Agenda item

Counter Fraud and Corruption Arrangements

Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Resources


The Committee has been provided with details of the outcome the recent review of the Council’s overall Counter Fraud and Corruption Arrangements, including the revised Counter Fraud and Corruption Policy and Fraud Response Plan and the proposed Counter Fraud and Corruption Strategy.


CIPFA’s Code of Practice on Managing the Risk of Fraud and Corruption states that an organisation needs a counter fraud strategy setting out its approach to managing its risks and defining responsibilities for action. 


It is recognised that to minimise losses to fraud and corruption, a strategic approach with a clear remit covering all areas of fraud and corruption that may affect the Council is required. There needs to be a clear understanding of the importance of the links between policy work (to develop a counter fraud and corruption culture, create a strong deterrent effect and prevent fraud and corruption by designing robust policies and systems) and operational work (to detect and investigate fraud and corruption and seek to apply sanctions and recover losses where they are found).


Since 2011 the Council has had a Counter Fraud and Corruption Policy and Fraud Response Plan, but had not documented the overarching strategy. The Council’s draft Counter Fraud and Corruption Strategy clearly identifies the Council’s commitment to an effective Counter Fraud and Corruption approach, as part of its overall Corporate Governance arrangements.  The draft strategy outlines the principles the Council is committed to in preventing and reporting fraud and corruption.


Regular reports on any activity relating to this Strategy, and progress against the fraud plan, will be provided to the Committee.


An annual report will be provided to the Committee on performance against the Strategy and the effectiveness of the Strategy.  Conclusions will also form part of the Annual Governance Statement.   


A Counter Fraud and Corruption Policy and Fraud Response Plan forms an important part of the Counter Fraud and Corruption Strategy by setting the tone, culture and expectations of the Council, as part of the corporate framework. 


The Council has had a Counter Fraud and Corruption Policy and Fraud Response Plan since 2011. A part of this review both documents have been updated to take account of current best practice and guidance.


The Counter Fraud and Corruption Policy outlines the Council’s attitude to and position on, fraud and corruption and sets out responsibilities for its prevention and detection.  It also communicates important deterrence messages to employees, councillors, and third parties that fraudulent conduct will not be tolerated by the Council and that the stance against fraud is endorsed and supported at the most senior level. 


The Fraud Response Plan details the Council’s procedures for responding to any incidents of suspected fraud or corruption. The Plan sets out how suspicions should be raised and how investigations will be conducted and concluded. 


In response to a query on how these documents would be shared with employees, the committee was informed that they would be subject to a report to the Council’s SMG Services and Performance and then to Cabinet. Following this they would be the subject of employee briefings. It is intended that a six monthly report will be presented to this Committee providing updates on the work of the Corporate Fraud Team.


The Chair suggested that this topic could form a theme for the Committee to consider at a future meeting or form the basis of a councillors’ seminar.


RESOLVED -            That the Counter Fraud and Corruption Strategy, Counter Fraud and Corruption Policy, and Fraud Response Plan be approved.

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