Agenda and minutes

South Tyne and Wear Waste Management Partnership Joint Executive Committee - Friday, 11th September, 2020 1.30 pm

Venue: Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Helen Conway Email: 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 236 KB

The Committee are asked to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2020.


The minutes of the meeting held on 12 June 2020 were agreed as a true record.


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any declarations of interest.


No declarations of interest were received.


Contracts Update pdf icon PDF 329 KB

Report of the Project Director, South Tyne and Wear Waste Management Partnership


The Committee received a report on the latest position regarding the Residual Waste Treatment Contract and other ancillary waste joint contracts and activities managed by South Tyne and Wear Waste Management Partnership (STWWMP).


The partnership team continues to undertake several waste management functions on behalf of the partner authorities, including reviewing and verifying monthly contract reports, which detail materials processed and service issues. Once approved, invoices are processed and, where appropriate, apportioned between partner authorities within contractual timescales.


This is enabling, amongst other things, a proactive and timely approach to management of the RWTC which is operated under strict timescales. Similar benefits are also afforded to the procurement and management of other ancillary contracts, such as MRF, HWRC and green waste composting.


The JEC were advised that during the national lockdown to contain the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, residual waste levels rose significantly as the majority of residents across the partnership area remained at home due to restrictions on movement and the introduction of home working etc.


In comparison to the weeks immediately prior to the lockdown, additional Gateshead residual waste tonnages subsequently peaked at +15%, South Tyneside at +31%, and in Sunderland, the peak collection week showed a 27% rise.


However, all partner authorities have been able to continue to collect residual waste from households across the partnership area without interruption, the three waste transfer stations have continued to manage the waste levels that were received, and the EfW facility has continued to operate as planned and process the waste for energy recovery.


The JEC were advised that Appendix A which was attached to the main report highlighted the 2020/21 contract performance for the period April – July 2020. Plant availability has remained strong at 98.49% and turbine availability 97.51%.


Both contractual recycling and recovery performance continues for the period above target and the unprocessed landfill diversion rate remains at 100%.


The JEC were advised that the exercise to replace the Debt Service Reserve Account (DSRA) with a contingent Debt Service Reserve Facility (DSRF) is still progressing.


The third Joint Insurance Cost Review (JICR) was previously submitted by Willis Towers Watson and reviewed by STWWMP. A response from STWER is currently still awaited.


The JEC were informed that all three of the Waste Transfer Stations were fully operational between April and July. Recycling outputs from the sites include segregated street sweepings, wood and scrap metal. Routine maintenance of buildings, plant and control systems was undertaken as scheduled at all three transfer stations during the year.


The JEC were informed at the current time there were no targeted recruitment and training updates and all planned and proposed community education and engagement activities, and community liaison groups have been cancelled as a result of the on going COVID-19 pandemic. However, the suspension of activities is enabling a review of the programme to be undertaken, and a further update will be provided to the JEC in due course.


Table A which was appended to the main report advised the JEC  ...  view the full minutes text for item 95.


Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Friday 11 December 2020 at 1.30 pm, venue to be advised


The next meeting will be held on Friday 11 December 2020 at 1.30 pm venue to be advised