Agenda item

Budget Savings Delivery 2021

Report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital


The Committee received a report providing an update on the achievement of in year budget savings for 2021/22.


The Committee were advised that there will be further reports to the Committee to update on the financial position within the Council.  It is important that activity in these areas are closely monitored both to minimise the mitigations required but also to achieve clarity and assurance that by March 2022 all savings values agreed by Cabinet and Council are achieved and do not contribute to the financial gap in future years.


The Council has achieved £170m of savings and has a proven track record of achieving the savings needed to balance the budget, there are not many other councils in the region who are delivering within budget.


Because of the impact of Covid the consultation that would usually take place as has taken place in previous years hasn’t happened.  Monitoring of the budget position and progress against proposed savings is taking place and quarterly monitoring is taken to Cabinet.


Further planned activities are as follows;


·         Adult Social Care Review of Care Packages (ASC2) Temporary investment has been approved to create additional capacity to carry out outcome-based reviews which should result in package cost savings. Recruitment to the posts is now complete with outcome-based reviews to commence imminently. Other specific reviews are already underway by the ACT team.


·         As part of the Public Health and Wellbeing review, commence a public consultation on Libraries in 2021 to allow potential remodelling of building use, subject to approval of Cabinet Report 19 October. There will be a 12-week consultation period (from 20 Oct to mid Jan).


·         Redesign of Day Services (ASC7) A further report will come back to Cabinet in October to gain approval for the restructure of disability day service staffing structure. Engagement will take place with employees and trade unions.


·         Review of in-


·         House Supported Living Schemes (ASC8)   A report will be presented to Cabinet in November outlining the proposal and rationale, seeking approval to commence with next steps of consultation with staff who would be affected and commence the procurement process linking with tenants and family carers to ensure they are instrumental to the procurement process.


·         Integrated Impact Assessments to be reviewed and updated for budget savings proposals and submitted with relevant Cabinet reports (PHW3, ASC7, ASC8)


·         An additional Integrated Impact Assessment to be developed for Libraries proposals (submitted with October Cabinet report)


It was noted that there is a council wide focus on the issues and make sure of a joined up approach.  It was also noted that our communication with residents, service users, stakeholders and partners needs to be better.  It was suggested that if were are going to have a central library the civic centre should be considered.  We need to have conversations with the NHS with regards to social care, if our social care sector is buoyant then that helps the NHS in terms of freeing up beds.


RESOLVED -  (i)         that the comments of the Committee be noted.

                        (ii)        that the future planned activity as outlined be noted.

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