Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre. Attendees are asked to enter the Civic Centre from the car park entrance. Please do not attend the meeting if you have COVID or have COVID symptoms.
Contact: Helen Conway email
No. | Item | |||||||||
Minutes of last meeting PDF 289 KB The Committee are asked to approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 2 March 2021. Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting, held on 2 March 2021 were agreed as a correct record. |
Report of the Chief Executive. Minutes: The Constitution of the Committee for municipal year 2021/22 was noted and agreed and the new members welcomed by the Chair. |
Report of the Chief Executive and Strategic Director Corporate Services and Governance. Minutes: The role and remit and terms of reference of the Committee as previously agreed by the Cabinet and Council were agreed and noted. |
Update from Cumbria Northumberland Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust - Mental Health Hospital Estates Work Representatives of the Trust will provide the OSC with a presentation on the above matter. Minutes: James Duncan, Deputy Chief Executive, CNTW NHS FT, Dave Hately and Mark Knowles provided the Committee with a power point presentation on the ongoing mental health hospital estates work across the trust area .
The Committee were delighted with the progress of work and thanked CNTW NHS FT for all their hard work and for listening and reacting to the views of this Committee and looked forward to visiting the new facilities in due course, once COVID 19 restrictions allow.
Update from Gateshead Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Mental Health Hospital Estates Work Andrew Beeby, Medical Director, Gateshead Hospitals NHS Trust will provide the OSC with a verbal update on this matter. Minutes: Andy Beeby, Medical Director, Gateshead Hospitals NHS FT provided the Committee were a verbal update on the ongoing work at the former Tranwell Unit on the QE Hospital site.
The Committee wished to place upon record their thanks to Andy and his staff and welcomed the new facility, and noted that the Council and Foundation Trust have worked for many years together to bring the facility to fruition.
Update from Gateshead Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Regional Work on Infection Prevention and Control Representatives of Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust will provide the OSC with a presentation on the above matter. Minutes: Louise Caisley, Head of Infection Prevention and Control and Judith Slocombe, Specialist Infection Prevention and Control Practitioner Gateshead Hospitals NHS Trust FT provided the Committee with a power point presentation on the regional work being undertaken on Infection Prevention and Control.
Covid 19 Update Presentation from the Gateshead System. Minutes: Kirsty Sprudd from Care, Wellbeing and Learning and Gerald Tompkins, Public Health provided the OSC with a power point presentation taking the OSC through the key points of the current COVID-19 update and the latest data.
RESOLVED – that the information be noted. |
New Performance Management and Improvement Framework - Update PDF 161 KB Report of the Strategic Director Resources and Digital. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report and presentation which provided an update on the development and implementation of the new Performance Management and Improvement Framework (PMIF) for the Council.
The Performance Management and Improvement Framework aims to:
· Enable the Council to know whether it is achieving its priorities (Thrive Policy) · Ensure that the Council’s resources are being deployed effectively · Make both short and long term effective decisions · A whole system approach – embedded in our partnership working to deliver the Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Following approval of the framework, further work has focused on the next steps and implementation plan. A draft plan has been developed and was included at Appendix 2 of the main report. The new framework was also attached at Appendix 1 for information.
The Committee were advised that as part of the new iterative approach, the key next steps are to further develop the content of the framework. This work is underway to develop the interventions, measures, definitions, baseline and targets that will best help to determine how the Council is delivering Thrive and identify where improvements are needed as well as inform decisions about resources and targeted interventions.
This work includes consideration of new and emerging strategies such as the Economic Strategy, the baseline work being led by public health, locality working, LA7 Recovery Plan as well as the resource and risk elements.
The content needs to be developed over the summer and reported the OSC’s and Cabinet as part of the 6 monthly performance reporting cycle using the new framework and measures.
The Committee also received updates on engagement, performance data management and equalities.
The Committee were advised that Appendix 2 provided the detailed milestones identified as part of the implementation. The key milestones were outlined below:
· Further development of the framework including measures, baseline, targets, intervention – now until July 2021 (though it is recognised that ongoing development will still be needed) · Partner engagement (Health and Wellbeing Board reps/CVS etc – June/July 2021 onwards · Further report to OSCs and Cabinet on performance against the new measures for 2021/22 – Autumn 2021 · Employee engagement forum established – July 2021 · Corporate Data Management Group plan and PMIF element – July 2021 · Development of equalities profile and align to PMIF – March 2022
Report of the Strategic Director, Care, Wellbeing and Learning. Minutes: The Committee received a report which provided an overview of the NHS White Paper ‘Working together to provide health and social care for all’ and its implications for the Gateshead health and care system.
The following themes and implications for Gateshead were outlined:
· Theme 1 – working together to integrate care · Theme 2 – reducing bureaucracy · Theme 3 – improving accountability and enhancing public confidence · Additional measures, social care, public health and data collection
Annual Work Programme 2021 - 22 PDF 146 KB Report of the Chief Executive and Strategic Director Corporate Services and Governance. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report outlining the Annual Work Programme 2021-22 and was tabled in two parts. The first part highlighted how the work of this Committee had helped influence/shape the development of decision making/performance improvement work during 2020-21 and the second part details the development of the work programme for Overview and Scrutiny Committees and sets out the provisional work programme for Care, Health and Wellbeing OSC for the municipal year 2021-22.
The work programme (which was attached at Appendix 1) has taken into account the following:
· The New Performance Framework · The Thrive agenda and partnership work generally · The Gateshead Strategic Needs Assessment · The Council’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy · The five priority areas outlined in the budget consultation · Current issues referred to Committees
· The Committee were advised that the work programme remains provisional as: · Cabinet has not had the opportunity to fully review its work programme and it may wish to refer further issues to Overview and Scrutiny Committees for further consideration · It does not take account of new policy issues which may be identified during the year, which Cabinet may wish to refer to Overview and Scrutiny; and · It does not include issues identified by members of committees on an ongoing basis during the year as a result of scrutiny decisions, call in and councillor call for action