Venue: Bridges Room - Civic Centre
Contact: Helen Conway email
No. | Item | |||||||||
Minutes Silence for the late Councillor Neil Weatherley Minutes: The Committee stood for a minute’s silence in remembrance of Councillor Neil Weatherley, who was a member of this Committee and ward member for the Birtley ward, who sadly passed away on 12 December 2019 after a short illness. |
Minutes of last meeting The Committee are asked to approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 10 December 2019. Minutes: The Committee agreed the minutes of the last meeting, held on 10 December 2019 as a correct record. |
Proposed Expansion at Prudhoe Hospital Presentation by Mark Knowles, Programme Director CNTW NHS Trust Minutes: James Duncan, Deputy Chief Executive, and Mark Knowles, Cedar Programme Director, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear (CNTW) NHS FT attended the OSC and provided a presentation on the proposed expansion plans at Prudhoe Hospital.
The OSC thanked the presenters for their attendance and requested that the Committee undertake a site visit to view the site in due course.
Continuing Health Care Funding CCG Update Presentation by Julia Young, Newcastle Gateshead CCG Minutes: Julia Young, Director of Complex Care and Commissioning NewcastleGateshead CCG attended the OSC and provided a verbal update on Continuing Healthcare Funding. This was in direct response to a query that was raised at the OSC meeting in October 2019, where Gateshead Healthwatch highlighted “that carers across Gateshead and Newcastle have raised concerns about a policy regarding the provision of care at home for people who are eligible for Continuing Health Care, which it is suggested may be limiting the amount of support people may be able to receive in their own home. Healthwatch advised that they have tried to seek clarification from the CCG but have yet to receive confirmation”.
The OSC sought a response to the information set out below from Newcastle Gateshead CCG:
Has a policy been implemented which limits/rations the amount of support someone who is eligible for CHC may receive in their own home?
If yes, when and how was this policy consulted upon and ratified?
If not, are there proposals to implement such a policy, and if so, how will it be consulted upon and ratified?
If there is proposed to be a policy, can the CCG explain how this is applied, (to whom, in what circumstances) and what impact assessments have been undertaken?
It was indicated that the OSC were particularly concerned about the potential impact in terms of end of life care, so requested that the CCG provide clarification specifically as to how the policy (implemented or proposed) applies/will apply to people with end of life care needs.
Julia Young, responded by apologising for the delay in responding to the queries raised by the OSC, as she had been absent from work for a while due to illness.
Julia believed that there had been a miscommunication and confirmed that no such policy has been introduced, and that there no cap on funding and each case is analysed on a case by case basis and on individual need. She also updated the Committee on the work of the Hospice at Home model and offered to bring representatives along to a future meeting to outline their work. The Hospice at Home is hoping to be operational by April of this year and will involves colleagues from MacMillan, local authority and healthcare assistants to provide total wrap around needed care.
Julia also circulated some draft patient and carer leaflets with a view to receiving comments.
Suicide: Every Life Matters - Evidence Gathering Report of the Director of Public Health Minutes: The Committee received the final evidence gathering session in which a report and presentation was given by Iain Miller, Gateshead Public Health Team and Detective Inspector Lynne Colledge and Detective Inspector Sean McGuigan of Northumbria Police.
The session focused on the roles of the Criminal Justice System, namely Northumbria Police, and the Voluntary Community Sector (VCS), namely the Recovery College Collective (Re Co-Co), and the range of work they are both involved in supporting some of our most vulnerable people in Gateshead and championing Suicide Prevention interventions in the Borough. The report also outlined services commissioned through Newcastle Gateshead CCG that are complimentary to the services provided by the Police.
The Committee received an update on: · Northumbria Police’s role in Suicide Prevention · Harm Reduction Units (HRU’s) · Street Triage · Negotiators · Voluntary Community Sector (VCS) role in Suicide Prevention – case example, Recovery College Collective (Re Co-co) · Complimentary Commissioned services through Newcastle Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) · Psychiatric Liaison Teams · Intensive Community Treatment Service (ICTS) · Crisis Home Treatment Team (CRHT), and · Crisis and Urgent Response Team
Drug Related Deaths Update Report of the Director of Public Health Minutes: The Committee received a report which provided an overview of drug-related deaths in Gateshead and the work of that is being undertaken to tackle these.
The local provider of substance misuse services, commissioned by the Council, is the Gateshead Recovery Partnership (with Change Grow Live – CGL – as the lead provider), which comprises three elements:
Clinical support service: including prescribing, screening, interface with other clinical services (e.g. mental health) and clinical governance Treatment and care: including keyworkers for all clients, to ensure coordinated care, psychosocial interventions, recovery coordination and safeguarding Recovery, abstinence and wellbeing: including relapse prevention, support networks, housing, education, employment or training, and work to ‘break the cycle’ of addiction.
2016-2018 saw a significant rise in the number of drug-related deaths (DRDs) in England, the North East and in Gateshead, with the North East having a notably higher rate of such deaths than all other English regions. This national trend began in 2012. Each life lost is a tragedy, with a profound and lasting impact on families and communities.
The Committee were advised that preventing DRDs has always been a priority for the Council and its partners, and over recent years we have implemented new initiatives and ways of working which have helped save lives. The Committee were advised that the definition of DRD only covers those deaths where the underlying cause is poisoning, drug abuse or drug dependence and where any of the substances are controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) (this also includes Novel Psychoactive Substances). It does not include those individuals who may misuse drugs but die prematurely from physical health conditions or suicide.
In 2012, there were 6 DRDs in Gateshead. This figure increased steadily to 19 deaths in 2016, before falling back to 12 in 2017. However, in 2018 there were 34 DRDs, and the provisional figure for 2019 is 25. These are local figures based on notifications from the Coroner.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) publishes a standardised rate of deaths (per 100,000) from drug misuse for 3-year rolling periods. These figures are for deaths registered, rather than deaths occurring in, in calendar year. Recently released data give the rate of deaths for Gateshead in 2016-18 as 10.1 per 100,000. This was a 24.7% increase on the rate for 2015-17 and represents the highest ever recorded rate in Gateshead and the highest number of deaths.
The Gateshead DRD rate is higher that that for the North East, but the difference is not statistically significant. Furthermore, the Gateshead rate (and the North East rate) is significantly worse than the England rate of 4.5 per 100,000. Gateshead has the 5th highest rate of deaths of all local authorities in England.
The Committee were advised that the increase in deaths experienced in Gateshead and the North East since 2012 has been seen across the country. There are many factors of significance in the increase. Firstly, heroin and other opioids are the most common substance involved in deaths, and since 2012 ... view the full minutes text for item CHW169 |
Health & Wellbeing Board Progress Update Report of the Strategic Director, Children, Adults and Families Minutes: The Committee received a report providing an update on the work of the Gateshead Health and Wellbeing Board for the six-month period April – September 2019.
The following key issues considered by the Health and Wellbeing Board were outlined as follows:-
· Health & Wellbeing Strategy Refresh · Integrating Health & Care in Gateshead · Early Help Services · Transforming Care: Older Persons Care Home Model · Development of Primary Care Networks in Gateshead · Healthwatch Gateshead – Update on Priorities and Research Work · Assurance/Performance Management, which included - Safeguarding Adults & Children; Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB); Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) and Better Care Fund
Other issues also considered by the Health and Wellbeing Board included: · Air Quality Update · Climate Change Motion · Deciding Together, Delivering Together · Achieving Change Together (ACT) and · CAMHS New Structure
Annual Work Programme Joint Report of the Chief Executive and Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received the provisional work programme for the municipal year 2019-20.
It was noted that the work programme was endorsed at the meeting on 23 April 2019 and councillors agreed that further reports will be brought to future meetings to highlight current issues/identify any changes/additions to this programme.
Appendix 1 (appended to the main report) set out the work programme as it currently stood and highlighted proposed changes to the work programme.