for all · Create and develop sustainable places and communities · Strengthen the role and impact of ill health prevention
It was suggested that some of the wording in the policies needed to be strengthened, particularly on the matters of meeting the needs of children, foster carers and connected carers.
The Board also requested that a copy of the housing impact assessment be shared so that it can be compared with those already in place with partners. The Board highlighted that it was important for housing services to ensure their policies were clear and easily understood by residents.
It was reported that following the conclusion of the formal consultation the Strategic Housing Board would need to approve the changes with a view to the policies being approved by Cabinet in September 2022. From the report, the Board also noted that the homelessness accommodation remodelling and recommissioning would take place to support and developing a ‘Homelessness Gateway’ by March 2023.
The Board also agreed that the policy changes reported provided an excellent opportunity for staff to be trained in the People@theHeart programme principles.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board agreed to share details of the consultation within their respective organisations. (ii) The Board agreed to the proposed next steps outlined in the report.
CQC Assurance Framework Minutes: The Board received a presentation providing an update on the CQC Assurance Framework.
From the presentation, the Board noted updates relating to single assessment framework to assess providers, local authorities and integrated care systems with a consistent set of themes.
A high-level timeline was presented, it was highlighted that from July 2022 the approaches and methodologies reported would be signed off by the CQC Executive with an initial draft of high level business needs/requirements produced for CQC digital systems.
The Board acknowledged that there would be challenges, notably Covid recovery and budget pressures; it was however stated that there would be increased opportunities for closer joint working and an increased focus on adult social care.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the update. |
Covid-19 Response & Vaccine Update - Alice Wiseman/Lynn Wilson Minutes: The Board received a verbal update on the Covid-19 response.
It was reported that cases continue to rise but that the rise is slowing down; it was also noted that surveillance data suggests that those contracting Covid-19 are predominantly of working age. The Board were also advised that there had been additional pressures to primary care services due to staff absences. It was suggested that partners continue to remain cautious and that social distancing measures and mask wearing, whilst no longer mandatory, should continue or be reintroduced if needed.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the update. |
A.O.B. Minutes: RESOLVED: (i) There was no other business. |