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Contact: Grace Anderson, Tel: 0191 433 4635, Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of last meeting PDF 106 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 24 October 2023 were approved as an accurate record. |
Performance Management and Improvement Framework - Six Month Update - 2023-24 PDF 121 KB Report of Lindsay Murray, Director of Commercialisation and Improvement. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report on the Council’s Performance Management & Improvement Framework, reporting performance on the delivery of Council priorities for the period 1 April 2023 to 30 September 2023. An overview was given of performance relevant to the role and remit of Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee The framework has been put together to support Gateshead Council’s THRIVE strategy. It was noted that some metrics included in the report are annual measures which are reporting figures at a six-month mark. A presentation was also given to the Committee on making data accessible for scrutiny, including a demonstration of Power BI and how this can be used to track data for the newly established Office for Local Government. The Committee was concerned about the impact of recent salary level changes for migrants working in the care sector. It was noted that any changes in policy can affect the workforce and that this will be monitored. The Committee queried a strategic performance item in Policy Objective 2: “Proportion of adults with a learning disability who live in their own home or with their family”. The target for this item is a rolling target throughout the year. While the latest figure is 38.1% and the target is 82.84%, the Council is currently on trajectory to meet this target. The Committee was concerned that 46.4% of Adult Safeguarding Concern referrals to Adult Social Care do not meet the criteria for Safeguarding Duty to apply. There was discussion about some services not implementing appropriate actions prior to referrals to ensure individuals meet the criteria. It was explained that this indicated a training need around referral routes, criteria and appropriate reporting channels. Concerns were also raised about the latest figure of the total households initially assessed as owed a homeless duty (714). RESOLVED i. For the Committee to be presented with further data at the next meeting on how Gateshead performs regionally and nationally on supported living. ii. For further information on the Office for Local Government to be circulated via email. iii. To recommend the performance report to Cabinet for consideration in January 2024. iv. To note the report. |
Report of Barry Norman, Integrated Strategic Lead Commissioning, Integrated Adults and Social Care Services. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report and presentation regarding the capacity and demand planning for Adult Social Care services, and work on the team’s ‘Home First’ approach. 3.Gateshead continues to follow the Discharge to Assess approach but has now been able to plan resources for 2023-24 and 2024-25 and invest in required services to support people at home. Recruitment and retention have improved across most markets that has also allowed additional capacity to focus on moving people from short-term services to long-term services as and when required. This has improved flow and reduced waiting lists for support. Contracts for Adult Care Homes are being updated with the aim to have a new Contract Framework in place in early 2024-25. The aim is to help shape the market to ensure they can support those in need of long-term care who can’t be supported at home. Whilst the Home First approach will see an overall net reduction of 250 placements in Care Homes over the next 2 to 3 years, there will continue to be a need for Care Home provision to meet the needs of some of our most vulnerable people. Existing providers and their Care Homes have a large part to play in supporting the Gateshead system, but providers will need to look amend their business models and focus on higher end needs in the future such as complex Dementia, Nursing and EMI Nursing. To ensure we have the capacity to support people at home longer, we need to look at not only the workforce requirements, but also technology and housing offers. The workforce within Care Homes will need to evolve and require additional training and skills to manage an overall more complex cohort of residents within homes. A different model for Care Home provision is needed in the years ahead as people are supported at home first and for longer. Whilst there will still be a need for Care Home capacity, we will continue to see people moving in for the later stages of their lives with more complex needs than the current average. Nursing provision is an area that we will need to grow to meet needs, but recruitment and retention of good quality nurses is a wider system challenge. We will need to work in partnership with our ICB colleagues and likely look at a regional approach. Occupancy levels within some Care Homes are likely to reduce as we refer less people into long-term bed base support. Private funders and out of area placements are semi out of our control, but we are likely to see an oversupply issue in the next 12 to 24 months. The Committee enquired about interim independent living assessments. These assessments can be done in an equipped centre or in someone’s own home with the right equipment. A social worker would carry out a full assessment. Complications can arise when people want to move out of Borough, but urgent situations get assessments when needed. It was highlighted that the spread of infections and ... view the full minutes text for item CHW16 |
Extra Care/Supported Living models PDF 83 KB Report of Steph Downey, Service Director of Adult Social Care, and Barry Norman, Integrated Strategic Lead Commissioning, Integrated Adults and Social Care Services. Additional documents: Minutes: Information was given to the Committee in a report on the opening and impact of Watergate Court Extra Care in April 2022. Watergate Court was fully occupied within 12 months. A wide range review has taken place to get a better understanding of the Outcomes being achieved at Watergate Court now that tenants have been in place for up to 18 months. Housing LIN were commissioned to carry out a Housing Needs survey with a key focus area on Supported Housing needs. Projections for future needs have been outlined with a development strategy being worked on To meet current and future demands, a further 3 Extra Care sites will need to be developed over the next few years, which will support the Home First approach and continue to support people outside of long-term Residential Care. People choosing Extra Care before or when care & support needs are minimal will help with our prevention approach and reduce demand on Adult Social Care Services. With the right settings in the right locations, we will be able to encourage people to consider Extra Care housing as a positive step. Additional consideration will also be given to younger adults who can also be supported with within new settings or housing close by, such as a Core & Cluster model. 435 additional units will need to be developed by 2040 to support our ageing population and not making unnecessary Care Home placements. Extra Care settings are key to control and avoid costly Care Home placements as well as having the right model to support people at home longer. There may be impacts on Sheltered Accommodation stock and Residential Care Cares in the medium to long term, depending on location and desire for people to move homes. Dementia Care will be a growing need so Dementia only settings may have a wide impact on EMI Residential Placements, which will put additional pressure on the Care Home sector. Future facilities will not be created for specific communities but built on sites where a high population need is mapped. A testimony was given by a Councillor of a resident in one of the dementia friendly flats praising the facilities and support for residents. RESOLVED: i. The Committee noted the report. |
Report of Grace Anderson, Democratic Services Officer, Legal and Democratic Services. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report which provided details on the development of the work programme for the Care, Health and Wellbeing OSC for the municipal year 2023-24. An item due to update the board on the development of a PSS service was removed from this agenda, as the service did not receive funding to be developed. The proposed 2023-24 work programme was attached to the main report as Appendix 1 and remains provisional. The Committee noted that further reports will be brought to identify any additional issues which should be considered. RESOLVED: i. That the information be noted.