Issue - meetings

Construction contracts for swimming pool energy projects

Meeting: 17/12/2024 - Cabinet (Item 261)

261 Construction contracts for swimming pool energy projects pdf icon PDF 192 KB

Report of the Interim Strategic Director, Economy, Innovation and Growth


Consideration was given to the approval to award construction contracts up to a value of £3.736m to Equans Regenerations Ltd to complete installations of heat pumps and solar PV systems at Dunston and Blaydon leisure centres.


(i)               Cabinet noted the progress to date, and the remaining risks and reasons, in taking this project forward to construction at this time

(ii)              Cabinet approved the award of construction contracts up to a value of £3.736m to Equans Regeneration Limited for heat pump and solar PV installations at Dunston Leisure Centre and Blaydon Leisure and Primary Care Centre

The above decision was made for the following reasons:

(i)               To improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions of the swimming pools in question

(ii)              To support the future viability of swimming pools in Gateshead

(iii)            To support the Council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan to achieve net zero emissions by 2030