Venue: Whickham Room - Civic Centre
Contact: Rosalyn Patterson Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies |
The Joint Executive Committee is asked to approve the minuts of the meetings held on 15 June 2018 and 21 September 2018. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 15 June and 21 September 2018 were agreed as a correct record, with the following amendments:-
15 June 2018 should read Tom Turner in the attendance list
21 September 2018 should read Councillor Angela Douglas in the attendance list |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: No declarations of interest were received |
Challenges Affecting Recycling in the UK - A J&B Recycling Perspective Presentation Minutes: Mark Penny from J&B Recycling gave the partnership a presentation on the Challenges affecting recycling in the UK from a J&B Recycling perspective.
RESOLVED - that the information be noted. |
Report attached Minutes: The Committee received a report on the current position regarding the Residual Waste Treatment Contract and other ancillary waste joint contracts and activities managed by South Tyne and Wear Waste Management Partnership (STWWMP).
The joint partnership team continues to undertake several waste management functions on behalf of the partner authorities, including reviewing and verifying monthly contract reports, which detail materials processed and, where appropriate, apportioned between partner authorities within contractual timescales.
This is enabling, amongst other things, a proactive and timely approach to management of the TWTC which is operated under strict timescales. Similar benefits are also afforded to the procurement and management of other ancillary contracts, such as MRF, HWRC, and green waste composting.
Appendix A provides the latest performance on the residual waste treatment contract for April – October 2018.
The Committee were advised that during recent months, the operation of the EfW has encountered no significant issues so unavailability has been limited. For example, Line 5 has experienced 100% availability over the last three months. However, some services issues were experienced on Line 4.
Three and a half hours of turbine availability were lost on 29 September as a result of a trip initiated by a pump fault on the closed water cooling system. The trip was investigated, and the system reset.
An Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) exceedance of high copper levels was reported during October, resulting in the second exceedance within the rolling 24-week reporting period. Investigations are ongoing to identify a possible root cause.
During October, it was also observed that the Line 4 outboard and inboard grates were sticking during operations. However, the issue did not affect plant combustion or performance. A full investigation noted that operations have since improved, and whilst no repairs are considered to be necessary at this stage, the situation will continue to be monitored.
Committee were advised that the dates for the annual EfW maintenance shutdown have now been confirmed:
· Line 4: 20 February – 14 March 2019 · Line 5: 5 – 27 March 2019
Discussions with representatives from the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), STWER, and Willis Towers Watson insurers involving the joint insurance cost report associated with the RWTC are ongoing.
Committee were advised that all three of the WTS have remained available throughout the current contract year; with all sites continuing to accept STWWMP contract waste without significant issues. Recycling activities are ongoing at each site, which includes the segregation of materials, such as street sweepings, wood and scarp metals.
Routine maintenance of buildings, plant and control systems continues to be delivered as planned and no significant issues have been identified.
The former ‘civic amenity’ site area at Middlefields WTS was inspected by the Environment Agency (EA) on 24 August. No issues were raised.
The Committee were advised that the RWTC affords provision for SUEZ to help to improve local prosperity across the partnership area by promoting vacant posts within their facilities. The Economic Development Service at Gateshead Council continues to receive information ... view the full minutes text for item 40. |
Communications Update Presentation Minutes: A presentation was given to the Committee on International, National and Local Authority waste news.
International Waste News
The Committee were advised that a global commitment to eliminate plastic waste and pollution at its source has now been signed by over 290 organisations; and this represents around 20% of all plastic packaging produced across the world.
The Ellen MacArthur foundation, which is leading the ‘New Plastics Economy Global Commitment’ in collaboration with UN Environment, says that many of the world’s largest packaging producers, brands, retailers and recyclers, as well as governments and NGOs have signed up.
The commitment aims to create a ‘new normal’ for plastic packaging, with companies agreeing to publish their progress against key targets annually by aiming to:
· Eliminate problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging, and move from single-use to reusable packaging models; · Innovate, to ensure 100% of plastic packaging can be easily and safely reused, recycled, or composted by 2025; · And ensure plastics stay in circulation for longer buy increasing its reuse, or the amount recycled as new packaging or products
The Committee were also advised that a new Quality Control scheme has been jointly developed by the Recycling Association and certification and inspection organisation CCIC London to help meet the requirements for exporting paper to China.
The new scheme introduces an additional paper inspection regime to the existing quality control systems already in place at many depots and will ensure materials meet the Chinese specifications.
Companies not wishing to take part in the scheme will face the alternative of CCIA London physically inspecting all shipments to China, which could cause delays and additional costs.
National Waste News
The Committee will recall the Chancellor’s recent budget announcement, which was followed by a mixed response from different parts of the waste sector in terms of its environment and sustainability measures, which included:
· £10million to tackle abandoned waste sites; · A new tax on the manufacture and import if plastic packaging that contains less than 30% recycled plastic content; · And a commitment to reforming Packaging Producer Responsibility; · But, notably, did not include rumoured taxes on disposable plastic cup and, crucially for us, incineration
Responses from the sector has been mixed and subject to consultation, it is expected that the new plastic packaging tax will take effect from 1 April 2022.
The Committee were also advised that a report issued by the UK Without Incineration Network that looks at the climate change impacts of waste incineration in the UK has been described as ‘deeply flawed’ by Cory Riverside Energy.
The Committee were also advised that more than four out of ten UK adults say that there are insufficient incentives for them to recycle materials in their local area, according to new research commissioned ... view the full minutes text for item 41. |
Date and Time of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Joint Executive Committee will be held on Friday 15 March 2019 at 1.30 pm Minutes: The next meeting of the Joint Executive Committee will take place on Friday 15 March 2019 at 1.30 pm |