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No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Martin Gannon and Siobhan O’Neill. |
The minutes of the business meeting held on 5th March 2021 and Action List are attached for approval. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting held on 5 March 2021 were agreed as a correct record.
The Board also received an update on items contained within the Action List; it was noted that an e-mail had been sent to Board members to canvas their views on Gateshead Council’s Corporate Performance Management Framework. It was further noted that an update on Homelessness/Rough Sleeping is to be scheduled for the Board meeting in June 2021. |
Declarations of Interest Members of the Board to declare an interest in any particular agenda item. Minutes: RESOLVED: (i) There were no declarations of interest. |
Covid-19 Response & Vaccine Update - Alice Wiseman & Lynn Wilson / All Minutes: The Board received a presentation providing an update on the Covid-19 response and vaccination drive.
It was reported that there has been a decline in Covid-19 cases since January 2021 and 34 cases in the last 7 days. It was highlighted that there has been no significant clusters or outbreaks.
An update on testing was also provided, it was noted that there had been 90074 tests conducted in the last 30 days with 89719 being negative. From the presentation, the Board were advised that almost 60% of the adult population had received the 1st dose of a vaccine and that there had been no Covid-19 related inpatients at the QE hospital for the past 3 days.
The Board acknowledged the great effort from partners across the system in the vaccination programme but noted that frontline staff have felt the greatest pressures. The Board were advised that primary care services are preparing to return to normal service with support from CBC.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the update. |
Refresh of Gateshead Covid-19 Local Outbreak Management Plan - Marc Hopkinson Minutes: The Board received a copy of the Gateshead Covid-19 Local Outbreak Management Plan.
It was noted that it is the Council’s vision to make Gateshead a place where everyone thrives. It was reported that this is based on a recognition that inequalities are common and that this is bad for everyone. It was reported that Covid-19 has not only shone a light on inequality, but also increased it for many, with BAME groups and more socially deprived communities disproportionately affected. Our COVID-19 response needs to reflect this and provide help where it is needed, when it is needed.
The COVID-19 Outbreak Management Plan sets out the role of the Gateshead system in preventing and controlling Covid-19 with a focus on robust management of outbreaks and providing support for complex settings, communities, and individuals where required.
A summary of the Plan was provided, and it was highlighted that the document reflects a ‘whole system’ approach to support the recovery of residents and tackle health inequalities.
The Plan is a dynamic document which will be updated to reflect learning and experience in dealing with the COVID-19 response.
A comment was made noting that the number of children living in poverty is astonishingly high; it was further stated that the pandemic has exacerbated inequalities and poverty divides in Gateshead.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board agreed the contents of the Plan.
Minutes: The Board received a copy of the Gateshead Director of Public Health’s Annual Report 2020. The Board then discussed taking forward the recommendations from the report which were:
· Strategy Implementation · Understand and engage · Tackle inequality · Participatory leadership · The economy as a driver for well-being · Equitably health and care · Covid-19 impact assessment
The Board noted that membership arrangements for the Health & Wellbeing Board are to be reviewed.
A discussion took place on making Gateshead a ‘Child Friendly’ place to live and work; the example of Leeds was given as a city who have done this. An additional discussion also took place on the impact of Covid-19 on women and the cumulative impact on inequalities.
The Board agreed that progress towards meeting the recommendations needed to be done through a ‘whole system’ approach. It was also suggested that a working group be set up to establish an action plan for each recommendation.
The Board were advised that the Council have agreed the new Health & Wellbeing Strategy and that partners should link up as part of the Locality Working Group arrangements.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the contents of the report. (ii) The Board agreed that a whole system approach is needed to meet the recommendations. (iii) To consider at a future Board meeting on how the recommendations of the report can best be addressed through the Forward Plan.
Gateshead Health & Care System Update |
Update - Mark Dornan / All Minutes: The Board received a verbal update on the Gateshead Health & Care system.
It was noted that a lot of work is underway across wider geographies and the North ICP to take forward and implement its priorities around People, Planet and Prosperity. The Board were also advised that multiple and complex needs work is continuing and was discussed at Senior Leadership meetings.
Updates on the Alliance Agreement, NHS Planning Guidance and Leadership Programme changes were also highlighted.
A discussion took place on branding for partners meeting virtually, it was agreed that the Gateshead Cares background would be shared to partners who need it.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the updates.
SEND Visit - Caroline O'Neil Minutes: The Board received an update and presentation on the recent SEND visit in Gateshead during March.
The Board were advised that a deep dive of cases was undertaken to assess how services have coped and continued to deliver services during the pandemic. From the presentation the Board were also given examples and case studies from service users following an overview of the Gateshead local area context.
A comment was made noting that Gateshead is an example of an outstanding model for service delivery during extremely difficult times. It was also noted that the feedback and contributions from service users is valuable; it was suggested that the presentation be delivered at Gateshead Council’s Families OSC meeting.
A Board member shared their personal experience of using SEND services and highlighted that, despite the impact of austerity, the SEND offer within Gateshead is excellent. The Board were also advised that the member of the visiting team had commended the work of staff in this area during unprecedented times with additional challenges.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the update.
BCF 2020/21: End of Year Reporting Arrangements - John Costello Minutes: The Board were advised that the Section 25 agreement conditions had been met. It was also noted that a full report on the BCF 2020/21 reporting arrangements would be presented at the next meeting for endorsement.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the update. |
Updated from Board Members Minutes: RESOLVED: (i) There were no other updates. |
A.O.B. Minutes: The Board were advised that the Government have made a call for evidence for the development of a national Women’s Health Strategy. It was highlighted that an all-parliamentary working group has been established and that Liz Twist MP is a member.
A discussion took place on the matter of mandatory vaccinations for care sector staff.
RESOLVED: (i) The Board noted the updates. |