Agenda and minutes

CAB, Cabinet - Tuesday, 20th December, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Bridges Room - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Kevin Ingledew Email: Tel no: 0191 4332142 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Cabinet is asked to approve as a correct record the minutes of the last meeting held on 22 November 2022.


The minutes of the last meeting held on 22 November 2022 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



School Sufficiency Basic Need Allocations 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Children’s Social Care and Lifelong Learning


Consideration has been given to the position of school placement sufficiency and to the proposed allocations of Department for Education (DfE) Basic Need funding to individual schools in order to increase capacity within the schools.






That the funding allocations to the secondary schools as set out below be approved.







Basic Needs Allocation £m

Increase in school places per year group




Thorp Academy




30 (NB: figure amended at the meeting)




St Thomas More and Cardinal Hume Catholic School








Kingsmeadow Community School










That the funding to be provided to the schools on a grant funding agreement basis.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To ensure best value for money for the Council.






To enable the Council to meet its statutory requirement to provide sufficient school places.




(Councillor Haley declared a personal and non-pecuniary interest in the above matter because he is a governor of Kingsmeadow Community School).



Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 30 year Business Plan pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Report of the Strategic Directors, Resources & Digital and Housing, Environment & Healthy Communities

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to recommending to Council the proposed Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 30-year Business Plan 2022-2052.






That the Council be recommended to approve the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 30 Year Business Plan 2022-2052 as set out in appendix 2 to the report.




The above decision has been made for the following reasons:






To ensure the medium to long term sustainability of the Housing Revenue Account.






To realise the Council’s policies and objectives in relation to the Housing Strategy in order to maintain and enhance Council Housing provision in Gateshead.






To assist in the delivery of the Council’s vision for Gateshead as set out in Making Gateshead a Place where Everyone Thrives.



Budget 2023/24 - Revenue Savings Proposals pdf icon PDF 256 KB

Report of the Chief Executive and Corporate Management Team

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to consultation on the draft budget revenue savings proposals for 2023/24.






That the commencement of consultation on the budget revenue savings proposals for the period 2023/24 as set out in appendix 3 to thereport be approved.






That the findings of the consultation, together with a proposed budget for 2023/24 be considered at its meeting on 21 February 2023, ahead of recommending this to Council on 23 February 2023.






That further budget related reports be submitted to Cabinet throughout the financial year, including the outcome of specific consultation and engagement on individual proposals.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To contribute to the good financial management practice of the Council.






To assist the financial sustainability of the Council over the medium to long term.



The Heat Network Relief Scheme and future Discretionary Rate schemes under Section 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital


Consideration has been given to the Heat Network Relief Scheme and the administration of discretionary rate relief under section 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988.






That the introduction of the Heat Network Relief Scheme using discretionary powers under section 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988, for the 2022/23 financial year be approved.






That in the event any further fully funded and temporary measures for discretionary rate relief are introduced by the Government in the future, approval be given for the Council to administer and adopt local schemes, which are necessary to give effect to Government statements and guidance.




The above decisions have been made to meet the Government instruction to implement the Heat Relief Scheme under the discretionary powers of the Local Government finance Act 1988 for the financial year 2022/23. 



Infrastructure Funding Statement pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Housing and Growth

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to financial contributions the Council has secured through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) contributions and Section 106 agreements from new developments for off-site infrastructure works and affordable housing and to the proposed Infrastructure Funding Statement for publication on the Council’s website by the end of December 2022. 






That the Infrastructure Funding Statement as set out in appendix 2 to the report be approved so that it can be published on the Council’s website by the end of December 2022.






That the review of the CIL Expenditure alongside completion of a wider investment strategy be approved.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To comply with CIL Regulations to publish on the Council’s website by the end of December 2022.






To continue to ensure that developer contributions received are published and spent in a transparent manner.



External Funding Opportunities for the Creative Industries pdf icon PDF 138 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given to the action taken by the Strategic Director Economy Innovation and Growth to ensure the Council’s inclusion as a named partner in the full application to the Department for Digital Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) funded Create Growth Programme, which is intended to promote economic development and job creation through the growth of the creative industries.




The following question was asked on behalf of the Save Leisure Gateshead campaign “To what extent will the proposed closure of leisure facilities in Gateshead undermine the growth plan for creative industries in Gateshead?” and a response was given.




Further representations were made by campaign members regarding the perceived impact on the local community and businesses if a decision to close Gateshead Leisure Centre is made following the consultation process on the Review of Leisure in Gateshead.  The campaign members were advised of the financial context in terms of substantial reductions in government Revenue Support Grant since 2010, more targeted short term funding, which removes local discretion on how financial resources should best be used to meet the needs of local communities. The Council’s budget position and the need to set a balanced budget this year, meet a budget gap of at least £55m in the medium term would mean there will be difficult budget decisions to be made affecting all services, which would undoubtedly impact on borough residents. It was explained the views put forward and issues raised would be considered as part of the analysis of the Review consultation responses and in making final recommendations to Cabinet.






That the action taken by the Strategic Director, Economy Innovation and Growth to ensure the Council’s inclusion as a named partner in the full application to the DCMS funded Create Growth Programme, in accordance with powers under the Council’s Constitution – Part 2 General Delegations to Managers, Paragraph 4(e), be noted and endorsed.






That the Strategic Director, Economy Innovation and Growth, following consultation with the Strategic Director, Corporate Services & Governance, be given delegated authority to agree the content and terms of a MoU between the Council and North of Tyne Combined Authority in relation to the North East Create Growth Programme.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To maximise opportunities for economic growth in Gateshead.






To maximise the opportunities for business growth in the creative industries, creating good quality employment.






To maximise available external funding opportunities.



Local Boundary Commission for England - Electoral Review of Gateshead Council, Part One (Council Size) pdf icon PDF 110 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to the timetable for the statutory Electoral Review of the Council being carried out by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (the Commission) and to the proposal to commence appropriate consultation with councillors in the preparation of the Council’s submission to the Commission on Part One of its review of Gateshead Council (Council Size), for consideration at the Council meeting on 26 January 2023.






That the commencement of the review of the overall composition of the Council and its ward arrangements by the Commission be noted.






That the timetable for the review process and the date for submission of the Council Size proposal, as set out in appendix 2 to the report be noted.






That the Chief Executive, following appropriate engagement and consultation with councillors, prepares the Council Size proposal document and submits it for approval to the Council Meeting on 26 January 2023, prior to its submission to the Commission by 10 February 2023.






That options for councillor consultation in the preparation of the submission be considered and advised by the Leader of the Council.






That it be noted further reports will be submitted to Council as the review progresses to consider ward arrangements.




The above decisions have been made because this is a periodic review undertaken by the Commission that the Council must partake in.



Corporate Complaints and Compliments Procedure - Annual Report 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to an analysis of the compliments and Step 3 complaints recorded by the Council and complaints against the Council considered by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman and the Housing Ombudsman in 2021/22.






That the Corporate Complaints and Compliments Procedure Annual Report for 2021/22 be approved.




The above decision has been made to have an effective and timely complaints procedure.



Petitions Schedule pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to an update on petitions submitted to the Council and the action taken on them.






That the petitions received and action taken on them be noted.




The above decision has been made to inform the Cabinet of the progress of the petitions.



Nomination of Local Authority School Governors pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Children’s Social Care and Lifelong Learning


Consideration has been given to the nomination of Local Authority Governors to schools seeking to retain their Local Authority governor in accordance with The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations. 






That the nominations set out below be approved for a period of four years in accordance with the Schools’ Instrument of Government:








Date from








Caedmon Community Primary

Cllr John Adams




Harlow Green Community Primary

Cllr Keith Wood




South Street Community Primary

Cllr Bernadette Oliphant




Winlaton West Lane Community Primary

Cllr Julie Simpson





The above decision has been made to ensure the School Governing Bodies have full membership. 



Exclusion of the Press and Public

The Cabinet may wish to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) on the grounds indicated:


Item                                                     Paragraph of Schedule 12A to the Local                                                                   Government Act 1972


14                                                        3

15                                                        3




That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the remaining business in accordance with paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



Transforming Cities Fund T2 Cycleway Improvement Schemes - Full Business Case (December 2022)

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth



Consideration has been given to the development and submission of a full business case for each of two major cycling schemes – the West Tyneside cycleway improvement scheme (GA01) and the Durham Road cycleway improvement scheme (GA09), in order to access an allocation of funding from the Transforming Cities Fund, for the amounts set out in the report, to implement the schemes.






That the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth, following consultation with the Portfolio holder for Environment & Transport and the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital, be authorised to submit the full business cases for the West Tyneside Cycleway and the Durham Road Cycleway schemes and to make such amendments to the full business cases as may be required to secure funding approval from the North East Joint Transport Committee.






That the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth be authorised to agree to enter into the two Grant Agreements, following acceptance of the bids, with North East Combined Authority (NECA), following consultation with the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital and Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance, in accordance with the Constitution.




The above decisions have been made to enable the implementation of the schemes using funding from the Transforming Cities Fund.



Disposal of Tynedale House, Holburn Lane, Ryton

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given to the sale of Tynedale House for residential development, subject to planning permission.






That disposal of the freehold interest of the property as shown edged black on the plan attached to the report, for residential development subject to planning permission, to the recommended bidder named in the report, for a purchase price of the amount set out in the report be approved.






That the Strategic Director, Economy Innovation & Growth be given delegated authority to accept the next best offer in the event that the recommended bidder withdraws from the purchase.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To dispose of an asset and realise a capital receipt.






To enable development of new homes in Gateshead.