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Accounts Committee
Appeals Committee
Audit and Standards Committee
Audit Committee
Care, Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Community Safety Sub OSC
Contracts Committee
Corporate Parenting Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Corporate Parenting Sub Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Corporate Vitality Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Economy Environment and Culture Board
Executive Sub Committee
Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Gateshead and Newcastle Partnership
Gateshead Health and Wellbeing Board
Gateshead Newcastle Joint Bridges Committee
Gateshead Schools Forum
Gateshead Strategic Partnership Steering Group
Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Joint OSC for the NE & North Cumbria ICS & North & Central ICPs
Licensing Committee
Licensing Sub Committee
Looked After Children Overview and Scrutiny Committee
North East Combined Authority - Cabinet
Northumbria Police and Crime Panel
Planning and Development Committee
Regulatory Committee
Rights of Way Committee
South of Tyne and Wear Waste Management Joint Executive Committee
South Tyne and Wear Waste Management Partnership Joint Executive Committee
Special Council
Sustainable Communities - People Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Sustainable Communities - Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tyne and Wear Trading Standards Joint Committee
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Adams, Councillor John Adams
Anderson, Councillor Vicky Anderson
Beadle, Councillor Ron Beadle
Bradford, Councillor Dave Bradford
Brain, Councillor Malcolm Brain
Brand, Councillor Leanne Brand
Buckley, Councillor Chris Buckley
Burnett, Councillor Dot Burnett
Burns, Councillor Pamela Burns
Caffrey, Councillor Lynne Caffrey
Clelland, Councillor Brenda Clelland
Craig, Councillor Peter Craig BEM
Dick, Councillor Bill Dick
Dickie, Councillor Sonya Dickie
Diston, Councillor Paul Diston
Dodds, Councillor Kevin Dodds
Donovan, Councillor Catherine Donovan
Douglas, Councillor Angela Douglas
Duggan, Councillor Daniel Duggan
Eagle, Councillor John Eagle
Elliott, Councillor Paul Elliott
Gallagher, Councillor Sheila Gallagher
Gannon, Councillor Martin Gannon
Geddes, Councillor Alex Geddes
Geddes, Councillor Freda Geddes
Gibson, Councillor Judith Gibson
Goldsworthy, Councillor Bob Goldsworthy (Deceased)
Goldsworthy, Councillor Maureen Goldsworthy
Graham, Councillor Tom Graham
Green, Councillor Jill Green
Green, Councillor Linda Green
Green, Councillor Stuart Green
Haley, Councillor Gary Haley
Hall, Councillor Maria Hall
Hart, Councillor Rachel Hart
Hawkins, Councillor Sonya Hawkins
Henderson, Councillor Kathryn Henderson
Kasfikis, Councillor George Kasfikis
Kelly, Councillor Hugh Kelly
Kirton, Councillor Leigh Kirton
Maughan, Councillor Peter Maughan
McCartney, Councillor Kathleen McCartney
McCoid, Councillor Jane McCoid
McElroy, Councillor John McElroy
McMaster, Councillor Eileen McMaster
McNestry, Councillor Michael McNestry
Mohammed, Councillor Jonathan Mohammed
Moir, Councillor Lee-Ann Moir
Oliphant, Councillor Bernadette Oliphant
Ord, Councillor Amelia Ord
Ord, Councillor Christopher Ord
Ord, Councillor Marilynn Ord
Park, Councillor Jamie Park
Patterson, Councillor Ian Patterson
Potts, Councillor Sharron Potts
Robson, Councillor Denise Robson
Ronchetti, Councillor Steve Ronchetti
Simpson, Councillor Julie Simpson
Sowerby, Councillor Joe Sowerby
Turnbull, Councillor Barry Turnbull
Turnbull, Councillor Jim Turnbull
Turner, Councillor Judith Turner
Walker, Councillor Kathryn Walker
Wallace, Councillor Jonathan Wallace
Weatherley, Councillor Daniel Weatherley
Weatherley, Councillor Hazel Weatherley
Welsh, Councillor Dawn Welsh
Wintcher, Councillor Amanda Wintcher
Wood, Councillor Keith Wood
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period