Venue: Bridges Room - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Joshua Brown - Democratic Services Officer, Tel: 0191 433 4636, Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors: Mohammed, McCartney, Clelland, Patterson, McMaster, Weatherley, Moir, Caffrey. |
Minutes of last meeting PDF 75 KB The Committee is asked to approve as a correct record the minutes of the last meeting held on 5th September 2024. Minutes: The Committee agreed to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 5th September 2024 as an accurate record. |
Declarations of Interest Committee members to declare interest in any particular agenda item where applicable. Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Update on Support to Vulnerable Adolescents - Reports by Lisa Wood Minutes: The reports for Items 4a and 4b of the agenda look to provide the Committee with an update regarding the support given to vulnerable adolescents, highlight the past year’s achievements, and what the service aims to achieve in the next year. |
Children Missing from Home or Care and Child Exploitation Annual Report PDF 247 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the report which outlined and presented data in relation to the ongoing service developments surrounding the response to children who go missing from home or care and Child Exploitation.
Particular discussion was had concerning the Missing, Slavery, Exploitation and Trafficking (MSET) multi-agency group. A review of multi-agency procedures was undertaken in early 2024 with the current procedures covering the five local authorities within the Northumbria Police area.
The Committee learned that MSET will be relaunched under the new name and procedures as Partnership Response to Exploitation and Missing (PREM) in September/October 2024. The Committee was informed that these changes do not impact on agreed thresholds and referral or triage mechanisms for partners when they are concerned for a child or young person regarding exploitation.
i. The Committee noted the report.
Edge of Care and Preventing Homelessness for Young People PDF 176 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee was presented the report which outlined the rapid response procedure to children and young people in crisis.
Discussion was had in relation to the case management system MOSAIC, and the plan to review the system to better monitor and understand the needs of young people on the edge of care.
The Committee recognised the level of structures and processes surrounding the ongoing services and improvements.
The Committee discussed the nation-wide trends regarding the data presented and were informed that the responses by joint services show how improvements are working. Strategies surrounding continuously missing young people are developing.
The Committee discussed the one-person model and how a young person might be affected when a social worker moves to a different role. Continuity among service providers builds the trust for young people with a psychology-led approach seeing specialists train staff in effective methodology.
The Committee was informed that ongoing work within the community looks to create a safer space for vulnerable young people.
The Committee praised staff for the ongoing work and services provided.
i. The Committee noted the report. |
Trusting Hands Annual Report - A report by Lisa Wood and Ella Watkins PDF 6 MB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee was presented the report which outlined the organisational structure of the service which is midway through conducting a two-year pilot within Gateshead.
The Committee learned of support given to the service by psychologists from Newcastle University, in researching foundations for attachment.
Training offers were made known to the Committee which are available Gateshead-wide.
Discussion was had in relation to how referrals are made. There remains a mixed approach to referrals with time invested in building relationships with Connected Teams which has seen an increase in referrals. The Committee learned that people rarely have to wait longer than a week to be seen and that the service has been well received throughout Gateshead.
The Committee discussed the plan following the end of the two-year pilot. Funding is received until March 2025. The pilot is one of thirteen. Nationwide conversations are underway regarding spending reviews to see if the model can be continued. Local discussions with Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW) and the local Integrated Care Board (ICB) are underway regarding future spending.
The Committee learned that speech and language therapies are delivered within Gateshead Civic Centre with training courses being made available.
i. The Committee noted the report. |
Substance Misuse in Young People - A report by Moira Richardson PDF 286 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report which details the aims of the service and the progress seen in trends relating to the number of people receiving specialist treatment.
The services within Positive Futures Gateshead’s offer were made know to the Committee, highlighting the many forms of interventions such as psychosocial, outreach, signposting, and referrals.
The Committee discussed the primary aim of the service which is to address substance misuse. Discussions are ongoing to explore what else the service can provide based on the needs of people as highlighted while building relationships. Recognition is given to the importance of integrating young people with other young people. Reviews are ongoing in respect of improvements.
The Committee learned of the progress made and support available by the Hidden Harm Team which provides support and guidance to primary schools. Schools have requested the team to attend and make known their available services. The team has expanded and is adaptable to meet the needs of schools.
i. The Committee noted the report.
Work Programme 2024/25 PDF 95 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
i. The Committee noted the amendments to the Work Programme. |
Exclusion of Press and Public The Committee may wish to exclude the press and public during consideration of Item 9 in accordance with paragraph 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: RESOLVED:
i. The Committee agreed to exclude the press and public during consideration of Item 9 in accordance with paragraph 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. |
Substance Misuse in Young People - Case Studies - A report by Moira Richardson Minutes: The Committee gave their appreciation to the service and to the young person who has put themselves forward to make their story known to the Committee. The Committee shared hopes for the young person’s strong future ahead.
The Committee discussed the support available regarding mental health appointments and how the service provides trusted persons to support young people in attending.
The Committee shared concerns regarding young people who may be discharged from the service should they not attend appointments. The committee learned that all options in supporting young people are exercised.
i. The Committee noted the report. |
Date of the next meeting The next Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be held on Thursday 28th November 2024, at 13:30 in the Bridges Room. Minutes: The next Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be held on Thursday 28th November 2024, at 17:30 in the Council Chamber.