Agenda and minutes

Council - Thursday, 23rd May, 2024 2.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Grace Anderson - Democratic Services, 0191 433 4635, Email: 

No. Item


To confirm the Minutes of the meetings held on 21 March 2024 and 17 May 2024 pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Additional documents:



(i)               That the minutes of the meetings held 23rd March 2024 and 17th May 2024 to be approved as a correct record.



Official Announcements

(announcements may be made by the Mayor, Leader of the Council or the Chief Executive)


The Mayor announced with great sadness the passing of former Councillor Andrew Graham, who represented the constituency of Winlaton and High Spen for four years inclusive of 2006 to 2010.



(to receive petitions submitted under Council Procedure Rule 10)


A petition was received from Catherine Littlewood regarding the prevention of Colegate Primary School Potential Closure.


Questions from Members of the Public

(to consider any questions submitted under Council Procedure Rule 7)


There were no questions submitted by members of the public


Communities and Volunteering Service pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Additional documents:


Considerations were given to the update on the establishment of the Communities and Volunteering Service and to seek approval of move this service from Housing, Environmental and Health Communities to Public Health and Wellbeing.  



(i)            To approve the move of the Communities Volunteering Service fromHousing, Environmental and Health Communities to Public Health and Wellbeing.  

(ii)           To approve the change of name for the Service to Community, Health and Wellbeing.

(iii)          To note the areas of work progressed to date, and the proposed priorities moving forward.




Climate Emergency Update, Environmental Policy update and Biodiversity Duty pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Additional documents:


Considerations were given to seek approval of amending wording to the Council’s Environmental Policy. 



(i)            To approve the amended wording to the Council’s Environmental Policy.





Revised Joint Local Agreement (2024) pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Additional documents:


Considerations were given to seek approval of implementation of the 2024 Joint Local Agreement. 



(i)            To approve the 2024 Joint Local Agreement.






Recruitment of the Chief Executive pdf icon PDF 88 KB


Considerations were given to seek approval of the new Chief Executive.



(i)            To approve the appointment of Dale Owens as Chief Executive, effective from 1 June 2024.







Liberal Democrat NECA Allocation of Seats pdf icon PDF 46 KB


Considerations were given to seek approval of the Liberal Democrats NECA allocation of seats.



(i)            To approve the Liberal Democrats NECA allocation of seats.






Notice of Motion

(to consider any notices of motion submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9.1)


Notice of Motion on Gateshead FC pdf icon PDF 88 KB


Councillor Beadle will move the following motion:


1.    The decision of the EFL not to allow Gateshead FC entry into the League 2 Play Offs.

2.    The EFL Statement that this is because “the terms of the Club’s occupation at the Gateshead International Stadium, owned by the Borough Council of Gateshead does not meet the relevant qualifying criteria to enable the Club to become a Member of the EFL.”

3.    The significant economic and reputational benefits that would follow from Gateshead FC’s promotion to League 2.

4.    That Cabinet agreed in November 2023 that “any future recommendations for the use of GIS” should consider “the impact that this may have upon facility users …”

5.    That no mention of the potential impact of the review of Gateshead International Stadium on Gateshead FCs eligibility to become a member of the EFL was made in the reports to Cabinet of January, July or November 2023 or in the consultation on the future of the GIS in the summer of 2023.

6.    That correspondence between the Council, Gateshead Football Club and the EFL has not been formally reported to Councillors.

Council Requires:

1.    That any contract to transfer the management of the Gateshead International Stadium to an external operator should compel them to make the commitments required by the EFL for membership of the Football League, namely security of tenure for ten years.

2.    That an investigation into the decision not to give this guarantee be added to the Work Programme of the Corporate Resources OSC.


Proposed by:             Councillor R Beadle


Seconded by:            Councillor D Welsh




Notice of Amendment on Gateshead FC pdf icon PDF 81 KB


Councillor Adams will move the following amendment:

In ‘Council notes section’ in point 1, replace “EFL” with “National League”, as it was the National League that decided Gateshead could not participate in the play-offs.

Delete all after point 2 in ‘Council notes section’. Insert the following:

“2.   That there is no correspondence between the Council and the EFL, although there is correspondence with the National League. As always is the case, all cabinet reports and correspondence between the council, the football club and the National League are openly available for all members of the council to inspect.

3.  That Gateshead FC and the Council have worked together over several months to reach an agreement to satisfy the relevant qualifying criteria to enable to club to become a member of the EFL.

4. Council remains committed to working in partnership with Gateshead FC to satisfy the qualification criteria and will facilitate discussions with any new operator of Gateshead International Stadium and work to that end.”

Proposed by:              Councillor J Adams


Seconded by:  Councillor A Geddes  


Notice of Motion on Voice for One Million Women and Girls pdf icon PDF 96 KB


Councillor Caffrey will move the following motion:

The new North East Mayoral Combined Authority (NEMCA) will be responsible for the aspirations and life chances of over one million women and girls living in County Durham, Sunderland, South Tyneside, Gateshead, North Tyneside, Northumberland, and Newcastle.

It can be tempting for policy makers to think that women and men use public services in the same way, but this is often not the case. Considering the specific needs of women and girls from the beginning results in better policy making that works for everyone, as highlighted by our Director of Public Health in her 2023 annual report.

The newly elected Mayor of the NECMA, Kim McGuiness, has pledged to: “give voice to the one million women and girls in our region, prioritise breaking down the barriers to work and women’s safety, and to work as hard to smash the gender pay gap as to smash the North-South divide”.

NECMA Authority will do this by ensuring the needs of these one million women and girls are at the forefront of thinking when planning and delivering services.

Gateshead Council pledges to do the following:

·         We will listen to women and girls from all communities, and act on what they tell us, to understand what they need and the barriers they face.

·         We will explicitly consider the specific impact on women and girls of every policy/strategy we develop, seeking to maximize positive and mitigate negative impacts.

·         We will take practical steps to improve the lives of women and girls in Gateshead. 

·         We will put in place systems and structures to ensure equality for women and girls.

·         We will work to ensure women and girls can access safe transport, can access housing, good quality jobs, training, health services and adult education.

·         Detailed proposals on how this will be progressed in Gateshead will be developed and brought to the September Council Meeting.


Proposed by:              Councillor L Caffrey


Seconded by:              Councillor K Walker

Supported by:             Councillor M Hall

                                    Councillor B Oliphant




(to deal with any questions submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 8.1)


There were no questions received.