Agenda and minutes

South Tyne and Wear Waste Management Partnership Joint Executive Committee - Friday, 14th June, 2019 1.30 pm

Venue: Whickham Room - Civic Centre

Contact: Helen Conway Email: 

No. Item


Election of Chair


(i) The election of Chair was deferred.



Election of Deputy Chairs


(i) The election of Deputy-Chair was deferred.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors L Green and Donovan of Gateshead Council, Councillors Wilson and Waller of Sunderland Council and Councillor Foreman of South Tyneside Council.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 103 KB

The Joint Executive Committee is asked to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15 March 2019 (attached)


(i) The approval of the minutes of the last meeting held on 15 March 2019 was deferred.



Declarations of Interest


(i) There were no declarations of interest.



Residual Waste Treatment Contract 2018/19 - Anna Bell, Regional Waste Manager, Suez



The Joint Executive Committee received a presentation to provide an update on the latest position regarding the Residual Waste Treatment Contract 2018/19.

It was noted from the presentation that there continues to be a good record of health and safety practise; it was also highlighted that accidents have been few and that near misses are being recorded. It was stated that there had been a total of 93 near misses recorded which will prevent the likelihood of future accidents.

The Joint Executive Committee were advised that in 2018/19 no contract waste was sent to landfill which is a matter to be proud of. It was also noted that only four complaints had been received to Suez from residents, all of which related to odour.

From the presentation, the Joint Executive Committee were provided with an overview of performance and recycling. It was identified that there was a reduction in recycling rates between December and January 2018; it was stated that this dip is seen year on year due to Christmas.

(i) The Joint Executive Committee noted the contents of the presentation.



Resources and Waste Strategy Consultations - STWWMP Responses pdf icon PDF 220 KB

Report attached


The Joint Executive Committee received a report to advise on the submission of responses by South Tyne and Wear Waste Management Partnership (STWWMP) to the recent resources and waste strategy consultation exercises.

It was advised from the report that following publication, the Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) issued three consultation exercises which sought views from organisations such as Local Authorities and Waste Management Companies on many of the strategy proposals. A summary of the proposals was detailed within the report highlighting that there was a strict 12-week period for responses to be submitted.

The Joint Executive Committee were advised that STWWMP coordinated a joint response to each consultation exercise on behalf of the three partner authorities. It was also highlighted from the report that to inform the process, feedback was sought from a wide range of key stakeholders including: the Joint Executive Committee; members of the Officer Project Board; key service providers; STWWMP Lead Authority professional support and elected members and executive officers from each partner authority.

It was stated that the consultation had now closed and that STWWMP now await the government to publish the outcome of the consultation exercises and to clarify their impact on the strategy's original proposals. It was stated that the STWWMP largely agreed with most of the strategy's principles and that they are aligned to the partnerships’ strategic principles about minimising waste and encouraging people to become responsible recyclers.

The Joint Executive Committee were warned that more work needs to be done. It was noted that a long journey lies ahead for all local authorities, the waste sector and across the value chain. It was further stated that there is likely to be more consultation on the outcome of these consultations.

The Joint Executive Committee expressed their thanks to Chris Wilson for coordinating responses to the consultation. The full detail of the response submitted was provided to the Joint Executive Committee within the report appendix.

(i) The Joint Executive Committee noted the contents of the report.



Contracts Update pdf icon PDF 236 KB

Report attached


The Joint Executive Committee received a report to advise of the latest position regarding the Residual Waste Treatment Contract and other ancillary waste joint contracts and activities managed by the South Tyne and Wear Waste Management Partnership (STWWMP).

From the report, it was noted that the Residual Waste Treatment Contract (RWTC) was awarded to a consortium led by SITA UK through SITA South Tyne and Wear Ltd in April 2011. It was highlighted that in March 2015 SITA UK's parent company announced a rebrand indicating that subsidiary companies would change their names to SUEZ. Further details of contractual changes were also summarised within the report for information.

The Joint Executive Committee were advised that the STWWMP remains committed to an ongoing programme of community education and engagement. It was noted that during the contract year 2018/19 7,700 local residents, children and young people, and community group members took park in waste awareness events, activities and site visits. From the report, the Joint Executive Committee were also advised of activities that took place during April 2019 which included 32 year 4 pupils from St Joseph's RC Primary School in Sunderland visiting the partnership's energy-from-waste facility.

From the report is was detailed that the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) contracts continue to be closely monitored by the joint partnership team. The Joint Executive Committee were also provided with highlights of the 2018/19 year-end performance from the materials collected by each partner authority in the kerbside blue-bin recycling service amongst other data.

A question was asked about the overall decrease in recycling as shown in the report. It was advised that there is no real pattern or trend to explain this however it was noted that paper recycling has decreased alongside a national trend.

(i) The Joint Executive Committee noted the contents of the report.



Communications Update



The Joint Executive Committee received a presentation providing a Communications Update.

It was noted that the Government's draft Environmental Bill does not match the current environmental protections provided by membership of the EU according to the findings of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee. It was further stated that The Bill sets out how government plans to maintain environmental standards in the UK when it leaves the EU but following scrutiny of the draft the Committee called on government to make significant revisions.
The Joint Executive Committee were further provided with details of efforts to maintain standards and to protect the environment post Brexit.

A summary of the Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee (LARAC) consultation response was provided to the Joint Executive Committee. It was noted that one of the key issues raised in the collection consistency consultation concern was highlighted that the proposed mandatory separate food waste collections would be cost prohibitive to those councils not currently offering the service.

From the presentation it was also highlighted that the Scottish Government had announced a 'return to retail' DRS. The Joint Executive Committee were provided with further detail and context that the consultation on the introduction of a deposit return scheme was aimed at England, Wales and Northern Ireland due to Scotland developing their own scheme.

It was stated that an incineration tax may be introduced if UK recycling rates are missed; it was also highlighted that this would work in conjunction with the landfill tax according to Theresa May. It was noted that the Environmental Services Association had highlighted that it's the lack of end of markets for materials that have prevented recycling not EfWs.

An overview on initiatives proposed by Michael Gove was provided, this included the ban on plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds. It was also noted that there will be exemptions for medical need when the ban comes in to force in April 2020. From the presentation, the Joint Executive Committee were also provided with an update on other plastic reducing and recycling initiatives such as that of Sainbury's who are to trial 'pre-cycling'.

(i) The Committee noted the contents of the presentation.



Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Joint Executive Committee will be held on Friday 13 September 2019 at 1.30 pm in the Whickham Room, Civic Centre


The next meeting of the Joint Executive Committee is scheduled for Friday 13 September 2019 at 1:30pm in the Whickham Room, Civic Centre.