Venue: Bridges Room - Civic Centre
Contact: Sonia Stewart, email:
No. | Item |
The Committee is asked to agree the minutes of the last meeting held on 14 September 2021. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes from the last meeting held on 14 September 2021 be approved as a correct record. |
Report of the Chief Executive Minutes: RESOLVED – That the Constitution of the Committee be noted. |
Hearings and Reviews Before Sub-Committees PDF 243 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth Minutes: The Committee received a report outlining the sub-committee hearings between 1 September 2021 and 5 April 2022.
RESOLVED – That the information be noted. |
Licences, Notifications, Permits and Registration Issued Under the Gambling Act 2005 PDF 106 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth Minutes: The Committee received a report outlining licences, permits and registrations issued between 1 September 2021 and 5 April 2022.
RESOLVED – That the information be noted. |
Licences and Certificates Issued under the Licensing Act 2003 PDF 102 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth Minutes: The Committee received a report outlining the Licence and Certificates issued under delegated powers between 1 September 2021 and 5 April 2022.
RESOLVED – that the information be noted |
Other applications and notifications processed under the Licensing Act 2003 PDF 22 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Economy innovation and Growth Minutes: The Committee received a report outlining other applications and notifications processed between 1 September 2021 and 5 April 2022.
RESOLVED – That the information be noted |
Regulatory Easement in Respect of Off-Sales Alcohol Minutes: The Committee were advised that the Local Authority has received notification from the Home Office that the regulatory easement made in 2020 in respect of off-sales of alcohol will cease.
Section 11 of the Business and Planning Act 2020 modified provisions in the Licensing Act 2003 to provide automatic extensions to premises licences that only permitted sales of alcohol for consumption on the premises (“on-sales”) to allow sales of alcohol for consumption off the premises (“off-sales”).
This was a temporary measure to boost the economy in response to the Covid 19 pandemic and was due to expire on 30 September 2021. Given the continuing prevalence of Covid 10, this measure was extended by the Alcohol Licensing (Coronavirus) (Regulations Easements) (Amendment) Regulations 2021(1049/2021).
Local Authorities have now been advised that given the absence of Covid restrictions in England and Wales, there is no legal basis for a further extension and, accordingly, the measure will lapse on 30 September 2022.
RESOLVED – That the information be noted |