Agenda and minutes

Care, Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 12th March, 2024 1.30 pm

Venue: Bridges Room - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Grace Anderson, Tel: 0191 433 4635, Email: 

No. Item


Minutes of last meeting pdf icon PDF 102 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2024 were approved as an accurate record with no matters arising.


Declarations of Interest

Committee members to declare an interest in any particular agenda item where applicable.


No declarations of interest were made.


Update on work to tackle Health Inequalities in Gateshead pdf icon PDF 404 KB

Report of Ed O’Malley, Public Health


The Committee received a presentation from Health Determinants Research Collaboration Gateshead (HDRC) updating on work to tackle health inequalities. The Council hosts HDRC and is considered a key partner, alongside local universities and VCSE. HDRC is accountable to Gateshead Health and Wellbeing Board.

The presentation informed the Committee of HDRC’s mission, structure, and governance. It also gave information on public involvement & community engagement, and prioritisation. It was noted that the organisation focuses on building the structures to enable positive research, with an emphasis on research ethics. The following priorities were identified:

·         Create and develop sustainable place and communities;

·         Create the conditions for fair employment and good work for all;

·         Enable all children, young people, and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives;

·         Ensure a healthy standard of living for all, in accordance with international law on economic and social rights;

·         Give every child the best start in life, with a focus on conception to age two;

·         HDRC; and

·         Strengthen the role and impact of ill health prevention.

The Committee asked about how a good cross section of attendance is guaranteed on steering groups, and the distribution of hard-to-reach people across the Borough.

It was noted that travelling communities and Jewish communities were particularly hard to reach.


      i.        The Committee noted the presentation.


Support with the Menopause, Menstrual Cycle problems and post-partum mental health issues pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Access to specialise support and variations of approach across Gateshead GP Practices.

Presentation of Nichola Bruce and Jane Conroy, with colleagues.


A presentation was given to the Committee outlining support with the menopause, menstrual cycle problems and post-partum mental health issues: access to specialist support and variations of approach across Gateshead GP practices. The presentation focused on the work of Gateshead Cares.

The work establishing women’s health hubs was noted to be positively received by professional partners and the local community.

The presentation covered the following areas:

·         Recap on women’s health strategy or England

·         What is a women’s health hub?

·         What women’s health hubs are not

·         Gateshead women’s health hub: model of care

·         GP practice survey (a brief analysis of this data was included in the presentation)

·         Menopause

·         Perinatal mental health services (information gathered in conjunction with the ICB)

·         Gateshead women’s health hub: making improvements together.

Two service gaps in perinatal mental health services identified in Gateshead are parent infant mental health services and maternal mental health services. Key areas for improvements were noted to be menopause support, contraception (including LARC), and gynaecology.

The Committee discussed access to menopause cafes and their locations, the longer term goals of access to and funding of long acting contraception.

Gateshead Cares are looking to create a resource with all menopause cafes listed and how to access them.


      i.        The Committee noted the presentation.


CQC Assurance pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Report of Steph Downey, Adult Social Care

Additional documents:


The Committee was updated on the work undertaken to prepare for CQC assurance and the current position as reported by CQC regarding their role out of the assurance framework nationally.

A self-assessment and information return have been completed and shared with the Local Government Association ahead of the Peer Review.

The Departments Peer Review will take place from 19th – 21st March 2024, with Case File audits having been completed by a Principle Social Worker from Stockton Borough Council on 4th March 2024.


      i.        The Committee noted the report.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Report of Democratic Services

Additional documents:


The Committee received an update on the 2023/24 Work Programme and were reminded that the 2024/25 Work Programme is open for submission.

The Winifred Centre will be open for visitors from 19 March 2024, and a visit will be organised for the Committee.


      i.        The Committee noted the update.


Any Other Business


One item of other business was submitted in advance.


Adult Social Care LGA Peer Challenge

Update from Steph Downey, Adult Social Care


The Committee were given sight of the Care Quality Commission’s Local Authority assessments webinar.


      i.        The slides will be circulated to committee members.