Agenda and minutes

Gateshead Health and Wellbeing Board - Friday, 8th September, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Bridges Room - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Melvyn Mallam-Churchill, Tel: 0191 433 2149, Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Gary Haley, Councillor Martin Gannon and Stephen Kirk.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 85 KB

The minutes of the meeting held on the 21 July 2023 are attached for approval, together with the Action List

Additional documents:



(i)            That the minutes of the meeting held 21 July 2023 be approved.

(ii)           That the action list update be noted.


Declarations of Interest

Members of the Board to declare an interest in any particular agenda item.



(i)            That there were no declarations of interest.


Updates from Board Members


The Board received verbal updates from members as follows:


·        Integrated Care Partnership North with the ICB are developing an oral health strategy to identify areas where there are shortages in dental services for people.


·        The ICP are developing a weight management programme; an update on the progress of this work will be provided at a future meeting.


·        The ICP are doing a deep dive on pharmacy provision to identify emerging issues and problems; an update on the progress of this work will be provided at a future meeting.


·        The Government are offering grants for women’s health hubs that address health inequalities; it was noted that the QE are developing a project in relation to services for women. Bids for funding need to be submitted by 25 September 2023.


·        The ICS are working through pressures relating to funding and demand for services; it was noted that efficiencies are being made with cost effective prescribing.


·        There is a new service director for Children & Adults Commissioning at Gateshead Council – Helen Ramsden.


·        A new Strategic Transfer of Care Lead has been appointed at the QE – Judith Liddle.


·        Winter planning for flu/Covid vaccinations and service demand across the system is underway.



(i)               That the Board noted the updates provided.



SEND Inspection Presentation - Andrea Houlahan and Lisa Wood pdf icon PDF 357 KB


The Board received a report and presentation providing an update on the Gateshead Local Area SEND inspection.


The Board were provided a summary of key activities undertaken during the inspection; this included parent carer forum involvement, young people’s involvement and practitioner meetings with inspectors.


It was explained that many key strengths in the local area had been identified; it was also highlighted that leaders have a ‘determination to provide high quality education and support to children’.


 Details of areas for further development following the inspection were also presented. This included increasing secondary provision to meet some specialist needs and further development of the 18-25 health offer to improve transitions.


The Board were advised that the inspection report had been published in July 2023 and that an update to the existing SEND improvement plan had been completed in light of the inspection findings.


A question was asked regarding parent/carer feedback; it was asked whether this had been factored in as part of service improvements. It was explained that parent and carer feedback was valuable and that their feedback has been sought as a priority.


The Board acknowledged the issues for improvement reported and noted that there were no surprises; a comment was also made noting that the recent inspection of Gateshead’s Youth Justice Service had also identified a need to improve access to mental health services for younger people.


Alice Wiseman advised the Board that as part of the Gateshead Place Health Needs Assessment, work was underway on the tertiary provision for mental health support with a focus on early intervention.


The Board requested a further update on progress being made within SEND services; this will feed into the Board’s forward plan for 2024.



(i)               That the Board noted the update.

(ii)              That the Board requested a further update in early 2024.



Trauma Informed Care - Lisa Wood


The Board received a presentation providing an update on Gateshead’s trauma informed care service.


An explanation on what trauma informed care is was provided for context; it was noted that there is a framework for Health, Education and Social Care delivery that is based on insight of how trauma impacts on children’s lives and their needs with an aim to facilitate recovery without re-traumatisation.


The Board noted that Trusting Hands would lead on this service and that 2 years of funding had been provided via the ICB. It was also reported that the team had been adopted into the NHSE H&J Framework for Integrated Care (Community) Vanguard pilot.


A breakdown of the team structure was provided, it was highlighted that it would be a multi-disciplinary including clinical psychologists and advanced and specialist mental health practitioners.


An overview of the service delivery model was provided; it was explained that there will be a graduated response to meet the needs of the high risk, high harm and high vulnerability population with therapeutic training for parents and carers.


From the presentation the Board were advised that the next steps for the service include the development of a strategy to promote co-production, recruitment to a peer support worker vacancy and the development of resource packs and direct work toolkit.


A discussion took place on the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s) on people’s lives; it was acknowledged that trauma informed care was critical work.


The Board requested an update on the service with case studies following the first anniversary of the service’s launch.



(i)               That the Board noted and endorsed the update.

(ii)              That the Board requested an update on service delivery, together with some case studies following the first anniversary of the service launch.



Gateshead's Children and Young People's Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Local Transformation Plan 2023-24 - Angela Kumar pdf icon PDF 5 MB


The Board received a presentation providing an update on the refreshed children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing LTP, including the long term plan deliverables.


An overview of the plan themes was provided, it was noted that services will continue to train and develop their workforce to ensure that staff have the right mix of knowledge, skills and competencies to respond to the needs of children and young people (as well as their families).


The Board were also advised that there is to be a review of the single point of access for getting help and getting more help services. It was stated that further work needs to be done to optimise resources and improve capacity.


From the presentation, the Board noted further updates in relation to mental health support teams, this included the Children and Young Peoples IAPT and the Trauma Informed Care Pilot. The Board were also advised that a pilot with the North East Counselling Service had been launched to support young people considering suicide. The Board also noted the updates in relation to youth justice, learning disability and autism.


The Board were advised that the next steps for the plan include consultation with partners before the plan is published on or before 29 September 2023. It was also confirmed that once published, the plan would continue as a ‘live’ document.


Board members agreed that consultation and partnership work with the voluntary sector would be crucial in ensuring the ongoing success of the plan.



(i)               That the Board noted the update.



Notification of Removals from the Pharmaceutical List and Changes to Pharmacy Opening Hours - Edward O' Malley pdf icon PDF 677 KB


The Board received a reportproviding an update on the impact to the Gateshead population regarding a number of changes in pharmacy opening hours across the locality and the planned closures of two pharmacies in October and November 2023 respectively.


It was proposed that the PNA working group will continue to monitor and report to the Board any further changes to provision not detailed in the report. The Board agreed that in the event of a significant gap emerging, the PNA steering group will be reconvened to discuss appropriate action, which may include a full and comprehensive review of the PNA 2022.

Board members expressed their concern at the scale of pharmacy closures, changes of ownership and reduction in opening hours; it was agreed that Alice Wiseman would raise this matter with Gateshead MPss. The Board also acknowledged the impact of remote/online pharmacies on traditional counter-service provision both locally and nationally.

Board members also agreed that this issue should be raised with the LGA and  ICB.


(i)               That the Board approved the addition of the supplementary statement reported to the PNA 2022.

(ii)              That the Board agreed for pharmacy provision to be discussed and considered by the ICP North.




Boots Pharmacy closures update - John Costello


The Board received a verbal update on the announcement of Boots pharmacies closures in Gateshead. The Board were advised that the Leader of the Council had written to Boots regarding the matter and that a response had been received. However, there were some specific concerns and queries that were being followed up with Boots, and a more substantive response was being sought.


The Board discussed concerns regarding the lack of pharmacy provision in the west of Gateshead.



(i)               That the Board noted the updated.



People@theheart Partnership Agreement - Alice Wiseman pdf icon PDF 315 KB


The Board received a report seeking support for the sign-up by partner organisations to the People@theheart Partnership Agreement.



(i)            That the Board supported the sign-up by partner organisations.



Gateshead Cares System Board Update - Mark Dornan / All


The Board received a presentation providing an update from Gateshead Cares.


The Board noted the information provided in relation to virtual wards across Gateshead and the delivery plan for recovery access to primary care. The Board were also advised that work is ongoing on improving the experience of care (in addition to the bid submitted by NENC ICB).



(i)               That the Board noted the update.



Pharmacy notification from NENC ICB: Avicenna Pharmacy, Fewster Square, Leam Lane Estate (change to supplementary hours) pdf icon PDF 63 KB



(i)            That the Board noted the item for information.