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No. | Item | ||||
The Committee is asked to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held 4 September 2024.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 4 September 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Declarations of Interest Members to declare interests in any agenda items
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Planning Applications PDF 66 KB Report of the Service Director, Climate Change, Compliance, Planning & Transport Additional documents: Minutes:
No.1 - Land Between Queen Victoria Street Allotments and Wynn Gardens PDF 267 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Application: DC/24/00670/FUL Address: Land between Queen Victoria Street Allotments and Wynn Gardens Applicant: Mrs Louise Wilson
Proposal: Variation of conditions 1, 7, 15, 16, 20, 21, 29 and 30 of application reference DC/23/01045/FUL (Proposed erection of 20 self-contained, one - bedroom apartments (Use Class C3) to provide supported housing, including dedicated space for support work, external landscaping and associated works (amended/additional information received 12/01/23, 16/01/24, 18/01/24, 19/01/24, 25/01/24,02/02/24, 06/02/24, 08/02/24 and 15/02/24). Amendments required to address existing slope instability issues identified during detailed site investigation works and include for revised landscape proposals, boundary treatments and associated ecology, arboricultural, drainage, construction, and management plans.
Speakers and details of any additional information submitted:
An update report was provided to the Committee on the 1st October 2024.
Cllr A Wintcher spoke as a Ward Councillor against the application.
Ian Vaughan spoke against the application.
Neil Harbron spoke against the application.
Louise Wilson spoke in favour of the application.
Ian Prescott spoke in favour of the application.
That permission be GRANTED subject to the following condition(s) and that the Service Director of Climate Change, Compliance, Planning and Transport be authorised to add, vary and amend the planning conditions as necessary
Location Plan - (2-)001 P04 Existing Site - (2-)002 P03 Proposed Site - (2-)003 P11 Ownership Plan - (2)004 P02 Proposed Boundary Treatment - (2)005 P03 Proposed GF - (2-)010 P05 Proposed FF - (2-)011 P05 Proposed Roof - (2-)012 P04 Planting Plan - VEC474.02v5 NDSS Layout: Type 1 - (2-)013 P02 NDSS Layout: Type 1A - (2-)014 P02 NDSS Layout: Type 2 - (2-)015 P02 NDSS Layout: Type 3 - (2-)016 P02 Proposed Elevations - (2-)020 P06 Proposed Elevations - (2-)021 P04 Proposed Site Section - (2-)030 P05 Proposed Site Section B - (2-)031 P03 Proposed Site Section C - (2-)032 P03
Design and Access Statement - Nov 2023 Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Method Statement for Trees on Land Adjacent to Portland Street, Pelaw - All About Trees AIA and AMS - Existing Site Plan AIA and AMS - Tree Protection Plan Transport Statement NDSS and Part M Statement Affordable Housing Statement Planning Statement S170919 Phase 1 Desk Study Queen Victoria Street, Gateshead Queen Victoria St SI Report amended may 2018 Ph II Geo-Environmental Site Assessment - 23-1806-r01/RevB 23-1806-lr1 Portland St Cover System Addendum Statement – 15 August 2024 SK05- Soil Depth Areas Gas Verification Strategy - 23-1806-REM Planting Plan - VEC474.02 V5 24221 EA v1 Ecological Appraisal 24221 BNG v5.pdf Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment 24221 BNG v5.xlsm Biodiversity Net Gain Metric 24221 HMMP v5 Tyne Housing Statement - Construction Management Plan - July2024 Daylight and Sunlight Report - February 2024 Flood Risk Assessment & Drainage Strategy, Portland Consulting, ref 2023056, Rev D, July 2024 Impermeable Areas, 000-01-C SuDs Details, 000-02-D Construction Phase Drainage Plan, 000-03-E External Levels, 003-C Drainage Layout, 010-F Field Drain Calculations 28.05.24 SW Calcs - 28.05.24 (Micro Drainage) Road Coring Works ... view the full minutes text for item PD30 |
No.2 - Land off Eastern Avenue Gateshead PDF 296 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Application: DC/24/00200/FUL Address: Land off Eastern Avenue Gateshead, Low Fell Applicant: AWH Homes Ltd
Proposal: Erection of 13 dwellings with associated infrastructure, landscaping and parking
An update report was provided to the Committee on the 1st October 2024.
Freya Horsefield spoke against the application.
Stephen Litherland spoke in favour of the application.
That permission be REFUSED for the following reason(s) and that the Service Director of Climate Change, Compliance, Planning and Transport be authorised to add, vary and amend the refusal reasons as necessary:
2. The proposed development, by virtue of overdevelopment of a constrained site, lack of private amenity space provision proportionate to the scale of dwellings proposed, absence of quality green infrastructure and open space provision, dense development form and poor reference to its immediate historic setting at the edge of a protected area represents poor design contrary to the objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework, S.72 of the 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act, and policies CS15, MSGP17, MSGP24, MSGP25, MSGP36 and MSGP40 of the Local Plan for Gateshead.
3. The proposed development, by virtue of its layout, and overdevelopment of the site, fails to demonstrate how the biodiversity mitigation hierarchy, as required by paragraph 186 (a) of the National Planning Policy Framework, has been considered and implemented in the design of the development.
The submitted Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) fails to provide an accurate representation of habits present on site immediately prior to habitat degradation activities were undertaken. In addition, the PEA fails to assess the impacts of the development proposals on the ecological connectivity and functionality of the designated Wildlife Corridor, within which the site is located. Consequently, the submitted Biodiversity Impact Assessment (which relies on the baseline survey information from the submitted PEA) does not include an accurate assessment of the baseline habitat types and conditions, nor does it allocate the appropriate ‘Strategic Significance’ score to the habitat parcels. As a result, it has not been possible for the Local Planning Authority to be satisfied that the development would comply with the National Planning Policy Framework, ODPM Circular 06/2005: Biodiversity and Geological Conservation, and policies CS18 and MSGP37 of the Local Plan for Gateshead.
4. Insufficient information has been provided to demonstrate the impact of noise and vibration from the existing railway line on the living conditions of occupiers of the proposed development or existing residential occupiers. Without the details of appropriate mitigation measures, it is not possible to establish whether the development can comply with the aims and requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework and policies CS14, MSGP17 and MSGP18 of the Local Plan for Gateshead.
5. Insufficient information has been submitted to demonstrate that the proposed development can be satisfactorily accommodated without being affected by flood risk or increasing flood risk elsewhere ... view the full minutes text for item PD30a |
No.3 - Ouston Farms Ltd, Whickham, NE11 0HQ PDF 237 KB Minutes: Application: DC/23/01100/FUL Address: Ouston Farms Ltd, Trench Hall Farm, NE11 0HQ Applicant: Mr Tina Gough
Proposal: Construction of two dwellings beneath partially retained Dutch Barns, including the conversion of a pigpen/slaughterhouse into living accommodation for one of the dwellings and the creation of private gardens and parking areas (amended description 09.08.2024 and amended plans received 01.08.2024).
Speakers and details of any additional information submitted:
A verbal update was provided to the Committee that an additional four letters of support has been received.
Councillor Wallce spoke in favour of the application.
Clare Grundy spoke in favour of the application.
That permission be REFUSED for the following reason(s) and that the Service Director of Climate Change, Compliance, Planning and Transport be authorised to add, vary and amend the refusal reasons as necessary
1. The site is included within a Conservation Area that is designated as being Heritage at Risk. The site is also within a non-designated locally listed Park and Garden of special interest. The introduction of housing in this distinctively and long-established farming section of the estate is alien and harmful to the character and appearance of the area. Furthermore, the proposal would see the introduction of dwellings in the open barn structures that would be alien to and cause less than substantial harm to the significance of the heritage assets. No public benefit has been put forward to outweigh this harm and therefore the proposal is considered to be contrary to local planning policies MSGP24, MSGP25 and MSGP26 and the National Planning Policy Framework on design and heritage impact grounds.
2. Insufficient information, in the form of noise and odour impact assessment, has been provided. Without such assessments it cannot be demonstrated that the proposal for new dwellings within a working farm would not cause an adverse impact on the residential amenity of the intended occupants. The proposal therefore fails to accord with residential amenity and noise policies MSGP17 and MSGP18 of the Local Plan and the NPPF.
3. The proposed development, which would be in close proximity to a working farm, has the potential for conflict between residential and agricultural traffic with safe access for all users not being demonstrated. The site is accessed by a poor access road that does not accommodate two-way traffic and there are no footways from the adopted highway to the site and no street lighting. Furthermore, the site would be located well away from any public transport links meaning there is no sustainable travel opportunities. The proposal is therefore unacceptable on transport and highway safety grounds due to a failure to comply with policy MSGP15 of the Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.
No.4 - 9 Riverside Way, Rowlands Gill, NE39 1EJ PDF 189 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Application: DC/24/00466/COU Address: 9 Riverside Way, Rowlands Gill, NE39 1EJ Applicant: Joanne Burke
Proposal: Change of use of residential dwelling (use class C3) to children's home (use class C2).
Speakers and details of any additional information submitted:
An update report was provided to the Committee on the 1st October 2024.
David Collins spoke against the application.
Alexander Frankline spoke in favour of the application.
Dhiraj Rijhwani spoke in favour of the application.
That Planning Permission is GRANTED subject to the following conditions:
Existing and Proposed Site Plan revision B Proposed Ground Floor Plan and Proposed Elevations Amended Management Plan (received 12.09.2024) Location Plan Home and Surrounding area risk assessment Application form
Any material change to the approved plans will require a formal planning application to vary this condition and any non-material change to the plans will require the submission of details and the agreement in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to any non-material change being made.
Any change to the management plan will require a revised plan to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
No.5 - Woodside Lodge, Woodside Lane, Ryton, NE40 4SX PDF 172 KB Minutes: Application: DC/24/00466/COU Address: 9 Riverside Way, Rowlands Gill, NE39 1EJ Applicant: Joanne Burke
Proposal: Change of use of residential dwelling (use class C3) to children's home (use class C2).
Speakers and details of any additional information submitted:
There were no speakers.
That permission be GRANTED subject to the following condition(s) and that the Service Director of Climate Change, Compliance, Planning and Transport be authorised to add, vary and amend the planning conditions as necessary.
NB24_06/01A Site Location Plan NB24_06/02C Proposed Site Plan NB24_06/04 Proposed Ground Floor Plan/ Elevations 24-078/TK04 Site Access Swept Path Analysis
Any material change to the approved plans will require a formal planning application to vary this condition and any non-material change to the plans will require the submission of details and the agreement in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to any non-material change being made.
2. The development to which this permission relates must be commenced not later than 3 years from the date of this permission.
3. The property shall be used solely as a children’s home under Use Class C2 (residential institutions) of the Use Classes Order 1987 (as amended) with a maximum occupancy of no more than one child at any one time.
4. The children’s care home hereby approved shall operate in full accordance with the details set out in the Site Specific Management Plan (received 13th September 2024). This includes details of staff/visitor numbers, shift patterns and visiting hours.
Any change to the management plan will require a revised plan to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
5. Prior to the first use of the premises, secure and weatherproof cycle storage with the capacity to store two bicycles, shall be provided on site and thereafter permanently retained.
6. The electric vehicle charging point shown on plan number NB24_06/02C (Proposed Site Plan) shall be installed prior to the first use of the premises. The electric vehicle charging point shall be maintained and retained thereafter for the lifetime of the development.
Enforcement Team Activity PDF 111 KB Report of the Service Director, Climate Change, Compliance, Planning & Transport
Minutes: The Committee received a report advising them of the Enforcement activity between 21st August 2024 and 23rd September 2024.
The Enforcement Team has received 224 new service requests, 649 cases under investigation. 220 resolved cases and 3 pending prosecution.
There was no court case during this period.
i. That the information be noted.
Report of the Service Director, Climate Change, Compliance, Planning & Transport
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report that informed of the progress of enforcement action previously authorised by the Committee.
i. That the information be noted.
Planning Enforcement Appeals PDF 86 KB Report of the Service Director, Climate Change, Compliance, Planning & Transport
Minutes: The Committee received a report advising them on new appeals against enforcement action received and to report the decisions of the planning inspectorate received during the report period.
There have been no new appeal received since an update was provided to the Committee.
There has been one new appeal decision since the last Committee.
i. That the information be noted.
Report of the Service Director, Climate Change, Compliance, Planning & Transport
Minutes: The Committee received a report advising them of new appeals received and to report the decision of the Secretary of State received during the reporting period.
There has been two new appeals received since the last Committee.
There has been no new appeal decisions since the last Committee.
There have been no new cost decisions received since the last Committee.
i. That the information be noted.
Planning Obligations PDF 259 KB Report of the Service Director, Climate Change, Compliance, Planning & Transport
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report advising them of completion of Planning Obligations which have previously been authorised.
There has been one new planning obligations since the last Committee.
i. That the information be noted.