Agenda and draft minutes

Gateshead Health and Wellbeing Board - Friday, 19th July, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Bridges Room - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Grace Anderson – Democratic Services Officer, Tel: 0191 433 4635, Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Minutes pdf icon PDF 98 KB

The minutes of the meeting held on the 7th June 2024 are attached for approval, together with the Action List.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 7 June 2024 were agreed as an accurate record with the following matter arising;


·        How the Board could support the leader in raising awareness of the dangers of alcohol and to put together a alcohol task force.


Declarations of Interest

Members of the Board to declare an interest in any particular agenda item.


There were no declarations of interest.


Updates from Board Members

Including an update from CAG on its contribution towards policy objective 4 of the Health & Wellbeing Strategy ‘Ensure a healthy standard of living for all’.


Chair Councillor Lynne Caffery would like to announce John Costello will be retiring on the 1st September 2024 and this would be his last board meeting. Councillor Caffery would like to give her thanks to John as he has been an asset to the board over the years, has made a significant contribution to the Gateshead Health and Care System, including through Gateshead Cares, and has been a major link between all the partnerships. The Chair and other board members give their thanks to John and wish him all the best in his retirement.

NHS update: the Microsoft outage has affected GP systems and is impacting upon their ability to see patients; however, the hospital systems are still working. Extra staff have been allocated to A&E to cope with the demand in patients coming through.

Further updates from the NHS included that two clinical directors have been appointed to CBC. Once the appointments have been announced, more details can be provided to the Board.

Citizen Advice Bureau update: The Bureau had a busy year in 2023/24; cases are taking more time as the issues coming through are more complex and it requires more support and communication with clients and services. Advice funded by Gateshead Council has helped 5,145 residents with over 52,000 issues. The majority of these have been around benefits, debt, utilities, housing, and health.


SEND Strategic Priority Plan Update - Suzanne Dunn and Laura Smith


The Board received a presentation to give an update on improvements over the last 12 months to special educational needs and disability services in Gateshead (SEND).

Following a review of the service, a whole system response has been developed to enhance the SEND service in Gateshead. Plans have been written up and are progressing effectively due to the collaboration of education, health and care partners, parents and young people.

The presentation outlined the following;

·        Background to the SEND code of practice

·        Gateshead Council’s vision and that of its partners for Children and Young People with SEND

·        SEND improvement plan

The SEND improvement plan identified five key areas for improvement:

1.     Leaders in health should ensure that plans to target the reduction in waiting times for services clearly identify the support that children and young people and their families will receive while waiting. These plans should contain ambitious timescales for improvement and clear monitoring and evaluation procedures.

2.     Strategic leaders across education, health and care should ensure that they provide clarity and consistency of expectations on the level of contribution from all agencies to continue to improve the quality of the EHC assessment and review process. 

3.     Leaders within the SEND service should improve communication between health, education, care and parents and carers to improve the experiences for children and young people with SEND and their families. They should further develop the role of the SEND caseworkers to strengthen communication. This should include tailored communication for parents and carers new to the country or who speak English as an additional language. 

4.     Leaders in health should ensure there is clear oversight of children and young people as they move through the emotional well-being and mental health support systems in the area. Leaders should provide clear and consistent information to children and young people, families, and professionals on the pathway. 

5.     Strategic leaders should continue to improve the transitions from child to adult services in health, education, and care. They should ensure that the strategy for preparation for adulthood starts from the earliest years, particularly for children with complex needs. 

In addition to the SEND strategy and priority action plan, the service spoke to children, young people and their families to secure feedback from their experience of the SEND offer. The Board were presented with a sample of what young people had to say and what Gateshead is doing in response.

Over the last 12 months it was noted that there has been significant improvements to the services.

The board were presented with the next steps, including actions for improvement over the next 6-12 months.


       i.          The Board commended the work that has taken place over the last year and sought a further update on progress in six-months time.


Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS FT: Update on Clinical Model and Re-provision of in-patient services - Anna English pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a report that sets out CNTW’s plans for the transfer of adult acute in-patient services from the Campus of Ageing and Vitality (CAV) in Newcastle to St Nicholas Hospital, Gosforth.

Cumbria Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS FT (CNTW) published the strategy ‘With You in Mind’ which sets out the commitments and strategic ambitions for the future whilst also supporting the delivery of key national policy requirements.

In May 2024, the Trust’s Board of Directors at CNTW agreed that older people’s inpatient and community services in Newcastle will also move to the St Nicholas Hospital site to establish a centre of excellence for older persons. In the Spring/Summer 2025, in-patient services will move to the St Nicholas Hospital Site, the current closed Bede ward will be repurposed to provide older persons in-patient beds.

The co-location of adults and older adult mental health services onto the St Nicholas Hospital site will enhance the offer to residents of Gateshead and Newcastle due to the range of services and support offered on one site.

The Bamburgh Clinic will have 54 beds available when the ward opens in Summer 2025. North Cumbria have started plans to increase the number of inpatient beds by 12 to allow patients to be closer to home and less reliant on Newcastle beds. The beds will be managed by the Enhanced Bed Management service, a service that ensures patients can be admitted to the appropriate bed as quickly as possible.

The Board were advised of the timescales for construction and refurbishment of the wards.

The Board also received a presentation on how CNTW’s Strategy ‘With you in Mind’ has shaped the Trust’s Model of Care and the positive impact and benefits for patients that the Trust wants to see

·        No Waiting

·        Holistic assessment of needs and access to evidence based treatment

·        People get better, and their outcomes improve


       i.          The Board noted the report and presentation.


Alternative to Crisis - Gail Balance and Anj Kumar


The Board received a presentation on the alternative crisis pathway.

The current pathway is under review to understand the reasons for the increase in referrals to crisis services.

The current offer in Gateshead is adult focused and consists of: Tyneside Mind which provides telephone support 7 days a week between 8am-10pm that focuses on 16 years+ and Everyturn Mental Health which provides short term residential care to adults ages 18+ where clinical intervention is required but hospital admission is not appropriate.

The service completed a deep dive into the service and found the following:

  • In a recent deep dive into working age adult crisis presentations only 2% of cases required hospital admission; 24% were offered home treatment and 74% were referred to other services.
  • In a similar deep dive of presentations to the Children & Young People's crisis pathway only 3% required hospital admission, 16% were offered home treatment and 53% of were signposted to other services. Of these presentations, 40% had originally presented to A&E.
  • Partners and the public are telling us that the system is disjointed, services are not joined up and therefore individuals experiencing a mental health crisis are not provided with the right support early enough to stop the crisis from escalating.
  • The deep dive into working age adult presentations identified almost half had a co-occurring issue of mental health and drug/ alcohol misuse.
  • The deep dive into presentations from Children & Young People identified that school pressures were cited as the most consistent factor contributing to the crisis.
  • Individuals assessed as not requiring immediate clinical intervention are referred to Primary Care with the onus on the patient to make contact.
  • Individuals attending A&E are doing so for the immediate response and are happy to sit for hours rather than waiting for a triage phone call at home.
  • Anecdotal evidence from CNTW Crisis Service indicates increasing number of calls from ‘professionals’ seeking advice regarding an individual.

The Pathway development plan includes:

·        Provision of alternative admission to crisis beds for working age adults

·        Mind telephone support to operate 7 days per week

·        Tyneside Mind to pilot a professional advice service

·        Pilot Rapid response team to provide support to children, young people and their families that are at risk of hospital admission or entering local authority care

·        All age Safe Haven available seven days a week

·        Building capacity via integrated neighbourhood working with local services and team

As developments progress, update reports will be presented to the Board.

A discussion took place on staffing across CNTW and the Gateshead system. It was noted that there is a shortage of staff with specialisms across the NHS and that it is important to treat patients in the community where possible, ensuring that hospital beds are available for those who need them.


       i.          The Board noted the presentation and that a further update will be brought to the Board at a future date.


Gateshead Place Plan Refresh - Kirsty Sprudd


The Board were presented with the Gateshead Place Plan for 2024-25.

The plan is based on the four NENC Integrated Care Strategy priorities which are:

Giving children and young people the best start in life: which includes SEND, system redesign of children and young people’s mental health offer, therapies and 1001 critical days.

Better health and care services: work will continue to integrate neighbourhood working by bringing together agendas which includes locality working, community led support, family hubs and other hubs, social prescribing and the sustainability of community pharmacy.

It will also include primary, secondary and community pathways and targeted work in marginalised communities.

Fairer outcomes for all: this includes the continuation of work with Gateshead’s two ‘deep-end’ practices and the application of learning from the practices, improving the consistency and quality of learning disability and SMI health checks, women’s health inequalities, Core20Plus5 and meaningful, targeted support in areas with highest levels of inequality.

Work will also be carried out to tackle substance misuse; this is a collaborative project to ensure all services are working jointly to improve outcomes for local people.

Longer and healthier lives: with a focus on mental health, learning disability, autism and ageing well.

The Board noted that there have been many great stories of how people have had a successful journey, leading to improved health outcomes and this can be reported back to the Board as part of future items.


       i.          The Board noted the presentation.


Gateshead Cares System Board Update - Mark Dornan


The Board received a presentation providing an update on the work of Gateshead Cares.

It was noted that Gateshead Cares System Board received a progress update on priority four of the Gateshead Place Plan: Ageing Well: Transformation of Home Care. Progress has been made in relation to the following:

·        The new contract model for home care

·        The challenges that have had to be addressed and work undertaken to support market sustainability

·        Focus on Home First – waiting list for packages reduced

·        Outcomes approach, focused on needs (not time and task)

·        An affordable model that will be attractive for providers

The System Board also considered a progress update on Digital Inclusion:

·        UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) Digital Inclusion Project for micro, small and medium VCSE organisations based/working in Gateshead (to help increase access) – 21 small grant awards

·        Gateshead Digital Inclusion Steering Group (cross-sector partnership between Gateshead Council, NHS, VCSE sector, Industry & Research)

·        Gateshead Digital Inclusion Network:

·        In-person networking event on digital inclusion and women’s empowerment (6th March)

·        AbilityNet session (16th July) on what digital accessibility is and why it is essential for organisations

·        Landline/Digital switchover session (18th Sept) on what the switchover means and support for the roll-out of the service

In relation to Women’s Health, feedback was provided from the Involve North East Survey and the next steps were presented to the Board. In March 2024, a survey was undertaken with 1,001 respondents. Feedback was sought on three priority areas - menopause, contraception and gynaecology, and people’s experiences of NHS support currently available.

The top three other priority areas identified were: breast screening, mental health and fertility.

From the results, the next steps identified included:

·        Sharing the results of the survey

·        Responding to what women have said they want: shorter waiting times in Gynaecology; standard information on menopause / quick and timely access and diagnosis; women’s health services local to them, at convenient times.

·        Co-design and co-production e.g. hub and spoke options

·        A minimum of two core specification services ‘live’ by end of July

The Gateshead professional forum met on the 19th June 2024 and discussed the following:

·        The Gateshead Place Plan

·        Opportunities / challenges that will affect Gateshead residents and/or our organisations

·        Actions that the system could take or other partners could do that would support the work of health and care professionals

·        The format of future meetings

Other issues that were considered included Gateshead Care Health and Wellbeing OSC’s Work Programme for 2024/25.


       i.          The Board noted the presentation.


Better Care Fund - Update return for 2024-25 - John Costello pdf icon PDF 99 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a report to endorse the Gateshead Better Care Fund (BCF) update for 2024-25 to NHS England.

The BCF planning guidance indicated that there would be a requirement to provide an updated planning template for the second year (2024-25) covering expected income, expenditure, capacity and demand, and performance against metrics (against which progress made by local areas will be monitored).

Existing joint working arrangements in place have been used to update the BCF planning return for 2024-25, including the Integrated Commissioning Group.

Assurance of the planning update for 2024-25 will be led by Better Care Managers with input from NHS England and local government representatives.

National monitoring and reporting requirements during 2024-25 will cover progress in implementing BCF plans, progress against metrics and ongoing compliance with the national conditions of the fund.


       i.          The Board noted the background to the requirements to submit a BCF planning update template for 2024-25.

      ii.          The Board endorsed the 2024-25 BCF update for Gateshead.


Pharmacy Notifications from NENC ICB


An update was provided to the Board regarding pharmacy notifications, as set out below.


Response to NHS England re: application by Newcastle Pharma Ltd. for a Distance Selling Pharmacy at Perth Court, Eleventh Avenue North, Team Valley, Gateshead pdf icon PDF 89 KB


A response has been provided to NHS England on behalf of the Board on 13th June 2024 regarding this application for a distance selling pharmacy.


       i.          The response was noted by the Board.  



Change of ownership: Pharmacy at 105 Prince Consort Road, Gateshead (Bestway National Chemists Ltd to Gateshead Healthcare Ltd) pdf icon PDF 92 KB


The Board were notified that there has been a transfer of ownership of the pharmacy at 105 Prince Consort Road.


       i.          The change of ownership has been noted by the Board.


Change of Opening Hours: Front Street Pharmacy, Winlaton pdf icon PDF 59 KB


The Board were also notified that there has been a change of opening hours for the pharmacy at 50 Front Street, Winlaton.


       i.          The board noted the change of pharmacy opening hours.


Any Other Business


There was no other business.