No. |
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C1 |
Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence have been received from
Councillors L Green, J McElroy and B Oliphant.
C2 |
Minutes PDF 304 KB
Cabinet is asked to approve as a correct
record the minutes of the last meeting held on 20 April 2021.
The minutes of the last meeting held on 20
April 2021 were approved as a correct record and signed by the
C3 |
Procurement and Contracts Report PDF 285 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate
Services and Governance
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to the
procurement and award of contracts.
That the Service Director,
Corporate Commissioning and Procurement be authorised to invite or
negotiate tenders or conduct other procurement processes in respect
of the contracts listed in appendix 2 to the report and to award
the relevant contracts to the tenderers submitting the most
economically advantageous tenders (or otherwise proving successful
in accordance with other procurement processes) in accordance with
the Contract Procedure Rules.
That updated reports continue to be submitted
to Cabinet twice per year.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To enable the procurement of
goods, works and services required for the efficient and effective
delivery of services.
To enable Cabinet to be updated
with progress and changes to the procurement forward
C4 |
Outcome of Bid to the National Lottery Community Fund (Partnerships) Programme PDF 342 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Housing,
Environment and Healthy Communities
Consideration has been given to the
acceptance of a funding offer of
£499,500 from the National Lottery Community Fund
(NLCF) and its
associated grant terms and conditions, to support delivery of the
Partnerships project “Locality Working in Gateshead: Towards Recovery
and Growth”.
That the NLCF
funding offer be formally accepted by the Council, as lead partner
for the project and that officers be authorised to agree to the
terms and conditions of the grant offer.
That officers be authorised to provide NLCF
with written confirmation that:
the matched funding is in place and ready to use for
project delivery;
the Council will inform NLCF in writing if there are
any changes to the provision of the funding; and
the funding will be kept in a dedicated ring-fenced
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To enable the NCLF
funding offer to be secured on behalf of the Council and its
To enable the
overall project “Locality Working in Gateshead: Towards
Recovery and Growth” to be delivered in full.
(Councillors J Adams
and M McNestry declared personal and non pecuniary interests in the
above matter because they are members of partnership organisations
involved in the bid and delivery
of the Partnerships project
“Locality Working in Gateshead: Towards Recovery and
C5 |
Supporting Communities and Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Partners PDF 236 KB
Report of the Strategic
Director, Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities, and
Director of Public Health
Consideration has been given to an update on national funding allocations
for the COVID-19 response and in particular to set out
the funding support provided to VCSE partners to enable and scale
up essential activities.
That the position in
relation to the allocation of funding received from the Test and
Trace Grant, the Contain Outbreak Management Fund, the Community
Champion programme and the Department of Works and Pensions (DWP)
winter grants funding as set out in the report be noted.
That the allocation
of the Covid Local Support Grant as set out in the report be
That the proposed
small grants to VCSE partners as set out in the report be noted and
the Director of Public Health be authorised to allocate the
remainder of the funding available for small grants.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To enable delivery
of the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Covid
Champion programme.
To enable the DWP
Local Support Grant to be distributed (previously known as the DWP
Winter Grant programme) before the deadline of 20th
June, as failure to do so will result in the clawback of the
C6 |
Community Renewal Fund PDF 309 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Economy,
Innovation and Growth
Consideration has been given to the Council, as ‘lead authority’ inviting,
appraising and submitting bids to the Ministry of Housing,
Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) for the UK Community
Renewal Fund (UKCRF).
That the Strategic Director,
Economy Innovation & Growth, following consultation with the
Strategic Director, Resources & Digital and Strategic Director,
Corporate Services & Governance and relevant portfolio
holder(s) be authorised to review and approve the submission of a
shortlist of bids to the value of no more than £3 million to
That the Strategic Director, Economy Innovation & Growth, following consultation with the
Strategic Director, Resources & Digital and Strategic Director,
Corporate Services & Governance be authorised to agree the
terms of a resulting contract with MHCLG and ‘pass
down’ contracts with successful bidders to the Community
Renewal Fund and provide an update to Cabinet on the
That Strategic Director,
Housing, Environment & Healthy Communities following
consultation with the Strategic Director, Resources & Digital
and Strategic Director, Corporate Services & Governance, and
the Leader or relevant portfolio holder(s) be authorised to approve
Council bids for inclusion in the shortlist of bids to
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To pursue opportunities to
access monies from the Community Renewal Fund to benefit local
residents and businesses.
To pursue opportunities to
influence the Shared Prosperity Fund to deliver Council
To ensure that the Council is
able to meet the requirements of the timetable set out by
C7 |
Local Transport Plan: Capital Programme Year End Report (April 2021) PDF 713 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Economy,
Innovation and Growth
Consideration has been given to an update on the Local Transport Plan Capital Programme, which
provides a summary of the progress that has been made in the
2020/21 financial year, as well as confirming programmes for
integrated transport and maintenance schemes scheduled for
That the proposed programme for
integrated transport and maintenance schemes for 2021/22 as set out
in appendices D and E be approved and it be noted that there may be
a need to review these as the year progresses in line with
available resources.
That the Service Director,
Highways and Waste be authorised to award the relevant works under
the terms of the Highways, Drainage and Street Lighting Maintenance
That the Service
Director, Planning Policy, Climate Change and Strategic Transport
be authorised to make changes to the approved programme following
consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport,
as and when the need arises.
The above decisions have been made to
enable the design and implementation of transport
schemes in support of the North East Transport Plan and the
Council’s policy objectives.
C8 |
Charging and Financial Assessment for Adult Care and Support Services PDF 349 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Children,
Adults and Families
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to recommending the Council to approve
changes to policy on Charging and Financial
Assessment for Adult Care and Support Services and which have been
the subject of consultation with stakeholders.
That the Council be recommended
to approve the proposed policy change
for Charging and Financial Assessment for Adult Care and Support
Services with effect from 1 June 2021 and on the basis set out in
the report.
The above decision has been made for the
following reasons:
meet the statutory requirements of the Care Act 2014 and the
regulations made under it.
To provide a transparent,
consistent and fair framework for the provision for charging and
financial assessment for all adults receiving care and support
services, which is in line with the Thrive agenda and
C9 |
Proposals for Corporate Parenting Arrangements PDF 405 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Children,
Adults and Families
Consideration has been given to the proposal to redesign the current corporate parenting
governance structure and introduce a Corporate Parenting
Panel/Board with an internal and external partnership
That the proposal to
redesign the current corporate parenting governance
structure and introduce a Corporate Parenting Panel/Board with an
internal and external partnership membership (details of membership
of the Board to be agreed by Cabinet at a future meeting) be
That the Council be recommended to:
Agree to dissolve the Corporate Parenting OSC
Sub-Committee and for scrutiny of the Council’s Corporate
Parenting role to be placed specifically within the remit of the
Families OSC, with agenda items relating to the Corporate Parenting
role prioritised within specific meetings in its work
Endorse the proposal to develop a robust relationship between the
Board, Overview and Scrutiny and the Corporate Partnership group to
pursue continual improvement in the delivery of the Council’s
Corporate Parenting Strategy, including applying the learning from
other local authorities
Endorse the proposal that there should be regular mandatory
training for all elected members in relation to the Council’s
Corporate Parenting role.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To ensure that the Council
meets it statutory responsibilities.
To ensure that the Council has
a robust and strong governance arrangement to scrutinise their
corporate responsibilities for Looked After Children.
C10 |
Care Leavers Covenant PDF 257 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Children,
Adults and Families
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to recommending
the Council to agree the Care Leavers Covenant and to further
develop the Council’s work with Spectra First, to benefit
Gateshead’s Care Leavers by becoming a trailblazer
That the Council be recommended to:
Endorse the Care Leavers Covenant as set out
in the report.
Agree to sign up as a trailblazer
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To strengthen the
Council’s offer to Care Leavers.
To improve the local offer by
promoting the Covenant.
C11 |
Appointments to Advisory Groups, Other Bodies of the Council, Joint Committees and Outside Bodies PDF 252 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate
Services and Governance
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to the nominations of the Labour and Liberal Democrat Groups and
the Independent Councillor to advisory groups, other bodies of the
Council, joint committees and outside bodies.
That the nominations of the
Labour and Liberal Democrat Groups and the Independent Councillor
as set out in appendices 2 to 4 of the report be
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To ensure that the views of the
political groups are taken into account
when the appointments are made.
To ensure that the most
appropriate councillors are appointed to each
C12 |
Exclusion of the Press and Public
The Cabinet may wish to exclude the press and
public from the meeting during consideration of the following
item(s) on the grounds indicated:
Paragraph of Schedule 12A to the Local
Government Act 1972
That the press and public be excluded from the
meeting during consideration of the remaining items in accordance
with paragraph 3 of Schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act
C13 |
Intermediate Care Proposals
Report of the Strategic Directors, Children,
Adults & Families and
Economy, Innovation & Growth
Consideration has been given to an increase in the acquisition cost of the proposed new
Intermediate Care Centre (known as River View), located at Split
Crow Road, Felling and a corresponding increase in the capital
programme allocation.
That the cost increase for the
planned development as set out in the report be
That the Strategic Director,
Economy, Innovation & Growth, following consultation with the
Strategic Directors for Corporate Services & Governance,
Resources & Digital and Children, Adults & Families, be
authorised to agree the final terms of the acquisition.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To enable a cost effective and
efficient model of Intermediate Care, based on clinical best
To ensure the Borough’s
Intermediate Care estate is fit for the future.
C14 |
Insurance Claim Settlement - Delegated Decision taken by Officers
Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate
Services and Governance
Consideration has been given to an urgent
decision taken by the Strategic Director, Corporate
Services and Governance Resources, following consultation with the
Insurance Manager and Corporate Finance Manager, Resources and
Digital to make a payment in full and final settlement of a claim
against the Council.
That the decision taken by the Strategic
Director, Corporate Services and Governance, following consultation
with the Insurance Manager and Corporate Finance
Manager, Resources and Digital, in accordance with the urgency
procedure as set out in Part 3, Schedule 5 - General Delegations to
Managers of the Council’s Constitution, be noted.
The above decision has been made to
ensure openness and transparency with the decisions
made by officers.