Issue - meetings

Digital transformation for VCSE and its beneficiaries

Meeting: 14/09/2021 - Cabinet (Item 65)

Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Digital Support Fund

Report of the Strategic Director, Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities and Director of Public Health



Consideration has been given to the creation of a Voluntary and Community Enterprise (VCSE) Digital Support Fund, which will provide the opportunity for digital transformation for VCSE agencies and their beneficiaries.






That the creation of a VCSE Digital Support Fund for Gateshead VCSE agencies as set out in the report be approved.






That an allocation of the amount set out in the report for VCSE work force development, from which a grant of the amount set out in the report be given to Connected Voice, to create a workforce development plan and the remainder of the allocation for the procurement of training providers be approved.




The above decisions have been made for the following reasons:






Gateshead has a long history of recognising the significant contribution of the VCSE in delivering many benefits for Gateshead people; enabling VCSE activity is key to maximising the collective impact for the benefit of Gateshead residents.






The digital transformation of VCSE agencies and their beneficiaries supports many of the Council’s policy objectives.






This proposal has been developed in consultation with Connected Voice and builds on intelligence they gathered during a recent Digital Sprint.






The coronavirus pandemic has intensified the digital divide for our residents and for some of our VCSE agencies.  If we do not address this there’s a risk some agencies will be left behind and unable to reach their full potential both in terms of their organisational growth and sustainability but also reducing their impact in the very communities we seek to support.