Agenda item

Serious Violence and Domestic Homicide Progress Update

Report of Strategic Director Communities and Environment and


Presentations by:-


Superintendent Nicola Musgrove, Central Area Command


Mark Cheetham – Independent Domestic Violence Advisor Service


Julie Crichton – Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub


Denise Lloyd – Multi Agency Tasking and Co-ordination, Northumbria Police



The Committee received a report providing an update in relation to the ongoing Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHR) as well as details of a project being carried out in conjunction with the Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital to improve support provisions within healthcare settings for victims of domestic abuse.


The project will initially last for three years, starting in July 2017,and is funded by PCC, Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Community Safety – and involves a full-time specialist Domestic Abuse Advocate being located within Queen Elizabeth Hospital in the Adult Safeguarding Team.


The Advocate will be the single point of contact for domestic abuse within the hospital setting and will be available to support staff  (through providing specialist advice and guidance) during peak times for domestic abuse presentations (with evidence showing presentations are higher late evening through to early morning during weekend periods)


The Advocate will be expected to deliver tailored training to hospital staff and GPs (based within the walk in centre) to increase understanding and signs of domestic abuse so that practitioners are better equipped to be able to identify, respond to and help prevent further abuse through earlier intervention, support and referring patients to the right services (e.g. substance misuse and mental health). It is hoped this will translate directly into increased referrals from GPs and health professionals across the Borough to domestic abuse services.


It is envisaged that the Advocate will hold a small caseload and will be the expert/single point of contact in the hospital for all domestic abuse issues and is responsible for referring patients, and attending the Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference held on a fortnightly basis to discuss actions to support high-risk victims. They will also be expected to make referrals into the MASH and IDVVS as necessary, as well as sharing appropriate information with the local Neighbourhood Policing Teams and Multi-Agency Tasking and Co-ordination Groups to ensure that joined-up actions can take place to protect clients.


The project aims to upskill every single member of staff based in A&E, Gynecology and Midwifery departments to be more effective in recognising the signs of an abusive relationship and to provide suitable advice, guidance and support to improve the quality of life for patients experiencing domestic abuse. Although it is difficult to quantify the total number of patients that will benefit from the project, throughout its lifetime – it is likely to be hundreds of individuals will be supported (particularly if based on national estimates that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men experience some form of domestic abuse throughout their lives).


Further updates will be provided to Community Safety Board and Overview and Scrutiny Committee outlining the progress and outcomes achieved throughout the next 12 months.


The Committee also received presentations on issues surrounding serious violence from Superintendent Nicola Musgrove of Central Area Command.


Mark Cheetham, Independent Domestic Violence Advisor Service


Julie Crichton, Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub and


Denise Lloyd, Multi Agency Tasking and Co-ordination, Northumbria Police


RESOLVED -  that the information be noted.


Supporting documents: