Agenda and minutes

Annual Meeting, Council - Friday, 20th May, 2022 2.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Gateshead Civic Centre

Contact: Roz Patterson 

No. Item


Election of Mayor

To elect a Member of the Council to be Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Gateshead for the ensuing municipal year.


As required by Section 3 of the Local Government Act 1972, the Council proceeded to the election of the Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Gateshead for the ensuing municipal year.


Councillor B Clelland seconded by Councillor M Hall, moved that Councillor D Burnett be elected Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Gateshead for the ensuing municipal year.


COUNCIL RESOLVED           -           That Councillor D Burnett be elected Mayor of

the Metropolitan Borough of Gateshead for the ensuing municipal year until acceptance of office by her successor.


Councillor D Burnett accepted the office of Mayor by making and subscribing the declaration required by law and expressed her thanks for the high honour accorded to her.


Election of Deputy Mayor

To elect a Member of the Council to be Deputy Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Gateshead for the ensuing municipal year.


The Mayor invited nominations for the office of Deputy Mayor as required by Section 5 of the Local Government Act 1972.


On the motion of Councillor K Dodds, seconded by Councillor F Geddes:-


COUNCIL RESOLVED           -           That Councillor R Waugh be elected Deputy

Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Gateshead for the ensuing municipal year until acceptance of office by his successor.


Councillor R Waugh accepted the office of Deputy Mayor by making and subscribing the declaration required by law and expressed his thanks for the high honour accorded to him.


Appointment of Leader

To appoint the Leader of the Council.


On the motion of Councillor K Dodds, duly seconded:-


COUNCIL RESOLVED           -           That Councillor M Gannon be appointed as

Leader of the Council for a four year period until the date of the annual meeting after the municipal elections in 2026.


Election of Councillors pdf icon PDF 10 KB

The Chief Executive will report the results of the Municipal Elections held on 5 May 2022.


The Service Director, Legal and Democratic Services, reported that the following Councillors were elected on 5 May 2022 to represent the wards indicated.






No 1

Crawcrook and Greenside

Hugh Kelly


No 2

Ryton, Crookhill and Stella

Freda Geddes


No 3

Chopwell and Rowlands Gill

Lynne Caffrey


No 4

Winlaton and High Spen

Pamela Burns


No 5


Lee-Ann Moir


No 6

Whickham North

Peter Craig

Liberal Democrat

No 7

Whickham South and Sunniside

Marilynn Ord

Liberal Democrat

No 8

Dunston Hill and Whickham East

Amelia Ord

Liberal Democrat

No 9

Dunston and Teams

Dot Burnett


No 10

Lobley Hill and Bensham

Kevin Dodds


No 11


John Adams


No 12

Low Fell

Dawn Welsh

Liberal Democrat

No 13


Maureen Goldsworthy


No 14


Angela Douglas


No 15


Martin Gannon


No 16

High Fell

Judith Gibson


No 17


Bill Dick


No 18

Windy Nook and Whitehills

Tom Graham


No 19

Pelaw and Heworth

Amanda Wintcher

Liberal Democrat

No 20

Wardley and Leam Lane

Sharron Potts


No 21


Jane McCoid


No 22


Daniel Weatherley




COUNCIL RESOLVED           -           That the information be noted.


Appointment of Deputy Leader and Cabinet

To inform the members of the appointment of the Deputy Leader of the Council and the Cabinet for the ensuing year.


The Leader announced, in accordance with the Executive Arrangements, that he had appointed his Cabinet members, including the Deputy Leader, Councillor Catherine Donovan.


COUNCIL RESOLVED           -           That the information be noted.


Allocation of Seats pdf icon PDF 21 KB

The Leader of the Council will move:


“That in accordance with Sections 15 and 16 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the allocation of seats on those bodies to which the Act applies, to the various political groups represented on the Council, as set out in the schedule, be approved.”

Additional documents:


On the motion of Councillor M Gannon, duly seconded:


COUNCIL RESOLVED           -           That in accordance with Sections 15 and 16 of

the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the allocation of seats on those bodies to which the Act applies, to the various political groups represented on the Council, as set out in the attached schedule (Appendix 1b(i)) be approved. 


Appointments to Committees of the Council and Other Bodies Exercising Non Executive Functions pdf icon PDF 272 KB

(i)         The Leader of the Council will move the nominations of the Gateshead Council Labour Group to the following bodies:


(a)   Planning and Development, Licensing, Regulatory, Appeals, Rights of Way, Personnel Appeals, Special Appointments, Contracts, Audit and Standards, and Accounts Committees; Pensions and Pay Discretions Sub-Committee; and Health and Wellbeing Board

(b)   Overview and Scrutiny Committees

(c)   Northumbria Police and Crime Panel and Joint OSC for the North East and North Cumbria ICS and the North and Central ICPs;

(d)   Honours Advisory Group

(e)   Outside bodies dealing with functions which are not wholly an executive responsibility


(ii)        The Leader of the opposition group will move the nominations of the Liberal

Democrat Group to the following bodies:


(a)   Planning and Development, Licensing, Regulatory, Appeals, Rights of Way, Personnel Appeals, Special Appointments, Contracts, Audit and Standards, and Accounts Committees; Pensions and Pay Discretions Sub-Committee; and Health and Wellbeing Board

(b)   Overview and Scrutiny Committees

(c)   Northumbria Police and Crime Panel and Joint OSC for the North East and North Cumbria ICS and the North and Central ICPs;

(d)   Honours Advisory Group

(e)   Outside bodies dealing with functions which are not wholly an executive responsibility



Note: In accordance with the constitution, the Cabinet at its first meeting will appoint members of:


·        Advisory groups

·        Bodies of the Council dealing with executive functions

·        Joint committees and joint authorities dealing with executive functions

·        Outside bodies dealing with executive functions

·        Youth and community organisations

Additional documents:


(i)         Labour Group Nominations


Councillor M Gannon, duly seconded, moved that the members listed at Appendix CL7(i) to these minutes be appointed to the Planning and Development, Licensing, Regulatory, Appeals, Rights of Way, Personnel Appeals, Special Appointments, Contracts, Audit and Standards and Accounts Committees, Pensions and Pay Discretions Sub-Committee; the Health and Wellbeing Board; the Overview and Scrutiny Committees; the Northumbria Police and Crime Panel; Northumberland, Tyne and Wear and the Joint OSC for the North East and North Cumbria ICS and the North and Central ICPs; the Honours Advisory Group and outside bodies dealing with functions that are not wholly and executive responsibility for the municipal year 2022/23.


COUNCIL RESOLVED           -           That the nominations of the Labour Group listed

at Appendix 1b(ii) to these minutes be agreed.


(ii)        Liberal Democrat Nominations


Councillor J Wallace, duly seconded, moved the members listed at Appendix 1b(iii).


Councillor A Douglas, duly seconded, moved the following amendment;


“To remove Councillor P Maughan as the member of the Northumbria Police and Crime Panel”.


On the amendment being put it was declared to be carried.  The Liberal Democrat Group was asked to reconsider its nomination.


Councillor J Wallace responded to the amendment and proposed no change to the members listed at Appendix 1b(iii).


COUNCIL RESOLVED           -           That the members listed at Appendix 1b(iii) to

these minutes be appointed to the Planning and Development, Licensing, Regulatory, Appeals, Rights of Way, Personnel Appeals, Special Appointments, Contracts, Audit and Standards, and Accounts Committees; Pensions and Pay Discretions Sub-Committee; the Health and Wellbeing Board; the Overview and Scrutiny Committees; the Northumbria Police and Crime Panel; Northumberland, Joint OSC for the North East and North Cumbria ICS and the North and Central ICPs; the Honours Advisory Group and outside bodies dealing with functions that are not wholly an executive responsibility for the municipal year 2022/23.




Appointment of Chairs and Vice Chairs pdf icon PDF 11 KB

In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 28.1 to appoint Chairs and Vice Chairs of the bodies listed in Annex 1A to Part 3 of the Constitution.

Additional documents:


On the motion of Councillor M Gannon, duly seconded:


COUNCIL RESOLVED           -           That the chairs and vice-chairs of the bodies

listed in Annex 1A to Part 3 of the Constitution and of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for the municipal year 2022/23 as listed at Appendix 1b(iv) to these minutes be approved.