Agenda and draft minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 17th September, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Bridges Room - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services, Tel: 0191 433 2149, E-mail: 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr B Oliphant.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Cabinet is asked to approve the minutes of the last meeting held on


The minutes of the last meeting held on 16 July 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declarations of Interest

Cabinet members to declare an interest in any particular agenda item.


There were no declarations of interest.


The future of Colegate Community School pdf icon PDF 295 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Children’s Social Care and Lifelong Learning


Consideration has been given to close Colegate Community Primary School following the completion of the formal consultation process with effect from no later than 31 August 2025 with the associated reallocation of the school’s catchment area.



(i)            Cabinet approved the closure of Colgate Community Primary School with effect from no later than 31 August 2025.


Future Recycling Collections & Fleet Proposals pdf icon PDF 152 KB

Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to approve the phased removal of split body vehicles and procure single body vehicles for a future collection model. Further consideration was given on two proposed collection models for dry recycling as provided through a Waste Resources Action Programme (WRAP) report.



(i)               Cabinet agrees to the removal of Caddies from Collection Rounds on a phased approach.

(ii)              Cabinet agrees to the provision of Capital (Approximately £6.125M) for the waste Collection Vehicles and changing to single bodies vehicles.

(iii)            Cabinet agrees to the proposal from CMT of moving to a co-mingled collection rather than separate fibre collections.


For the following reasons:

(a)             There has been a consistent decline in Paper Tonnages from 2014.

(b)             Waste collection vehicles are no longer sustainable and need replacing with single bodied vehicles, which support both collection options.

(c)             Co-mingled collections are more flexible and do not require additional bins.




Medium Term Financial Strategy pdf icon PDF 254 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to recommend to Council the approval of the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) 2025/26 to 2029/30 including the proposed MTFS principles and the medium-term financial context as set out in this report and appendix.



(i)            Cabinet recommends to Council the approval of the Medium-Term Financial Strategy for 2025/26 to 2029/30 and the medium-term financial context as set out in this report and appendix including the MTFS principles and the Reserves Policy.


For the following reasons:

(a)          To contribute to the good financial management practice of the Council.

(b)          To assist the maintaining of the financial sustainability of the Council over the medium to long term.


Enforcement and Penalty Policy in relation to the relevant letting agency legislation pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to recommend that Council approve a new proposed policy for the purpose of enabling services to issue financial penalties for breaches of legislation relating to letting agents and landlords.



(i)               Cabinet recommends that Council approves the proposed policy set out at Appendix 2, and the use of it by the appropriate services.


For the following reason:

(a)               To enhance the enforcement of non-compliance with relevant lettings legislation.


Annual Report of the Audit and Standards Committee 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital


Consideration has been given to the Audit and Standards Committee Annual Report for 2023/24.



(i)               Cabinet recommends that the Annual Report of the Audit and Standards Committee for 2023/24 be submitted to Council for endorsement.


For the following reason:

(a)               To strengthen the Council’s arrangements for oversight by councillors of governance, audit, risk management, the internal control framework, value for money and efficiency.


Health & Safety Policy pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to recommend that Council approves the revised Corporate Health and Safety Policy covering all Council employees and others affected by the Council’s work activities.



(i)               Cabinet recommended that Council for approval at its meeting on 19 September 2024.


For the following reason:

(a)               To comply with the statutory requirement for having an up-to-date health and safety policy.


Draft International Advanced Manufacturing Park Area Action Plan (Regulation 18) consultation pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given to approval for the Council’s proposed response to the consultation on the draft International Advanced Manufacturing Park (IAMP) Area Action Plan (AAP).


Further consideration was given to agree that Cabinet delegates authority to the Strategic Director of Economy, Innovation and Growth in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member to make minor changes and submit the consultation response.



(i)               Cabinet approves the proposed response to the draft IAMP AAP.


For the following reasons:


(a)               To provide a formal response to the consultation.

(b)               To satisfy the requirement under paragraph 24 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) for local planning authorities to be under a duty to cooperate with each other on strategic matters that cross administrative boundaries.



Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 30 Year Business Plan pdf icon PDF 494 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital and the Interim Strategic Director, Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to recommend to Council the proposed Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 30-year Business Plan 2024-2054.



(i)               Cabinet recommends to Council the approval of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 30 Year Business Plan 2024-2054.


For the following reasons:


(a)               To ensure the medium to long term sustainability of the Housing Revenue Account.

(b)               To realise the Council’s policies and objectives in relation to the Housing Strategy to maintain and enhance Council Housing provision in Gateshead.

(c)               To assist in the delivery of the Council’s vision for Gateshead as set out in Making Gateshead a Place where Everyone Thrives.


Amendments to the Contract Procedure Rules pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance


Consideration has been given to amend the Contract Procedure Rules to align to the Procurement Act 2023.



(i)               Cabinet agrees to the amendment of the Contract Procedure Rules as set out at Appendix 2 to be implemented from 28 October 2024.

(ii)              Cabinet agrees that a Members Seminar be organised as soon as possible to explain in more details the new legislation.

(iii)            Cabinet agrees that the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance be authorised to make any amendments to the Contract Procedure Rules as necessary to reflect the delayed implementation of the Procurement Act 2023.


For the following reasons:

(a)           To align the Contract Procedure Rules with the Procurement Act 2023.

(b)           To provide Councillors with a greater understanding of the requirements of the new legislation and its potential impact on the Council.


Decisions taken under Delegated Powers during Summer Recess 2024 pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth and the Interim Strategic Director, Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities


Consideration has been given to note the decisions made under delegated powers during the summer recess 2024.



(i)               Cabinet noted the decision(s) made under delegated powers.


Gambling Statement of Principles 2025 - 2028 pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to give approval for a public consultation on a draft Statement of Principles to be undertaken, by which the Council will make decisions when exercising its responsibilities under the Gambling Act 2005



(i)               Cabinet recommends that the draft Statement of Principles be consulted upon for a 6 week period following this meeting, and that a Policy Advisory Group be asked to consider the results of that consultation and give their comments to Cabinet so that a final version of the Statement of Principles can be recommended to Council for approval.


For the following reason:

(a)               There is a legal requirement to prepare and revise every three years a Statement of Principles under the Gambling Act 2005.



Proposed Surplus Declaration of Various Council Properties pdf icon PDF 980 KB

Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities


Consideration has been given to approve that the following properties be declared surplus to the Council’s requirements and to approve the future proposal for the properties after being declared surplus:


·        Garden House Recreation Park Depot (also known as Crawcrook Depot), Main Street, Crawcrook, Ryton, NE40 4NB

·        Derwent Park Pavilion (Wooden), Burnopfield Road, Rowlands Gill, NE39 1L

·        Cotgarth Park Pavilion and Public Convenience, The Cotgarth, Felling, NE10 9UT

·        Caedmon Community Primary School Caretakers House, Whitehall Road, Saltwell, NE8 4LH

·        Beggarswood Changing Room, Rowanwood Gardens, Lobley Hill, NE11 0DP

·        Windy Nook Primary School Caretakers House, Albion Street, Windy Nook, NE10 9BD


Cabinet also considered an officer request to defer a decision on declaring the following property as surplus to a future date:


·        Albion Street Changing Rooms, Albion Street, Windy Nook, NE10 9SJ



(i)               Cabinet approves the recommendations set out in Appendices 1-13 of the report to declare the properties listed above as surplus to the Council’s requirements.

(ii)              Cabinet agreed to defer a decision on the property at Albion Street, NE10 9SJ to a future date.


For the following reasons:

(a)           To manage resources and rationalise the Council’s assets in line with the Corporate Asset Strategy and Management Plan.

(b)           To mitigate any risk of potential future acts of vandalism or arson in relation to empty Council property.

(c)           To reduce cost of repair, security, insurance, rates and services associated with empty Council property.



Surplus Declaration of Sports Pitches at Smith Terrace pdf icon PDF 379 KB

Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities


Consideration has been given to declare the Sports Pitches at Smith Terrace, Abbeyfield Close, Teams, NE8 2PS as surplus to the Council’s requirements.



(i)               Cabinet approves the recommendation to declare the Sports Pitches at Smith Terrace, Abbeyfield Close, Teams, NE8 2PS as surplus to the Council’s requirements.


For the following reasons:

(a)               To manage resources and rationalise the Council’s assets in line with the Corporate Asset Strategy and Management Plan.

(b)               To realise savings identified through rationalisation of the playing field portfolio.


Swimming Pool Energy Projects pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given to agree £1.3m capital expenditure from existing grants already secured to place advance orders of heat pumps, complete mine water testing, and instruct LED lighting works, at Dunston Leisure Centre and Blaydon Leisure and Primary Care Centre.



(i)               Cabinet approval is given to commit £1.3m of secured capital grants to further energy equipment and works at Dunston Leisure Centre and Blaydon Leisure and Primary Care Centre.

(ii)              Cabinet approval is given to delegate the final decision to instruct works and orders to the Interim Strategic Director of Economy, Innovation and Growth, in consultation with the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital, considering the appropriate reduction in project risks.


For the following reasons:

(a)               To support the viability of leisure centres within the borough, to continue to provide health benefits to the community.

(b)               To reduce carbon emissions of Council buildings to support the Council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

The Cabinet may wish to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) on the grounds indicated:


Item                                                     Paragraph of Schedule 12A to the Local                                                                   Government Act 1972



(i)               That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the remaining business in accordance with paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



Northumberland Road Safety Partnership

Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given to agree a new partnership agreement to progress work on road safety between Northumbria Police and the local authorities in the area.



(i)               Cabinet agrees to the new partnership agreement that will enable the setting up of a road safety partnership between the local authorities in the Northumbria Police area and Northumbria Police and the PCC.

(ii)              Cabinet agrees to Gateshead entering into a financial agreement with Northumbria Police on behalf of local authorities in the Northumbria Police area to act as lead authority for the partnership.

(iii)            Cabinet agrees to the arrangement of an annual road safety meeting for transport portfolio holders of each local authority to receive an annual report on the progress of the partnership and advise as to its annual work programme.


For the following reasons:

(a)           To further enhance collaboration on road safety matters.

(b)           To ensure the partnership is adequately funded and its budget well managed.

(c)           To ensure adequate oversight of partnership progress.


East Gateshead Cycleway West Package (Phase 1 A43)

Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given to the development and submission of a full business case for Phase 1 (scheme A43) of the East Gateshead Cycleway West Package, to access an allocation of funding from the Transforming Cities Fund and Active Travel Fund Tranche 2 to implement the scheme.



(i)               Cabinet authorises the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth, in consultation with the Portfolio holder for Environment & Transport and the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital, to submit the full business case and to make such amendments to the full business cases as may be required to secure funding approval from the North East Combined Authority.

(ii)              Cabinet authorises the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth to agree to enter into a Grant Agreement following acceptance of the bids with North East Combined Authority (NECA).


For the following reasons:

(a)               To enable the implementation of the schemes using funding from the Transforming Cities Fund and Active Travel Fund Tranche 2.


Disposal of former Tynedale House, Holburn Lane, Ryton, NE40 3PF

Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth



(i)               Cabinet agreed to defer deliberation and decision on this matter to the October 2024 Cabinet meeting.


Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) Round 3

Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities


Consideration has been given to the Local Housing Authority Fund (LAHF) Round 3 (LAHF 3), which has been made available to assist local authorities with accommodation pressures in relation to Temporary Accommodation and the Afghan Citizen Resettlement Scheme.


Further consideration was given to note a decision taken under delegated powers on the grounds of urgency to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) to participate in the fund programme including the purchase of additional privately owned residential dwellings in the Borough.



(i)               Cabinet notes the entering into a Memorandum of Understanding as reported and agreed by the Strategic Director Resources and Digital, Strategic Director Corporate Services and Governance and Interim Strategic Director Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities under a under an urgent delegated decision in accordance with Schedule 5, Part 2 General Delegations to Managers, Paragraph (4)( e) of the Council’s Constitution.

(ii)              Cabinet accepts the associated grant for the Local Authority Housing Fund with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

(iii)            Cabinet authorises the Interim Strategic Director Economy, Innovation and Growth to negotiate and acquire residential dwellings that meet the criteria for the Afghan Citizen Resettlement Scheme and Relocation Assistance Policy, in consultation with the Interim Strategic Director Housing Environment and Healthy Communities, the Strategic Director Resources & Digital and the Strategic Director Corporate Services & Governance.


For the following reasons:

(a)           To contribute towards the Council’s housing delivery targets to create new homes including the provision of more affordable homes.

(b)           To secure the LAHF Grant funding of £420,000 to support an additional 5 properties.

(c)           The scheme will add the 5 additional family properties and create a lasting supply of affordable housing for the general population, and stock will become available to support wider local authority general housing and homelessness responsibilities after the immediate needs of the eligible cohort have been addressed.

(d)           To deliver the objectives of the Housing Strategy 2019-30.

(e)           To ensure compliance with the Council’s constitution and any limitations on its relevant legal powers.