32 Tyne Bridge Restoration PDF 124 KB
Report of the Strategic Directors, Economy, Innovation & Growth and Housing, Environment & Healthy Communities
Consideration has been given to progress with plans for the Tyne Bridge restoration and major maintenance scheme and the submission of a full business case to government for the requisite funding to enable the scheme to proceed. |
(i) |
That the submission of the Full Business Case by Newcastle City Council as Highways Authority for the Bridge, to the Department for Transport (DfT) be noted. |
(ii) |
That the allocation of the Council’s proportion of local funding contribution to the Tyne Bridge element required above the capped DfT amount, from the existing Highways Maintenance Block funding allocation from the DfT during 2023/24 and then from subsequent maintenance funding allocations be noted. |
(iii) |
That the commencement of the preliminary works in September 2023, prior to approval of the Full Business Case by DfT be noted. |
The above decisions have been made to carry out works that are essential to maintain the Tyne Bridge so it is safe to use and fit for purpose and secure the long-term availability of the Tyne Bridge for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles without the need to impose weight or lane restrictions. |