86 External Funding Opportunities for the Creative Industries PDF 138 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth
Consideration has been given to the action taken by the Strategic Director Economy Innovation and Growth to ensure the Council’s inclusion as a named partner in the full application to the Department for Digital Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) funded Create Growth Programme, which is intended to promote economic development and job creation through the growth of the creative industries. |
The following question was asked on behalf of the Save Leisure Gateshead campaign “To what extent will the proposed closure of leisure facilities in Gateshead undermine the growth plan for creative industries in Gateshead?” and a response was given. |
Further representations were made by campaign members regarding the perceived impact on the local community and businesses if a decision to close Gateshead Leisure Centre is made following the consultation process on the Review of Leisure in Gateshead. The campaign members were advised of the financial context in terms of substantial reductions in government Revenue Support Grant since 2010, more targeted short term funding, which removes local discretion on how financial resources should best be used to meet the needs of local communities. The Council’s budget position and the need to set a balanced budget this year, meet a budget gap of at least £55m in the medium term would mean there will be difficult budget decisions to be made affecting all services, which would undoubtedly impact on borough residents. It was explained the views put forward and issues raised would be considered as part of the analysis of the Review consultation responses and in making final recommendations to Cabinet. |
(i) |
That the action taken by the Strategic Director, Economy Innovation and Growth to ensure the Council’s inclusion as a named partner in the full application to the DCMS funded Create Growth Programme, in accordance with powers under the Council’s Constitution – Part 2 General Delegations to Managers, Paragraph 4(e), be noted and endorsed. |
(ii) |
That the Strategic Director, Economy Innovation and Growth, following consultation with the Strategic Director, Corporate Services & Governance, be given delegated authority to agree the content and terms of a MoU between the Council and North of Tyne Combined Authority in relation to the North East Create Growth Programme. |
The above decisions have been made for the following reasons: |
(A) |
To maximise opportunities for economic growth in Gateshead. |
(B) |
To maximise the opportunities for business growth in the creative industries, creating good quality employment. |
(C) |
To maximise available external funding opportunities. |