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Contact: Grace Anderson – Democratic Services Officer, Tel: 0191 433 4635, Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of the last meeting The Committee is asked to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on the 17th June 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were approved as an accurate record with no matters arising, subject to the following amendments:
Declarations of Interest Committee members to declare an interest in any particular agenda item where applicable. Minutes: There was no declaration of interest. |
Update on Environmental Enforcement Report of the Strategic Director of Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities
Minutes: The Committee received an update on environmental enforcement with specific reference to fly tipping in Gateshead including the scale of problem and measures being deployed to tackle the issue, barriers to success and options to further improve the Council’s approach to minimising the impact of fly tipping on our communities and environment. It also discussed the structure of the new antisocial behaviour (ASB) team and its role in contributing to environmental issues and improvements.
The Enforcement Team in EIG currently has 5 permanent and 2 temporary officers dealing with a wide range of enforcement matters in addition to fly tipping which include planning, highways, vacant properties and problem sites, accumulations of waste, and abandoned vehicles. The focus of the work of the Enforcement Team in respect of waste is on large scale fly tipping i.e. those individuals who profit from illegally disposing of waste and businesses who don’t effectively manage their waste.
While resources for tackling large scale fly tipping have increased since December 2023 from 0.5FTE to 2.0FTE (by the end of this year) the report described that there is insufficient resource to respond to every report and cases must be triaged and prioritised. One or two difficult prosecution cases per officer is sufficient to severely limit the ability to be reactive to new service requests.
Consequently, current perceptions are that the Council is failing in its ability to tackle and address such an important issue. Such criticism is widely observed on social media sites or within online news reports and by way of complaints to the Council about its services.
In 2023, additional funding allowed for the appointment of 20 additional staff and equipment across the street cleansing and horticultural service to carry out litter picking and environmental improvements. 3 of those were dedicated to spot and clear fly-tipping and to respond to Members requests and priority clean ups. The report detailed work being done to address fly tipping since January 2024, not including prosecutions:
Future Homes Standard: Energy Efficiency Report of the Strategic Director of Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities Minutes: A report was presented to the Committee providing a summary of the position on energy efficiency in Housing Revenue Account (HRA) homes. It also considers planned and future measures to ensure the Council Housing Stock is fit for a low carbon future.
There are several national policies that have a direct impact on energy efficiency and the approach to net zero and retro fitting in the housing sector. These include the Climate Change Act from 2008, the Heat and Buildings Strategy and the UK Environment Act. This legislation covers a range of topics that impacts upon homes, energy and the wider environmental conditions within the public realm, for example air quality.
i. The Committee received and commented upon the report.
Housing Allocations Report of the Strategic Director of Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities
Minutes: The Committee was presented with a report demonstrating the changes to the Allocations Policy and to give an update on the number of applicants on the Housing Register.
Would like information on the number of sales of council houses this year and historically to understand the depletion of stock. Sell approx. 115 a year, and these tend to be higher demand 3 bed properties |
Joint report of the Chief Executive and the Strategic Director of Corporate Services & Governance. Minutes: The following additions were made to the Work Programme 2024/25: