Venue: Civic Centre Gateshead
Contact: Angela Frisby Tel 0191 4332138
No. | Item |
Apologies |
Declarations of Interest |
Notes of Informal Meeting of the Joint OSC PDF 239 KB The notes of the informal meeting of the Joint ICS OSC held on 24 January 2022 are attached and the Joint OSC is asked to confirm these as a correct record of the issues considered and discussed. |
Update on Next Steps for the ICS Sam Allen, Chief Executive of NE&NC ICS, will provide the Joint OSC with a verbal update outlining her perspective on the development of the NE&NC ICS and what that might mean for the NE & NC. |
Oncology Services Briefing Representatives from NHS England, who are responsible for commissioning oncology services, Newcastle Hospitals, as the provider of these services, and the Northern Cancer Alliance, alongside the newly formed Provider Collaborative, which represents all FTs in the region, will provide the Joint OSC with a presentation on this matter. |
Regional Digital Strategy - Progress Update Professor Graham Evans, Chief Digital Officer, NE & NC ICS will provide the Joint OSC with a presentation on this matter. |
Work Programme 2022-23 The Joint OSC was informed that the below issues had been identified during 2021-2022 which it had not been possible to progress as part of that work programme and which the Joint OSC may wish to roll forward to the 2022-23 work programme:-
· Workforce – Progress Update · Inequalities – Update · Emergency Planning · Detail on Covid Recovery Plan
In addition to the above the Joint OSC has previously agreed that the following matter should be a standard item for each meeting.
· Next Steps for ICS
The views of the Joint OSC are sought on the above and any additional issues it may wish to consider as part of the 2022-23 work programme. |
Date and Time of Next Meeting It was proposed that the next meeting be scheduled in June 2022 – date and time to be confirmed. |