Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 23rd February, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: This is a virtual meeting. Please click here to access the meeting.

Contact: Mike Aynsley Email: 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 350 KB

Cabinet is asked to approve as a correct record the minutes of the last meeting held on 19 January 2021.


The minutes of the last meeting held on 19 January 2021 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Energy Tariffs for Gateshead HEIGHTs Project pdf icon PDF 429 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given to energy tariffs for High Rise Energy Infrastructure for Gateshead Housing Tenants (HEIGHTs) project residents for 2020/21.




The alternative options considered, but which were discounted, included setting higher or lower tariffs.






That the following heat tariffs for residents as indicated be approved and applied for the period 1 April 2021 – 31 March 2022:



·         3.638p/kWh for Regent Court residents (a decrease of 12%)

·         7.833p/kWh for Harlow Green residents (an increase of 3%)





That the following electricity tariffs for residents at Barford and Stretford Courts be approved and applied for the period 1 April 2021 – 31 March 2022:



·           Standing charge: 18.51p/day (no change)

·           Unit rate: 13.31p/kWh (no change)






That the communication of the revised tariffs to HEIGHTs residents be approved.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To comply with heat and electricity supply agreements in place with customers.






To ensure the HEIGHTs scheme recovers its operating and construction costs over its lifetime.






To ensure HEIGHTs customers continue to pay fair and market reflective prices for their heating and electricity.



Contract for Solar Photovoltaic Design and Installation Services pdf icon PDF 278 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given to tenders received for the contract for Solar Photovoltaic Design and Installation Services.






That the tender received from Solar Advanced Systems Ltd be accepted for the contract for Solar Photovoltaic Design and Installation Services, subject to no challenge being received during the statutory standstill period.






That the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth be authorised to agree and approve the final contract sum within the budget allocation of £4.3m, and the scope and terms of the contract  with Solar Advanced Systems Ltd, following consultation with the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance and the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital. 




The above decisions have been made because following a comprehensive evaluation of the tenders received, the tender from Solar Advanced Systems Ltd passed all the required evaluation criteria and achieved the highest combined score of the three tenders received.



Department for Work and Pensions' Restart Programme pdf icon PDF 275 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration has been given to the Council appraising opportunitiesto deliver the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) ‘Restart’ employment programme as a subcontractor.






That the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth, following consultation with the Strategic Director, Resources & Digital and Strategic Director, Corporate Services & Governance appraises subcontracting opportunities arising from the Restart mini-competition.






That the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth, following consultation with the Strategic Director, Resources & Digital and Strategic Director, Corporate Services & Governance be authorised to agree the terms of a resulting subcontract with prime provider(s) and provide an update to Cabinet on the outcome.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To pursue opportunities to deliver the DWP Restart programme as part of the Council’s employment response to COVID 19.






To pursue opportunities to directly influence the local delivery of the national Restart programme to help make Gateshead a place where everyone thrives.






To ensure that the Council is able to meet the requirements of the procurement timetable set by the DWP.



Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Housing Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 411 KB

Report of the Strategic Directors Resources & Digital and Housing, Environment & Healthy Communities


Consideration has been given to the proposed Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget for 2021/22, the proposed Housing Capital Programme for 2021/22 and the indicative programme for the period 2022/23 – 2025/26.






That the Council be recommended to approve:






The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for 2021/22 as set out in appendix 2 to the report.






The Housing Capital Programme for the five years 2021/22 to 2025/26 as set out in appendix 3 to the report.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To set a Housing Revenue Account for 2021/22 that is not in debit as required under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 (Part VI).






To realise the Council’s policies and objectives in relation to the Housing Strategy in order to maintain and enhance Council Housing provision in Gateshead.






To assist in the delivery of the Council’s vision for Gateshead as set out in Making Gateshead a Place where Everyone Thrives.



Capital Programme 2021/22 to 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 571 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital


Consideration has been given to the proposed Capital Programme for the next five years to continue to provide significant levels of strategic investment to help maintain and deliver financial sustainability and support the Council’s strategic approach to Making Gateshead a Place Where Everyone Thrives.






That the Council be recommended to approve the following:






The Capital Programme for 2021/22 and the provisional programmes for 2022/23 to 2025/26, as set out in appendix 2 to the report, subject to external funding approvals being received.






The provisional capital financing for the programme, as set out in appendix 3 to the report, and to delegate authority to the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital to enter prudential borrowing which is consistent with the requirement of the Capital Programme and the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To continue to provide significant strategic investment to deliver the Council’s priority outcomes.






To assist with the medium- and longer-term financial sustainability of the Council.






To maximise resources available within the Council’s capital programme to assist in the delivery of the five key priority areas which underpin the thrive agenda.






To assist the Councils response and recovery following the global pandemic.



Fees and Charges 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 465 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to fees and charges for 2021/22.






That the Council be recommended to approve the following:






The fees and charges for 2021/22 as set out in appendix 2 to the report.






Authorisation for the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital to make any necessary adjustments to correct any errors in the schedule of Fees and Charges.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To ensure that Fees and Charges are set in accordance with Council priorities.






To support the delivery of the Council’s budget and the strategic approach to making Gateshead a place where everyone thrives.



Budget and Council Tax Level 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of the Chief Executive and Corporate Management Team


Consideration has been given to recommending to Council the proposed Budget and Council Tax Level for 2021/22 and the prudential indicators and Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Statement as set out in the report.


RESOLVED - That the following recommendations be made to theCouncil:


(1)           That Gateshead’s BandD council tax for 2021/22 is increased by 4.99% (including a 3% adult social care Government Charge) to £1,914.92.


(2)           The revenue estimates of£238.758 million for 2021/22 are approved.


(3)      The extension of a council tax hardship scheme into 2021/22 using £2.779 million of support grant as set out in the report.


(4)           The budgeted use of £29.106 million Earmarked Reserves in 2021/22 be approved (includes £26.564 million ringfenced covid support to retained business rates).


(5)           That the indicativeschools funding presented in appendix 2be agreed.


(6)           To note the conclusions of theStrategic Director, Resources and Digital inrespect of therobustness of estimates and adequacy of reserves.


(7)           That the Prudential and Treasury Indicators set out in appendix 6to this report beagreed.


(8)           That the method of calculating the Minimum Revenue Provision(MRP) for 2021/22 as set out in appendix 7be approved.


(9)           That the initial proposed areas of priority investment and savings included in the budget in appendix 2 be agreed with further specific consultation and reporting to Cabinet to take place throughout the year as required.


(10)    That the outcome of initial budget consultation outlined in appendix 3 be noted.


(11)           That it be noted that at its meeting on 19January 2021, Cabinet calculated the following amounts for the year 2021/22 in accordancewith regulationsmade under Section 31B(3) of the Local GovernmentFinance Act 1992 asamended by the LocalismAct 2011:-


(a)          52,483.9 being the amount calculated by the Council, in accordancewith regulation3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation ofCouncil Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012, as its Council Tax base for theyear;


(b)          1,198.4 for Lamesley Parish being the amount calculated by theCouncil, in accordance with regulation6 of theRegulations, as the amount ofits Council Tax base for the year for dwellings inthose partsof its areato whichspecial items relate.


(12)        That the following amounts be now calculated by theCouncil for the year 2021/2 inaccordance with Sections 31A,31Band 34to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act1992, as amended by the Localism Act 2011(‘the Act’): -


(a)          £604,606,039 being theaggregate total of theexpenditure amounts, whichthe Council estimates for the items, set out inSection 31A(2) ofthe Act taking into account theprecept issued by Lamesley ParishCouncil


(b)         (£504,901,243) being the aggregatetotal of the incomeamounts, whichthe Council estimate for the items, set out in Section 31A(3) ofthe Act


(c)          £100,514,796 being the amount by whichthe aggregateat (a) above exceeds theaggregate at (b) above, calculatedby the Council, inaccordance with  ...  view the full minutes text for item C94


Governance of Housing Services pdf icon PDF 306 KB

Report of the Strategic Directors Housing, Environment & Healthy Communities and Corporate Services & Governance



Consideration has been given to the proposed arrangements for the governance of the Council’s housing functions and responsibilities from the 1st April 2021.




The alternative option to those being recommended, but which was discounted, was to limit involvement in decision making to the Cabinet exclusively through the current executive and overview and scrutiny model.






That the Council be recommended to approve the establishment of a new formal advisory committee, to be called the Strategic Housing Board, which will advise the Council or Cabinet on any matter relating to the discharge of their respective housing functions.






That the Council be recommended to approve a membership of the Strategic Housing Board comprising of 15 elected members, plus the respective Chairs of the Health and Wellbeing Board and Community Safety Partnership, 3 tenant representatives and 3 partner representatives.






That the Council be recommended to approve a change in the title of the Communities and Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee to the Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee.






That the Council be recommended to approve a change in the scope of responsibility of the Communities and Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee particularly to enable the inclusion of tenant observers and their scrutiny of services and buildings compliance.






That the establishment of a new informal Housing Providers Partnership, and a new Private Landlords Forum, to enable the effective engagement and involvement of key stakeholders and partners be approved.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To ensure the effective governance and democratic accountability of key strategic and operational housing functions, services and priorities for the Council. 






To ensure compliance with the Regulator of Social Housing’s requirements for tenant involvement and engagement.






To enable the engagement of key stakeholders and partners in wider housing strategy and policy discussion.



Gateshead Climate Change Emergency and Environmental Audit pdf icon PDF 382 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to an update of activity in response to the Climate Emergency Declaration made by Council on 23 May 2019.






That the findings of the independent environmental audit of the Council’s activities, including the Council being awarded the silver level accreditation using the Investors in the Environment assessment framework be noted.






That the Council be recommended to approve the Environmental Policy as set out in appendix 5 to the report.






That the publication of the Audit report and a Council Action Plan setting out the actions necessary for the Council to meet zero carbon be approved.






That the development of a programme of community and business engagement that may be implemented when conditions allow be approved.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To recognise the significant progress made by the Council in minimising its carbon emissions and environmental impact, and the opportunities for further improvement.






To establish an up-to-date and comprehensive environmental policy that reflects the Council’s ecological and climate change ambitions, and guides the actions taken in response to the Climate Emergency.






To provide transparency to the public on the Council’s actions being taken to meet zero carbon.






To support engagement with our partners and the wider community that will ensure a Gateshead-wide approach is taken.



Apprenticeship Levy pdf icon PDF 266 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance


Consideration has been given to establishing a Gateshead Apprenticeship levy fund and transferring money from the Council’s apprenticeship levy fund to local employers to support them to increase the uptake of apprenticeships and to an amendment to the Council’s Constitution to grant the Strategic Director Resources and Digital delegated authority to award funds from the Council’s apprenticeship levy pot to individual businesses in Gateshead.




The alternative option to that being recommended, but which was discounted, was for all requests to transfer the levy to other organisations to be approved by Cabinet.






That the proposal to make available on an annual basis up to 25% (approximately £165k) from Gateshead Council’s levy pot for the development of a Gateshead apprenticeship levy fund so that money from this fund can be transferred to local businesses be approved.






That the Council be recommended to approve the proposed delegation to the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital to enable funds to be awarded from the Council’s apprenticeship levy pot to individual local businesses and to agree an amendment to Part 3, Schedule 5, of the Council’s Constitution (Delegations to the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital) accordingly.




The above decisions have been made to ensure that money can be transferred to other businesses in the borough to support them with the cost of apprenticeship training and assessment and increase the number of local people in sustainable employment.



Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Asset Management Strategy pdf icon PDF 279 KB

Report of the Strategic Director Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities


Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to progress in developing a new Housing Revenue Account (HRA) asset management strategy.






That progress in developing a new Housing Revenue Account (HRA) asset management strategy and the timeline for its final drafting and subsequent consideration for approval later in the year be noted.






That a programme of consultation and awareness raising activities with members, tenants and leaseholders as to the emerging strategy and the resultant potential future investment priorities for the Council’s housing stock be approved.






That the commencement of a detailed appraisal of options for the future investment and management of identified currently uneconomic and low demand homes be approved.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To set a Housing Revenue Account that is not in debit as required under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 (Part VI) and is able to meet it short- and long-term investment requirements. 






To realise the Council’s policies and objectives in relation to the Housing Strategy in order to maintain and enhance Council Housing provision in Gateshead. 






To assist in the delivery of the Council’s vision for Gateshead as set out in Making Gateshead a Place where Everyone Thrives. 



Gateshead Local Plan - Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) - Second Review pdf icon PDF 292 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document, second review, for adoption and which follows the adoption of Making Spaces for Growing Places Local Plan document by full Council on 21 January 2021.






That the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document Second Review as set out in appendix 2 to the report be approved for adoption.




The above decision has been made to effectively deliver the Local Plan.



Proposed Lease of the former Lloyds Bank, 19-21 Derwent Street, Chopwell pdf icon PDF 261 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth

Additional documents:


Consideration has been given to a lease of the property known as the former Lloyds Bank, 19-21, Derwent Street, Chopwell.




The alternative option to that being recommended, but which was discounted, was to retain the property.






That the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance be authorised to grant a 35-year lease at a nil rent pursuant to the Council’s Community Asset Transfer policy to the Chopwell Generation Community Interest Organisation.




The above decision has been made to manage resources and rationalise the Council’s assets in line with the Corporate Asset Strategy and Management Plan.



Primary Community Controlled School Admissions Arrangements and Co-ordinated admission schemes for Primary and Secondary Schools for 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 664 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Children, Adults and Families


Consideration has been given to the Gateshead school admissions arrangements and the co-ordinated schemes for primary and secondary schools for 2022/23.



(i)         That the Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary                    Admissions Policy, set out in appendix 2 to the report, be                adopted for September 2022. 




(ii)        That Community Secondary School Admissions Policy, set             out in appendix 2 to the report be adopted for September             2022.




(iii)       That the approved admissions policies for September                      2021 are used, as a basis for consultation, if necessary,               with schools and others for formulating the relevant                      admissions policies from September 2021/22 onwards.



(iv)       That the approved two co-ordinated admission schemes                 for secondary, infant junior and primary schools, set out in             appendix 3 to the report, be adopted for September 2022.



(v)        That it be noted that the planned admission numbers, set                out in appendix 3 to the report, for all community primary                schools will need to be adopted by the governing bodies of             each school.


The above decisions have been made to enable the Council to comply with statutory legislation as it relates to school admission policies, admission arrangements and co-ordinated admission arrangements.



Nomination of Local Authority Governors pdf icon PDF 256 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Children, Adults and Families


Consideration has been given to the nomination of a local authority school governor.






That the nominations as set out below be approved for a period of

four years from the date indicated in accordance with the Schools’ Instrument of Government:








Date from

Parkhead Community Primary  

Cllr J Simpson

16 April 2021



The Dryden Hill Top Federation

Cllr D Bradford

19 June 2021



St Joseph’s Federation

Mrs J Carruthers

9 March 2021



Bede Community Primary

Mrs S Hingley

16 March 2021


The above decision has been made to ensure School Governing Bodies have full




Schools Forum Constitution pdf icon PDF 263 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Digital


Consideration has been given to a new constitution for the Schools Forum under the Schools Forums (England) Regulations 2012.






That the new constitution for the Schools Forum from 1 March 2021 as set out in the report be approved.




The above decision has been made for the following reasons:






To ensure that the Council complies with its statutory requirement to constitute the Schools Forum.






To ensure that Schools Forum has a balanced representation and that all sectors and phases of schools are represented.






To enable recruitment of members into the vacant positions.



Exclusion of the Press and Public

The Cabinet may wish to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) on the grounds indicated:


Item                                                     Paragraph of Schedule 12A to the Local                                                                   Government Act 1972


20                                                        3

21                                                        3

22                                                        3




That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the remaining business in accordance with paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



NHS England Capital Grant to Facilitate Hospital Discharge

Report of the Strategic Director Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities



Consideration has been given to the acceptance of NHS grant funding to enable the purchase and adaptation of a residential property to support a hospital discharge.






That the acceptance of the grant from NHS England to facilitate the purchase and adaptation of the property as set out in the report be approved.






That the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance be authorised to undertake any final negotiation and approval of the final terms and conditions of the grant funding agreement.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






To enable the Council to provide a statutory duty of care for residents in need of support. 






To support the delivery of an accessible and adaptable home.






To deliver the objectives of the Housing Strategy 2019-30, including to improve the quality, condition and management of housing so that all residents benefit from safe, healthy, energy efficient and well-managed homes and neighbourhoods, to meet identified housing need and supported housing requirements in Gateshead.



Disposal of Land at Charlton Walk, Teams

Report of the Strategic Directors, Economy, Innovation & Growth and Corporate Services & Governance


Consideration has been given to the disposal of land at Charlton Walk, Teams, direct to St Chads Community Project at less than the best consideration that can reasonably be obtained, for residential development.






That the sale of the subject land to St Chads Community Project, at less than best consideration that can reasonably be obtained, in accordance with the provisions of the General Disposal Consent (England) 2003, as set out in the report be approved.




The above decision has been made for the following reasons:






To facilitate a community led housing regeneration scheme.






To enable the provision of new residential dwellings at an affordable rent tenure to which the Council will have initial and subsequent nomination rights.




(Councillor J Adams declared a personal and non pecuniary interest in the above matter because he is a member of the St Chad’s Management Committee and took no part in the discussion or voting there on).



Disposal of Land at Portland Street, Pelaw

Report of the Strategic Directors, Economy, Innovation & Growth and Corporate Services & Governance


Consideration has been given to the disposal of land at Portland Street, Pelaw to the charity, Fighting All Cancers Together (FACT) at less than best financial consideration.






That the sale of the subject site to FACT, at less than the best consideration that can reasonably be obtained, in accordance with the provisions of the General Disposal Consent (England) 2003, as set out in the report be approved subject to the receipt of planning permission.




The above decision has been made for the following reasons:






To help bring a vacant site back into use.






To enable the Council to maximise its land holdings to provide support for vulnerable individuals from across the Borough.