No. |
Item |
C116 |
Apologies for absence
An apology for absence was received from
Councillor M Gannon.
C117 |
Minutes PDF 369 KB
Cabinet is asked to approve as a correct
record the minutes of the last meeting held on 14 December
The minutes of the last meeting held on 14
December 2021 were approved as a correct record and signed by the
C118 |
Senior Management Staffing Structure PDF 348 KB
Report of the Chief Executive
Consideration has been given to recommending
the Council to approve a revised Senior Management Structure,
resulting in the separation of the current Children,
Adults and Families Group to establish two new service groups,
namely; Integrated Adults’ and Social Care Services and
Children’s Social Care and Lifelong Learning.
That the Council be recommended to:
Approve the amendments to the
organisation structure as detailed in this report with an
implementation date of 1st April 2022.
Authorise the Chief Executive
to approve the final salary grades of Service Director roles,
within the Council’s current pay policy framework and grading
structure, taking into consideration advice from the Local
Government Association (LGA), following the application of the LGA
job evaluation scheme.
Authorise the Strategic
Director, Corporate Services and Governance to make such changes to
the Council’s Constitution he deems necessary, as a consequence of the changes so
Authorise the Chief Executive to
determine appropriate interim arrangements as necessary to cover
any vacancies which might arise in respect of either of the new
The above decisions have been made to
enable continued improvement in the co-ordination of
Council functions, the organisation of its employees, and to enable
Council services to focus on delivery of the Thrive agenda in a
more efficient and effective way, embracing the Public Service
Reform principles.
C119 |
Homelessness Strategy and Strategic Review of Homelessness and Allocations PDF 425 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Housing,
Environment and Healthy Communities
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to firstly
recommending the Council to approve the new
Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy and include it as part of
the Council’s Policy Framework and secondly an update on
progress with the reviews of homelessness and allocations,
including next steps and a proposal to develop a new Gateshead
allocations 'marketplace'.
That the Council be recommended to approve
the Gateshead Homelessness and Rough Sleeping
Strategy and Homelessness Charter and for the Strategy to be
included as part of the Council’s policy
That the completion of a joint
homelessness and allocations review be approved, which will include
delivery of the following outcomes/milestones:
a new ‘Gateshead Model’ for allocations,
which will include a ‘marketplace’ and a homelessness
‘gateway’ to accommodation and support; and
remodelling and recommissioning allocations and
homelessness pathways, processes, systems and services to better
meet customer need and demand.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To ensure the Council takes
appropriate action to prevent and end homelessness, in all forms in Gateshead.
To deliver upon the aims set
out in our Health and Wellbeing Strategy ‘Good jobs, homes,
health and friends’ and our strategic approach of
‘Making Gateshead a place where everyone
To ensure services and pathways
best meet the needs of our customers and deliver more efficient
ways of working.
To ensure we are meeting all
related statutory and regulatory requirements.
C120 |
Review of the Council's Constitution PDF 213 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate
Services and Governance
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to recommending
the Council to approve a number of amendments to the
That the Council be recommended
to approve the proposed amendments to the Council’s
Constitution as set out in appendix 2 to the report.
The above decision has been made to
ensure that the Constitution remains fit for purpose
and that its aims and principles are given effect.
C121 |
Calendar of Meetings 2022/23 PDF 259 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate
Services and Governance
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to recommending
the Council to approve the proposed calendar of meetings for
That the Council be recommended to:
approve the calendar of meetings for 2022/23
as set out in appendix 2 to the report;
agree that, as far as possible,
meetings should not be held during school holidays; and
authorise the Strategic
Director, Corporate Services and Governance, following consultation
with the appropriate Chairs, to make any necessary amendments to
the calendar of meetings.
The above decision has been made to
assist in the preparation of the Cabinet’s
schedule of decisions and to allow councillors and officers to plan
commitments in their diaries.
C122 |
Housing Revenue Account Rent & Service Charges 2022/23 PDF 426 KB
Report of the Strategic Directors, Housing,
Environment & Healthy Communities and Resources &
Consideration has been given to recommending
the Council to approve the proposed rent changes from 4 April 2022,
in line with the Government’s rent setting policy and the
detailed proposals for the 2022/23 Housing Revenue Account (HRA)
service charges.
That the Council be recommended to
The 4.1% rent increase from 4 April 2022 as
set out in appendix 2 to the report; and
The HRA service charges as set out in appendix
3 to the report.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To contribute towards setting a
Housing Revenue Account for 2022/23 that is not in debit as
required under the Local Government and Housing Act1989 (Part
To realise the Council’s
policies and objectives in relation to the Housing Strategy to
maintain and enhance Council Housing provision in
To assist in the delivery of
the Council’s vision for Gateshead as set out in Making
Gateshead a Place where Everyone Thrives.
C123 |
Capital Programme and Prudential Indicators 2021/22 – Third Quarter Review PDF 275 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources
and Digital
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to the latest
position on the 2021/22 Capital Programme and Prudential Indicators
at the end of the third quarter to 31 December 2021.
That the Council be
recommended to approve the revision to the 2021/22 Capital
Programme as detailed in the report and appendix 2 as the revised
That the Council be
recommended to agree the financing of the revised Capital
That it be confirmed
to Council the capital expenditure and capital financing
requirement indicators have been revised in line with the revised
budget and that none of the approved Prudential Indicators set for
2021/22 have been breached.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To ensure the
optimum use of the Council’s capital resources in
To accommodate
changes to the Council’s in-year capital expenditure
To ensure
performance has been assessed against approved Prudential
C124 |
Revenue Budget - Third Quarter Review 2021/22 PDF 322 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources
and Digital
Consideration has been given to the latest monitoring position on the 2021/22 revenue budget at
the end of the third quarter, including impacts of the global
That the Council’s revenue expenditure position at the end
of the third quarter, as set out in appendices 1 and 2 be
That the budget virements as
set out in the report be approved.
The above
decisions have been made to contribute to sound
financial management and the long-term financial sustainability of
the Council.
C125 |
Council Tax Base and Business Rates Forecast 2022/23 PDF 321 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources
and Digital
Consideration has been given to the council tax base for 2022/23 for the Parish of Lamesley and the whole of the Borough of Gateshead
and to the Business Rate forecast for 2022/23.
That it be approved pursuant to
this report and in accordance with the Local Authorities
(Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992, as amended by
Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base)
(Amendment)(England) Regulations 2012 the amount calculated by
Gateshead Council as its council tax base for the year 2022/23 be
confirmed as 52,660.9.
That pursuant to this report
and in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of
Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992, as amended by Local Authorities
(Calculation of Council Tax Base) (Amendment)(England) Regulations
2012 the amount calculated as being the Parish Council of
Lamesley’s council tax base for
the year 2022/23 be confirmed as 1,214.1.
That the business rates
forecast for 2022/23 be confirmed as £43.114
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
C126 |
Health and Wellbeing Group Review - Leisure Services Proposed Timeline PDF 314 KB
Report of the Director of Public Health
Consideration has been given to proposed next
steps, including further consultation on future Leisure Services in Gateshead, as part
of the review of the Public Health and Wellbeing Service and to a
proposed timeline of activity.
That the following next steps be approved:
Implementation of a range of short-term actions to
stabilise current service provision as soon as possible to improve
quality and efficiency, while improving outcomes for
Reviewing each individual centre and its
Continued consultation with the public on their
preferred use of available leisure time and their current use of
Informal consultation with employees on potential
future provision.
Exploring all options for future operating
That the timeline for the above actions as set
out in appendix 2 to the report be approved.
The above decisions have been made to
inform the future provision of Leisure Services in
C127 |
Exemplar Neighbourhood Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and Masterplan PDF 241 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Economy,
Innovation and Growth
Consideration has been given to proposed
public consultation on the Exemplar Neighbourhood Supplementary
Planning Document (SPD) and masterplan.
That a six week
public consultation on the SPD and masterplan (and any subsequent
consultation) be approved.
That the Strategic Director, Economy,
Innovation & Growth, following consultation with the Cabinet
Member for Environment and Transport, be authorised to make any
amendments to the SPD and masterplan, following the public
That a further report be submitted to Cabinet
following the consultation, recommending Council approval and
adoption of the final version of the SPD and masterplan.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To comply with the Town and Country Planning
(Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 and the Council’s
SCI and to ensure consistency with consultation on previous
To ensure that new development and
infrastructure for the Exemplar Neighbourhood comes forward in a
comprehensive and coordinated way and to provide further guidance
on current Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan
policies relating to the site.
C128 |
Home Energy Conservation Act Report 2021 PDF 403 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Economy,
Innovation and Growth
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to
the Home Energy Conservation Act (HECA) (1995) Report
That the Home Energy
Conservation Act (HECA) Report 2021, as set out in appendix 2 to
the report be approved.
That the HECA Report be
submitted to the Department of Business, Energy & Industrial
Strategy (BEIS) prior to 28th February 2022
That publication of the HECA Report on the
Council’s website be approved.
That an update report be submitted to Cabinet
in March 2023.
The above decision has been made for the
following reasons:
To meet the Council’s
statutory obligations under HECA (1995).
To continue improving the
energy efficiency of both housing and non- domestic buildings in
To reduce C02 emissions from
the domestic sector.
C129 |
Corporate Complaints and Compliments Procedure - Annual Report 2020/21 PDF 253 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate
Services and Governance
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to the Corporate
Complaints and Compliments Procedure Annual Report 2020/21, which
provides an analysis of the compliments and Step 3 complaints
recorded by the Council during this period.
That the Corporate Complaints
and Compliments Procedure Annual Report 2020/21 be
The above decision has been made to have
an effective and timely complaints and compliments
C130 |
Adult Social Care Annual Reports on Services Complaints, Compliments and Representations April 2019 to March 2020 and April 2020 to March 2021 PDF 240 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Children,
Adults and Families
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to the Annual Reports for April 2019 - March 2020 and for April
2020 - March 2021, which relate to the Adults Social Care Statutory
Complaints Procedure 2009.
That the Annual Reports on
Complaints, Compliments and Representations for 2019/20 and 2020/21
as set out in the appendices to the report be endorsed.
That the Annual Reports be referred
to the Care, Health & Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny
Committeefor consideration.
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
It is a statutory
requirement that the report is considered by a formal
To ensure member
involvement in the statutory complaints procedure.
C131 |
Children and Families Service - Annual Reports on Services Complaints, Compliments and Representations April 2019 to March 2020 and April 2020 to March 2021 PDF 216 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Children,
Adults and Families
Additional documents:
Consideration has been given to the Annual Reports for 2019/20 and for 2020/21, which
relate to the Children’s Social Care Service Statutory
Complaints Procedure 2006.
That the Annual Reports on
Children’s Services Complaints, Compliments and
Representations for 2019/20 and 2020/21, as set out in the
appendices to the report be endorsed.
That the Annual Reports be referred to the
Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee for further
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
It is a statutory requirement
that the report is considered by a formal committee.
To ensure member involvement in
the statutory procedure.
To improve practice and the
offer to children and families.
C132 |
Nominations of Local Authority School Governors PDF 238 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Children,
Adults and Families
Consideration has been given to nominations of
local authority school governors.
That the
nominations set out below be approved for a period of four years in
accordance with the Schools’ Instrument of
Date from
Kingsmeadow Community Comprehensive
Councillor G Haley
Oakfield Federation
Mr L Milne
The above decision has been made to ensure the
governing bodies have full membership.
(Councillor Haley declared a personal and
non-pecuniary interest in the above matter and withdrew from the
meeting whilst the matter was under consideration).
C133 |
Exclusion of the Press and Public
The Cabinet may wish to exclude the press and
public from the meeting during consideration of the following
item(s) on the grounds indicated:
Paragraph of Schedule 12A to the Local
Government Act 1972
That the press and public be excluded from the
meeting during consideration of the remaining business in
accordance with paragraph 3 of Schedule 12 A to the Local
Government Act 1972.
C134 |
Loan Facility for North Music Trust
Report of the Strategic Director, Economy,
Innovation and Growth
Consideration has been given to enteringinto a loanfacility
with North Music
Trust (NMT)to supportthe installation of a new fire alarm
That the provisionof a loanfacility
of the amount set out in the
report to North Music Trust be approved.
That the Strategic
Director,Resources and Digital be authorised to finalise the
loan agreement termswith North Music
The above decisions have been made for the
following reasons:
To maintain the use by the
public of a cultural facility for the Borough.
Tosupport theuse of the facility as part of the delivery of the
Gateshead Quays Conferences and maintain income in line with the
business plan.