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Contact: Melvyn Mallam-Churchill, Tel: 0191 433 2149, Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Gary Haley, Caroline O’Neill, Steve Thomas and James Duncan. |
The minutes of the meeting held on 28th January 2022 are attached for approval, together with the Action List Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: (i) The minutes of the last meeting held on 28 January 2022 were agreed as a correct record. (ii) The Board noted the matters arising as detailed in the Action List. |
Declarations of Interest Members of the Board to declare an interest in any particular agenda item. Minutes: RESOLVED: (i) There were no matters arising. |
Adult Social Care White Paper - Steph Downey PDF 310 KB Minutes: The Board received a report and presentation providing an update on the Adult Social Care (ASC) White Paper; from the report the Board were provided with a summary of its objectives, key themes and information relating to the impact on Gateshead.
From the presentation, the Board were advised that the four key themes as outlined in the White Paper were:
· Providing the right care in the right place at the right time · Empowering those who draw on care, unpaid carers and families · A strategy for the social care workforce · Supporting local authorities to deliver social care reform and the Government vision
It was highlighted that Gateshead already has many of the key areas in development; it was noted that work is also underway with the LGA, housing, planning and commissioning colleagues with regards to the direction of housing requirements including extra care, that there is investment in digital technology and ASSET (an early signal driver approach to help identify those at risk of entering Care Act arrangements) as well as work taking place on innovative workforce solutions.
The Board were also provided with a summary of timescales, finances and potential financial pressures as the aims of the White Paper are implemented. It was reported that social care providers are reporting that they have to increase wages by more than 6.6% due to wage increases in other competing parts of the economy. The Board acknowledged that ‘workforce’ is one of the biggest issues facing adult social care and is likely to lead to cost pressures.
Concern was noted from the Board that the estimate for inflation would likely fall short; a comment was also made stating that the process in which providers must bid for funding to provide services is counterproductive.
The Board noted that investment in prevention was important in reducing the burden on adult social care services; the Board also discussed the Falls Programme and its benefits. It was suggested that partners should dig deep to resource prevention and early intervention; a comment was also made noting that the Board would add its voice to lobby for more funding and autonomy to deliver services at a place based level.
The Board also acknowledged the importance of digital technology in providing services; a comment was also made stating that whilst the use of technology can provide some efficiencies, it is not a substitute for face-to-face care.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the opportunities and issues raised within the report and presentation. (ii) The Board agreed to use their collective lobbying power to make the case for a fair deal for Adult Social Care in Gateshead.
Adult Social Care ACT Team - Melony Bramwell Minutes: The Board received a presentation providing an update on the impact on poverty in adults with a focus on the Adult Service Support and Engagement Team (ASSET).
From the presentation, the Board noted that Gateshead has seen an increase in its aging population and a reduction in those aged between 0-44. It was also highlighted that Gateshead is ranked 47th out of 317 local authorities in terms of deprivation. The Board were reminded that the information presented would now be out of date as the pandemic has had a significant impact in several areas affecting health and wellbeing in adults across the board.
The Board were advised that services are already seeing an increase in demand across a number of areas and that this demand is expected to grow alongside the emergence of hidden demands from those not currently engaging.
It was reported that austerity and welfare reform had seen budget cuts in local authorities with adult social care services particularly affected; it was also noted that staff shortages had been felt across the entire social care workforce. The Board were provided with an overview of ASSET; it was noted that their role is to provide early signal driven intervention for residents who are experiencing (or are predicted to experience) chaotic lifestyles, multiple exclusions and negative social outcomes.
From the presentation, the Board were also advised of the work done with partners in addition to two case studies highlighting the importance of the work being done.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the contents of the presentation.
- Enable all children, young people and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives - Create fair employment and good work for all - Ensure a healthy standard of living for all - Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities - Strengthen the role and impact of ill health prevention
Minutes: The Board were provided with an overview of the strategic priorities of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy (including addressing poverty), these were:
- Give every child the best start in life - Enable all children, young people, and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives - Create fair employment and good work for all - Ensure a healthy standard of living for all - Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities - Strengthen the role and impact of ill health prevention
The Board received a presentation summarising the aims and objectives of Gateshead’s THRIVE agenda in addition to lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic. The Board also discussed the deepening of inequalities seen throughout Gateshead in addition to factors affecting the wider determinants of health.
Following the discussions, the Board noted the reasoning for diversifying the representation on the Board in order to deliver its priorities; this included representation from Northumbria Police and looking at ways that the voice of community and voluntary sector providers can best be heard by the Board.
It was suggested that a task and finish group be established to develop an implementation plan for the Health and Wellbeing Strategy; it was agreed that a further update on the matters discussed and presented would be brought to a future meeting.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the update provided in the presentation. (ii) The Board agreed to put in place a task and finish group to develop an implementation plan for the Health & Wellbeing Strategy in order to take forward the Board’s strategic priorities.
Covid-19 Response & Vaccine Update - Alice Wiseman/Lynn Wilson Minutes: The Board received an update on the Covid-19 response and vaccine uptake in Gateshead.
It was reported that there were currently 14 individuals in hospital with Covid-19; the Board were also advised that as restrictions have eased there is evidence that there are fewer people testing and recording test results both locally and nationally. The Board also noted concern at the Governments plans to begin charging for Covid-19 tests; it was felt that this would further discourage people to take and report test results.
The Board were provided with a summary of vaccine uptakes across Gateshead; it was noted that the update for first vaccines varied across wards. It was highlighted that Nicola Allen; Chief Executive of CBC Health would be arranging for a vaccine bus to travel to communities where uptake is lowest.
The Board discussed the rollout of further booster vaccinations; it was advised that the landscape with regard to booster vaccines is changing. The Board were further advised that they would be updated as this programme evolves.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the update.
Gateshead Cares System Board Update - Mark Dornan/All Minutes: The Board received a presentation providing an update from the Gateshead Cares System Board.
From the update, the Board noted that following its last meeting, the System Board considered the eight lessons set out in the DPH annual report, including the scope to use CCG health inequalities funding to respond to the lessons learned. It was also reported that the Systems Board had considered an update on the Gateshead Outcomes Framework Axym and on the capacity needed to progress digital inclusion work across the system.
The Board were also provided with an overview of proposals to take forward work on multiple and complex needs, this included the establishment of a Programme Board to oversee the work, leadership and engagement arrangements to progress ‘People@theHeart’.
From the presentation, information was provided on work taking place relating to the transformation of home care and planning for a Development Session for the System Board. The Board were also advised that work is taking place relating to an operating model for the NENC Integration Care Board.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the update.
Updates from Board Members Minutes: The Board were advised that across the Council and the CCG that investment is being pooled across the children’s agenda, this included care leavers and training.
The Board were also advised that the Council will be taking forward a trainee social worker programme.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the updates.
A.O.B. Minutes: RESOLVED: (i) There was no other business. |