No. |
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C95 |
Minutes PDF 99 KB
Cabinet is asked to approve as a correct
record the minutes of the last meetings held on 20 December 2022
and 17 January 2023.
Additional documents:
The minutes of the meetings held on 20
December 2022 and 17 January 2023 were approved as a correct record
and signed by the Chair.
C96 |
Leisure Review - Future Service Delivery Options PDF 390 KB
Report of the Director of Public Health
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to an update of the
work carried out to review Leisure Services and to an overview of
the outcomes of the comprehensive consultation process that was
conducted between 2 November and 20 December.
Representations were heard and
questions responded to from campaigners against the Review
That public consultation to
inform the review be re-opened for a period of at least three
months, during which any new representations will be invited,
particularly from the Birtley and Lamesley community and users of
Birtley Swimming Centre.
That over this period the
viability of the potential to transfer the management of any of
Dunston Leisure Centre, Gateshead Leisure Centre, Birtley Sports
Hall and Birtley Swimming Centre on a Community Asset Transfer
basis will be explored.
That a further report be
submitted to Cabinet following this further period of consultation
with the final outcome of the Review, including any proposals for
Community Asset Transfer of one or more of the facilities referred
to at (ii) above.
The above decisions have been
made for the following reasons:
To enable additional views of
residents/stakeholders, particularly in the Birtley and Lamesley
area, to be considered in light of the proposal for Birtley
Swimming Centre, which emerged from the consultation and further
evaluation and assessment process undertaken between November and
To enable time for discussions
on Community Asset Transfers to progress and viability to be
C97 |
Gateshead International Stadium - Options Appraisal PDF 125 KB
Report of the Director of Public Health and
Strategic Director, Resources and Digital
Consideration has been given to the proposal
to commence an options appraisal on the Gateshead International
That the commencement of an options appraisal
on the Gateshead International Stadium be approved.
That a further report be submitted to Cabinet
in July 2023 following the options appraisal.
The above decisions have been made to provide
Cabinet with options to consider.
C98 |
Council Tax Base and Business Rates Forecast 2023/24 PDF 223 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources
and Digital
Consideration has been given to
the council tax base for 2023/24 for the Parish of Lamesley and the
whole of the Borough of Gateshead and to the Business Rate forecast
for 2023/24.
That pursuant to the report and
in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council
Tax Base) Regulations 1992, as amended by Local Authorities
(Calculation of Council Tax Base) (Amendment) (England) Regulations
2012, the amount calculated by Gateshead Council as its council tax
base for the year 2023/24 shall be 53,354.9.
That pursuant to the report and in accordance with
the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations
1992, as amended by Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax
Base) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2012 the amount calculated
as being the Parish Council of Lamesley’s council tax base
for the year 2023/24 shall be 1,197.4.
That the business rates forecast for 2023/24 is £38.651
The above decisions have been
made for the following reasons:
assist the Council in its financial planning and budget
To set a council tax base and a
business rates forecast for 2023/24 in accordance with statutory
C99 |
Performance Management and Improvement Framework - Six Month Performance Report 2022/23 PDF 136 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources
and Digital
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to the six month 2022/23 assessment of
performance against the Council’s Performance Management and
Improvement Framework (PMIF) along with the recommendations made by
Overview and Scrutiny Committees for improvement.
That the 2022/23
six-month performance report as set out in appendix 2 to the
report be approved.
That the key discussions from the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees
as set out in paragraph 8 of appendix 1 and in the minutes at
appendix 3 to the report be noted.
That the proposed changes to the agreed
measures as set out in paragraph 9 of appendix 1 to the report be
The above decisions have
been made to ensure performance supports
the delivery and achievements of Making Gateshead a Place Where
Everyone Thrives.
C100 |
Market Sustainability and Cost of Care PDF 110 KB
Report of the Strategic Directors, Integrated
Adults & Social Care Services and Resources & Digital
Additional documents:
Consideration has
been given to the publication of the Annex A and Annex B reports,
which were required for the Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of
Care submission to the Department for Health and Social Care
That the publication of Annex A
(appendix 2 to the report) and Annex B reports for Domiciliary Care
(appendix 3 to the report) and Care Homes (appendix 4 to the
report) on the Council’s website be approved.
The above decision has been made to ensure the
Council complies with the DHSC Market Sustainability and Fair Cost
of Care grant conditions.
C101 |
Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund bid PDF 95 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Housing,
Environment and Healthy Communities
Consideration has been given to a decision taken under delegated powers, to submit a bid to the
Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy Social
Housing Decarbonisation Fund, on the grounds of urgency, due to bid
submission timescales.
That the action taken by the Strategic
Directors, Resources & Digital and Housing, Environment &
Healthy Communities in submitting the bid to the
Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy Social
Housing Decarbonisation Fund, as set out in the report, on
the grounds of urgency, in accordance with Schedule
5, Part 2 General Delegations to Managers, Paragraph (4) (e) of the
Council’s Constitution be noted.
The above decision has been made to
support Gateshead’s commitment to work towards
a Net Zero Carbon future and to maintain the social housing stock
in line with the Decent Homes Standard.
C102 |
Highway Asset Management Plan Update PDF 121 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Economy
Innovation and Growth
Consideration has been given to the annual update of the highway asset management plan (HAMP)
2018-30, which provides the latest performance information and
details of progress with key targets in the plan.
That the updated HAMP targets
2018 to 2030 as set out in appendix 3 to the report be
The above decision has been made for the
following reasons:
To optimise investment in the local transport
To provide the basis for
improved management and maintenance of Gateshead’s highway
network and to ensure the effective use of resources.
To maximise external funding
streams awarded to highway authorities who carry out effective
highway management.
To introduce measures to reduce
carbon production in highway maintenance materials and operational
maintenance procedures.
C103 |
Gateshead Local Heritage List Review PDF 366 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Economy,
Innovation and Growth
Consideration has been given to the updated Local List of Heritage Assets for
That the updated Local List of
Heritage Assets for Gateshead be approved.
That the
Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth in consultation
with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport be authorised
to update the Local List when necessary.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To ensure that the Local List
is updated in accordance with the National Planning Policy
Framework (NPPF), Local Plan and best practice guidance.
So that the Local List can
continue to be kept as up to date as possible in the public
C104 |
Nomination of a Local Authority School Governor PDF 89 KB
Report of the Strategic Director,
Children’s Social Care and Lifelong Learning
Consideration has been given to the nomination
of a Local Authority School Governor to Furrowfield School.
That Councillor Kathleen McCartney be
nominated as a Local Authority Governor to Furrowfield School for a period of four years with
effect from 29 March 2023, as stipulated by the School’s
Instrument of Government.
The above decision has been made to ensure the
School Governing Body has full membership.
C105 |
Local Boundary Commission for England - Electoral Review of Gateshead Council, Part One (Council Size) PDF 1 MB
Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate
Services and Governance
Consideration has been given to the Council’s draft submission to the Commission on Part
One of its review of Gateshead Council (Council Size).
That the Council be recommended to:
Agree the recommendation of the
draft Submission in terms of Council size remaining the same at 66
Councillors, across 22 wards.
Note the content of the
Submission and the accompanying appendices.
Agree that the Chief Executive,
following consultation with the Leader of the Council, may make any
amendments to the draft Submission deemed appropriate prior to it
being filed with the Commission on 17 February 2023.
The above decision has been made because it
is a periodic review undertaken by the Commission
that the Council must partake in with a requirement for the
Submission to be filed on 17 February 2023.
C106 |
Calendar of Meetings 2023/24 PDF 95 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate
Services and Governance
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to the proposed calendar of meetings for 2023/24.
That the Council be recommended to:
approve the calendar of
meetings for 2023/24;
agree that, as far as possible,
meetings should not be held during school holidays; and
authorise the Strategic
Director, Corporate Services and Governance, following consultation
with the appropriate Chairs, to make any necessary amendments to
the calendar of meetings.
The above decisions have been made to
assist in the preparation of the Cabinet’s
schedule of decisions and to allow councillors and officers to plan
commitments in their diaries.
C107 |
Revenue Budget - Third Quarter Review 2022/23 PDF 127 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources
and Digital
Consideration has been given to the latest monitoring position on the 2022/23 revenue budget at
the end of the third quarter.
That the Council’s
revenue expenditure position at the end of the third quarter, as
set out in appendices 1 and 2 to the report be noted.
That the Council be recommended to
approve a budget virement into contingency as set
out in the report.
The above decisions have been made to
contribute to sound financial management and the
long-term financial sustainability of the Council.
C108 |
Capital Programme and Prudential Indicators 2022/23 – Third Quarter Review PDF 90 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources
and Digital
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to the latest
position on the 2022/23 Capital Programme and Prudential Indicators
at the end of the third quarter to 31 December 2022.
That the Council be recommended to approve the
revision to the Capital Programme as set out in the report.
That the Council be recommended to approve the
financing of the revised programme as set out in the report.
That it be confirmed to the Council
that the capital expenditure and capital financing
requirement indicators have been revised in line with the revised
budget and that none of the approved Prudential Indicators set for
2022/23 have been breached.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To ensure the
optimum use of the Council’s capital resources in
To accommodate
changes to the Council’s in-year capital expenditure
To ensure
performance has been assessed against approved Prudential
C109 |
Exclusion of the Press and Public
The Cabinet may wish to exclude the press and
public from the meeting during consideration of the following
item(s) on the grounds indicated:
Paragraph of Schedule 12A to the Local
Government Act 1972
That the press and public be excluded from the
meeting during consideration of the remaining business in
accordance with paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government
Act 1972.
C110 |
Development of New Homes on the Freight Depot Site - Reduction of Homes England Grant
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources
and Digital
Consideration has been given to the urgent decision taken on the 20 December 2022 to change the
terms of the Freight Site Business Plan to allow the freehold
transfer of the former Freight Depot to Gateshead Regeneration LLP
(GRP) as agreed by Cabinet on the 14 September 2021.
That the urgent decision taken
on the 20 December 2022 by the Strategic Director, Resources and
Digital to change the terms of the Freight Site Business Plan to
allow the freehold transfer of the former Freight Depot to
Gateshead Regeneration LLP (GRP) in accordance with Schedule 5,
Part 2 General Delegations to Managers, Paragraph (4) (e) of the
Council’s Constitution; and as previously agreed by Cabinet
be noted.
That the transfer of the
freehold interest in the Freight Depot site in accordance with the
Agreement for Sale to the GRP for the provision of new homes be
That the changes in the Homes
England Local Authority Accelerated ConstructionGrant allocation, and the impact on the Capital Injection
Agreements, now totalling the amount set out in the report, of
which the Council contribution remains at the amount set out in the
report be noted.
That the changes to the
distribution of profit and the terms of the distribution of
super-profit to the Council as set out in the report be
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To support the delivery of 270
homes on the Freight Depot site.
It secures delivery of the
site, overcoming significant viability and delivery
The Council is not putting
funds in to close the additional viability gap.
The Council is still receiving
an equal share of the profit after priority return, up to the
profit required to meet the hurdle rates.
It will allow the site transfer
to proceed, which will secure the private rented sector provider
Sigma, via a contract with GRP.
C111 |
Gateshead Council Trading Companies Annual Update
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources
and Digital
Consideration has been given to an update on the current trading activity undertaken through
subsidiaries wholly owned by the Council for the period 2021/22 and
where available activity in 2022/23.
That the report outlining
company activity to date including the contribution to Council
Thrive priorities as set out in appendix 1 and financial
performance at appendices 2-4 to the report be noted.
That a review of each of the
Council’s wholly owned trading companies to determine their
future operations and requirements be approved.
That a further annual report be submitted to
Cabinet covering the 2022-23 performance of the
Council’s wholly owned trading companies.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To contribute to
the sound governance, operational and financial management of the
Council’s wholly owned subsidiary companies.
To support
achievement of Thrive priorities through the Council’s
trading companies.
To assist
effective financial and performance oversight and awareness of all
Council activity, regardless of delivery model.