Agenda item

Ofsted - Inspection of Local Authority Children's Services (ILAC): Self-Evaluation and Annual Conversation update

Report of the Strategic Director of Care, Wellbeing and Learning.


The Committee received a report and presentation to update on the outcome of the annual conversation held with Ofsted on 5 December 218. It was noted that the conversation was held under the Inspection of Local Authority Children’s Services (ILACS) framework.


An overview of the Gateshead Local Area Context was provided. It was highlighted that Gateshead has a total population of around 202, 419 living in 90, 500 households and that socio-economic inequalities exist. The following was also noted from the presentation:


·         Around 1604 children (CIN) are open to Children Social Care (end Dec 18), which is CIN rate per 10,000 of 403, lower than both our statistical neighbours and North East neighbour average.  


·         Around 299 Children are subject to a Child Protection Plan (end Dec 18), which is a rate per 10,000 of 75.1, higher than north east and statistical neighbours.


·         Around 404 children are Looked After (end Dec 18), which is a rate per 10,000 of 101 again higher than north east and statistical neighbours.


The Committee were provided with an update in progress made from the last annual conversation. This included the appointment of a Strategic Director for Care, Wellbeing and Learning and the new domestic abuse service. It was also highlighted that there has been active engagement with the Jewish community in Gateshead.


From the report some headline data was summarised. From this information the following was presented:


·         1,430 CAF assessments completed with 1,691 children and young people receiving an early help intervention

·         1828 referrals received by Children Social Care, with a re-referral rate of 18.4% (lower than latest SN and England average)

·         Per 10,000 81.9 children subject to CP (326) and 102.3 LAC (407) (higher than England and SN averages)

·         CiN assessment timescales 87.1% (higher than latest SN and England average) only 13% resulting in NFA

·         96% of ICPCs within 15 working days of strategy discussion and 100% child protection reviews held in timescale (better than latest SN and England average). 85.5% of ICPCs result in a CP plan.

·         1.3% of CP plans ended after 2 years or more (lower than England and SN average)

·         18.8% of CP plans are second or subsequent (lower than England and SN average)

·         16% of LAC admitted to care previously in care, only 3% in the previous 12 months


The Committee were also provided with a breakdown of key service strengths and priority areas for development. It was highlighted that in terms of development the following are planned:


1.    Further strengthen Child in Need service delivery offer.


2.    Improve quality and consistency of children’s plans - as a mature learning organisation we partner other local authorities as part of our improvement journey to assess and develop practice. Strengthen the voice of children and young people to improve and impact on the focus of plans.


3.    Improve impact of feedback from children and young people-capture and evidence voice of the child to improve the quality of all elements of frontline social work.


4.    Improve impact of feedback from children and young people-capture and evidence voice of the child to improve the quality of all elements of frontline social work.


5.    Strengthen permanence planning through Early Permanence Group (EPG) reviewing admissions into care, long term matches, and all children with exit order plans. Regional Adoption Agency-established December 2018.


6.    Strengthen performance management further develop data and performance tools to provide accurate, real time information to support management oversight of frontline practice, enable robust self-challenge and target quality assurance work.


7.    Improve quality of frontline supervision predicated on well-embedded and understood expectations and practices in accordance with revised core practice standards.


In summarising the results of the recent annual conversation, the Committee were advised that the outcome was ‘good’ and that there are no current identifiable risks.


It was asked what the focus of services was in regard to looked after children; it was noted that a key focus was to keep children in the community where it is safe to do so. The Committee were also provided with a verbal update on the newly established regional adoption agency ‘Adopt North East’.


A comment was made stating that it was a positive thing to have an external party come to ‘hold a mirror’ to services to see whether improvements should be made. It was further stated that the Committee look forward to having an update on the new children’s 5-bed accommodation Longside House.


The Committee passed on their thanks to officers for the work done to continually improve services.




(i)            The Committee noted the contents of the report and presentation.


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