Application: DC/24/00364/COU
Address: 222 Saltwell Road, Gateshead
Applicant: Mr Armin Hajizadeh
Proposal: Change of use from general car repair garage to car wash (resubmission)
(amended/additional information received 29/09/24 and 16/10/24)
Speakers and details of any addition information submitted:
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i. GRANT permission subject to the following condition(s) and that the Service Director of Climate Change, Compliance, Planning and Transport be authorised to add, vary and amend the planning conditions as necessary:
The development shall be carried out in complete accordance with the approved plan(s) as detailed below:
Location Plan V2
Plans showing existing and proposed floor layouts and section – V5
Design and Access Statement – received 29 September 2024
Any material change to the approved plans will require a formal planning application to vary this condition and any non-material change to the plans will require the submission of details and the agreement in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to any non-material change being made.
The development to which this permission relates must be commenced not later than 3 years from the date of this permission.
All vehicle washing and valet activity shall take place within the existing building. At no time shall vehicle washing or valeting take place on the associated forecourt fronting Saltwell Road. At all times during the cleaning and valet of vehicles, the building’s doors shall be closed.
The use hereby approved shall not commence until all on-site parking spaces within the front forecourt and protected pedestrian link to the main building as detailed by a hatched area have been provided and marked out in full as detailed on approved plan ref: ‘Plans showing existing and proposed floor layouts and section – V5’.
Pre-commencement reason
To ensure that necessary parking and pedestrian safety infrastructure is provided on-site prior to first use of the development in the interests of highway and pedestrian safety.
The 3no. customer parking spaces as detailed on approved plan ref: ‘Plans showing existing and proposed floor layouts and section – V5’ shall only be used by vehicles waiting to be cleaned, and for no other purpose.
The use hereby approved shall not commence until a detailed step by step Management Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
The Management Plan shall include full details of the following:
a. How vehicles will move through the site, including around other vehicles;
b. How vehicles will manoeuvre into and out of the main garage building, and then out of the site in a forward gear;
c. The arrangements in place should vehicles enter the site without prior booking;
d. The signage needed within the site boundary to ensure safe vehicle and pedestrian passage through the site;
Pre-commencement reason
To ensure that the applicant is able to demonstrate safe vehicle movements through the site prior to first use of the development in the interests of highway and pedestrian safety.
From the first use of the site as a car wash, and for the lifetime of the use hereby approved, the site shall be operated in full accordance with the Management Plan approved under condition 7.
All signage approved under condition 7 (where not subject to separate advertisement consent), must be installed as per the approved details and maintained for the lifetime of the development. Where signage is subject to separate advertisement consent, no signage may be installed on site until the relevant consent is first granted.
The use hereby approved shall not commence until details and specification of the proposed bike storage shelter have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Pre-commencement reason
To ensure that the necessary sustainable transport infrastructure for staff working from the site is made available for use prior to first use of the development.
The bike storage shelter approved under Condition 8 shall be installed on site as per the approved details and maintained in working condition for the lifetime of the development.
The use hereby approved shall not commence until all on-site drainage measures as detailed within approved plans ref: ‘Plans showing existing and proposed floor layouts and section – V5’, and the Design and Access Statement, received 29 September 2024 have been installed as per the approved plans and made operational. Thereafter, the drainage measures shall be retained and maintained for the lifetime of the development.
Pre-commencement reason
To ensure that all necessary drainage infrastructure associated with the proposed car wash use is installed on site and made operational prior to first use of the development in the interests of highway and pedestrian safety.
The car wash/valet use hereby approved shall only operate between the hours of 0900 – 2000 Monday to Saturday, and 1000 – 1600 Sundays, and at no other times.
Supporting documents: