Agenda item

Audit and Standards Committee - Training and Induction

Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance


The Committee received a report setting out proposals for induction and training plans. Previously the Committee had considered a report on the Councillors’ Engagement and Development Framework, which is intended to guide councillors on how they undertake their duties, and particularly relates to consultation, engagement, training and development.


The Committee were advised that all training and development is important, but some areas are considered essential. All councillors (and independent members) are expected to undertake training on several areas including Ethics and Probity training related to committee membership.


In addition to guidance, the Framework also contains role descriptors with a specific one being produced relating to a member of the Audit and Standards Committee, which was attached as an appendix to the main report.


The Committee were advised that at present, all newly elected councillors undertake an induction programme which consists of them meeting all Strategic Directors. As part of this programme they receive a hard copy of the Council’s Code of Conduct and related guidance following their election. It is proposed that they will also receive a hard copy of the Local Code of Governance in their induction packs. These will be provided to independent members following their appointment.


In addition, all newly appointed members of the Audit and Standards Committee, including councillors and independent members, will receive an induction meeting from officers from Corporate Services and Governance and Corporate Resources prior to their first attendance at the Committee.


The induction meeting will cover the role and remit of the Committee, the role descriptor for members of the Committee, any training needs they need to fulfil their roles, and an overview of the governance structures of the authority and decision making processes


The Committee were advised that all Councillors are expected to undertake training on Ethics and Probity once in their four year term following their election. Four sessions have been held in 2018/19. Further sessions will be arranged in 2019/20 starting in September 2019.


The Audit and Standards Self Assessment for 2017/18 to support the Annual Governance Statement included a comment that a skills analysis of the Committee should be undertaken, following which a Development Plan will be drawn up which will be subject to continuous formal committee review. A suggested Development Plan was appended to the main report and members of the Committee were asked to identify those areas where their skills could be strengthened by further training, this will then inform the final Development Plan for the Committee.


It was also reported that it would be prudent to plan for delivery of training in relation to Risk and Counter Fraud  as both of these areas have undergone changes recently, and it is proposed that training on these areas should be arranged during 2019/20 starting after the local elections in order to ensure that newly elected councillors have the opportunity to attend these sessions.


The Committee were advised that it is also proposed that the training opportunities referred to above be offered to all members of the council.


The Committee were advised that the chair of the Committee attended a CIPFA event (Development Day for Local Authority Audit Committees) on 16 January 2019. Officers will identify opportunities for members of the Committee to attend similar national and regional events. Any members attending such an event would be expected to give feedback and share any learning materials with the Committee to maximise learning and development opportunities.


It was also suggested that Mazars could be requested to give some short sessions at the end of committee meetings on aspects of their work with the Council, such as their Audit Completion Report and Statement of Accounts.


The Chair and Vice Chair are invited to meetings of the North East Governance Forum, hosted by Mazars, which along with presentations and discussions on topical issues, provides networking and member development opportunities. These meetings are attended by Audit Committee Chairs/Vice Chairs from other North East Councils, along with their Chief Internal Auditors.


The Committee were requested to complete the skills audit and a further update will be given at the next meeting of the Committee.




That the information be noted



That the CIPFA document be circulated for information



That the skills audit and draft development plan be brought to the next meeting of the Committee for consideration


Supporting documents: