Agenda item

Implementation of Health and Wellbeing Strategy (Report and Presentation) - Louise Sweeney


The Board received a report providing a progress summary on The Health and Wellbeing Strategy Approach and Plan for Implementation, which was approved by the Board in April 2023.

The report covers three parts covering the implementation of the report:

  • Part 1 – Focus on six cross cutting implementation themes to help deliver the strategy
  • Part 2 – Strategic drivers to support delivery of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy’s policy objectives, building a picture of the work being done by partner organisations
  • Part 3 – An additional four action areas which were identified as priority areas for further work

The report includes a detailed update on each of these parts. The Board commended the depth of the report and welcomed future updates with further detail.

The report also proposed that the Health and Wellbeing Strategy should be updated to include the two new Marmot principals introduced in 2022, as the Strategy is based on the original six Marmot principles. The two new principles are:

  • Tackle racism, discrimination and their outcomes.
  • Pursue environmental sustainability and health equity together

The Board agreed that the new principles proposed were important and should be included in the strategy.  It also confirmed that it is important that the goals of the Strategy remain achievable and manageable. Partners highlighted that work on these principles is ongoing and that their formal addition is welcome.

It was also felt that the equality, diversity and inclusion principles could go further, and that a proposal to strengthen this will be brought to the Council’s CMT in the future.

Note: Page 9, the report presented to the Board mentioned that:

‘Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust (GHNHST) have introduced the Winifred Laver Centre, a 60-bed intermediate care facility for patients recovering from an illness or injury. The Centre is for patients requiring a period of recovery, rehabilitation or reablement which does not need to be provided in hospital but can’t be provided in their home due to their support needs’.

This has since been corrected and should read:

‘Through a partnership between Gateshead Council, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB), and Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust (GHNHST), the Sister Winifred Laver Promoting Independence Centre has opened to provide a 60-bed intermediate care facility for people recovering from an illness or injury. The Centre is for people requiring a period of recovery, rehabilitation or reablement and to prevent admission to hospitals or care homes’.


  1. The Board noted the work being undertaken across partner organisations which is supporting the embedding of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy into everyday work.
  2. The Board agreed to the approach to Health in All Policies (HiAP) and endorsed the HiAP principals outlined in the paper.
  3. The Board endorsed the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Approach and Plan for Implementation to be updated to include the new Marmot objectives.
  4. The Board reaffirmed its commitment to the JSNA and invited partner organisations to also reaffirm their commitment to the JSNA.
  5. The Board agreed for existing and new JSNA content to be developed in line with the Health and Wellbeing Strategy objectives to improve the visibility of those objectives and support the alignment of partner organisations’ plans and strategies.
  6. The Board reaffirmed its commitment to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Implementation approach and plan being a live and iterative document, shared and owned by partners, with ongoing review, annual reflection and reporting on progress to the Health and Wellbeing Board.
  7. The Board encouraged Health and Wellbeing Board members and partner organisations to –
    1. ensure their plans and strategies clearly align to Thrive and the Health and Wellbeing strategy and support their staff to understand their role in delivering them to provide a strong foundation for the implementation of the Health & Wellbeing Strategy; and
    2. continue to prioritise Health and Wellbeing Strategy Implementation, including commitment to consistent engagement from all partners in the Implementation group recognising that it is a key facilitator of sharing progress and learning, partnership, and collaboration on strategy implementation.

 viii.        The Board noted that a further report will be brought to the Board in the Autumn updating progress on the actions as agreed, including an updated version of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Implementation Plan. As part of this, it was felt that it would be useful to see a practical example of how the Health in all policies (HiAP) approach is being applied.

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