Issue - meetings

Gateshead Quays: Multi-Storey Car Park

Meeting: 14/07/2020 - Cabinet (Item 10)

Gateshead Quays: Multi-Storey Car Park

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given to:


a)    the final business case for a new multi-storey car park to replace parking on Mill Road and South Shore Road car parks and to serve the emerging developments at Gateshead Quays and Baltic Quarter in central Gateshead;

b)    delegating authority for officers to agree the final terms of the construction delivery agreement that will facilitate development of the building in 2021; and

c)    procuring a specialist car park management company via the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) to manage the multi-storey car park.




The alternative options to those being recommended, but which were discounted, included not awarding the contract and in-house or hybrid management options for the car park.






That the final business case be approved.






That entering into a contract with Wilmott Dixon Construction Limited via the SCAPE Major Works Framework for the progression of stage 4 detailed design in the sum of the amount set out in the report be approved.






That the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth, following consultation with the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance and Strategic Director, Resources and Digital, be authorised to agree the final terms of the pre-construction delivery agreement for the Stage 4 detailed design, and thereafter the final works construction contract with Wilmott Dixon Construction Limited via the SCAPE Major Works Framework, within the approved capital allocation for this project.






That entering into an OJEU procurement exercise to secure a management company to operate the multi-storey car park for an initial 5 years be approved and the results of this to be reported back to Cabinet in due course.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To provide car parking to support the commercial demands of Gateshead Quays area and Baltic Quarter.






To manage the assets of the Council’s non-operational portfolio in line with the Corporate Asset Strategy and Management Plan 2015 -2020.






To ensure delivery of the Newcastle Gateshead Quays development business plan.